My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 142: 1 carry gun

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"The sea clan is sending troops on a large scale and is attacking the borders of the Eastern Region and the Endless Sea." Jiang Fan said the news with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Lu Yi raised his eyebrows. On the continent of Tianming, the human race and the demon race dominated, but in the endless sea, it was the world of the sea race.

Since ancient times, the three clans have been fighting endlessly, and the battle has been broken.

After countless wars, the relationship between the human race and the demon race is now much more harmonious than before, and it can be regarded as peaceful.

The same is true of the Hehai Clan. The Sea Clan now lives in the Endless Sea, rarely setting foot on land, and most of them exist in the island area of ​​the Endless Sea.

Lu Yi did not expect that the Sea Clan would suddenly attack the Eastern Region on a large scale.

Surprised, he asked, "Why is this happening?"

The three of Jiang Fan looked at each other and shook their heads.

"We don't know what the reason is, but we just learned that it seems that the sea clan first attacked a powerful sect in the endless sea, destroyed that sect, and then attacked other sects one after another, even the Mahayana monks. They were all dispatched and sank many islands." Jiang Fan said.

Lu Yi was stunned: "The sea clan took the initiative? Are you trying to provoke a war?"

"I don't know. There are battles everywhere in the endless sea now, and almost every place is a battlefield. The sects there have made a real fire, and now they are united to fight against the sea clan." Tie Man scratched his head and said. road.

"Fortunately, we were about to come back, and the great masters of the sea clan are crazy. I heard that there is a great master of the sea clan in the Mahayana realm and even reckless, destroying a coastal ancient city with one palm, and all the millions of people in the ancient city were wiped out. ." Bai Yulong said and fought a cold war.

Lu Yi's face was weird, which was outrageous. Generally speaking, no matter how much cultivator fights, they seldom deliberately destroy the city. After all, both sides have big cities and great powers.

Come here today, I'll come here tomorrow, well, everyone below is dead, so why are you playing a fart?

The power of the sea clan is so reckless, it is really crazy.

Lu Yi originally planned to go to the endless sea in the Eastern Region to look for the misty island in a while, but now he silently pushed the time back.

The great master of Mahayana did not reckon with the consequences, and Lu Yi didn't want to run over and kill him now.

"Fortunately, we originally planned to come back, but now there is turmoil over there, so we ran back." Jiang Fan was also somewhat anxious.

After all, any cultivator will feel guilty when he hears that the Great Master of Mahayana kills mortals and weak cultivators recklessly.

Lu Yi said with a smile, "After the three senior brothers come back, let's take a good time in seclusion."

"We think so too." Jiang Fan smiled.

Afterwards, he took out two transparent fruits with sword intent flowing, and handed them to Lu Yi, smiling: "This is the sword essence fruit we obtained from the misty island, it may be useful to you, Junior Brother, so I will bring it back for you. already."

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, but he didn't expect the three of them to bring back the treasures of heaven and earth for him.

Jian Yuanguo is similar to other Taoist spirit fruits, and it is also extremely precious. Even the cultivators will fight for it. The three of them give him two, which is considered a heart.

Bai Yulong smiled and said, "Junior brother has given us too many things. If it weren't for the treasures from heaven and earth that junior brother gave us, we would have died. What we can give is only this. Junior brother, you must accept it!"

Lu Yi thought about it for a while and put it away. Although it was not very useful, it was a little bit of a boost to his understanding of the field of kendo. Anything is better than nothing.

And after all, this is the intention of the three people, it is not good for Lu Yi not to accept it.

Lu Yi smiled: "These days, I also obtained some cultivation resources by chance."

Lu Yi took out some spiritual milk for the three of them to practice.

The three of them were still refusing at first, but after hearing Lu Yi said that he was using the spirit essence, the three of them broke the defense on the spot, and there was no love for them.

The resources that he obtained from birth and death are not as good as Lu Yi's repeated coincidences. Who is to make sense of this?

The three no longer refused and accepted it.

"Since I'm back, let's learn from each other and let me try to see how the three senior brothers are now." Lu Yi said this with a smile.

Even Jian Yuanguo, in Lu Yi's opinion, is not as precious as the sparring task of these three brothers.

Now that the three of them have mastered the artistic conception, Lu Yi released the task of learning from each other, and the task reward also has the artistic conception.

Senior Brother Jiang Fan is the artistic conception of water, while Senior Brother Bai Yulong is the artistic conception of wind, and Senior Brother Tieman is the artistic conception of earth.

Every time you learn from each other, you can improve your mood and feel good.

The three of them are naturally willing to discuss with Lu Yi. After all, Lu Yi's cultivation realm and strength are there, and it will benefit the three of them to discuss with him.

So, Lu Yi grabbed the three of them and ravaged them all afternoon, improving the artistic conception of water a little, and at the same time successfully comprehending the artistic conception of wind and earth, and obtained some souls of a hundred years, only then did they release the exhausted three people happily. .

Just a few days later, the news that the sea clan started a war on the border of the Eastern Region came.

The monks in the inland of the Eastern Region were extremely surprised. After all, the Hai Clan was very low-key now, and they actually started a war on their own initiative, and they were still fighting to the death as soon as they hit, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Many cultivators are looking at the seaside of the Eastern Region at the moment, and they all speculate why the sea clan suddenly started a war.

Of course, although the sea clan war is fierce now, the main battle area is still concentrated in the coastal area. Qingzhou is far away from the East China Sea. Lu Yi was just surprised, and then he continued to practice.

A few days later, Yunxi came.

"It seems that it has only been over a month since we last met. Yunxi, why did you come to Baiyunzong so soon this time?" Lu Yi was a little surprised when he saw Yunxi at the door.

Yun Xi tilted her head and thought for a while, then calmly explained the facts: "Because I miss you."

Lu Yi: "…"

He admitted that his heart beat a little faster.

For other women, there may be some unspeakable love words, but Yun Xi really comes out with her mouth open. She has always been straightforward, saying whatever comes to her mind.

This kind of words, at least my junior sister can't say it, if it were her, she would probably say, 'This young lady is just here to see, what's the matter? ’

Lu Yi's mind had a sense of picture.

As soon as he had a sense of the picture, a thunder light swept across the sky and landed in front of the two of them.

Donggong Mingyue put her hands on her hips, with an unbelievable look on her pretty face, staring at those **** and white eyes: "Yunxi! It's only been forty-two days since you last came to Baiyun Sect! Why are you here again?"

Yunxi waved at Donggong Mingyue, as if she didn't notice Donggong Mingyue's unwelcome look at all, and said softly, "It turned out to be younger sister Mingyue. Because I miss Lu Yi a little."

Donggong Mingyue's expression suddenly stiffened, and she didn't even respond when Yunxi called her sister. If it was normal, she would definitely bark like a blown-up kitten: "Who is your sister?"

It's just that Yun Xi's ball was too straight, and suddenly it hit Donggong Mingyue's face, making her unable to react.

Lu Yi saw Donggong Mingyue froze in place, like a delicate doll, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and wanted to laugh.

Every time my junior sister quarrels with Yun Xi, she never wins, but she never tires of it.

As for why Yunxi arrived, Donggong Mingyue came over.

That's because Donggong Mingyue placed eyeliner under Lingluo Peak. As long as Yunxi came up, someone would notify her. After all, Donggong Mingyue, as the direct disciple of Lingluo Peak's direct disciple, was extremely talented, and some people were willing to do things for her.

So every time Yunxi arrives, Donggong Mingyue will definitely arrive, and then fry her hair at Yunxi, which is somewhat similar to a small animal with a strong sense of territory.

Donggong Mingyue had been against Yunxi for six years, and she was somewhat resistant. She glared at her and said angrily, " are really shameless!"

Yun Xi was a little puzzled: "I just miss Lu Yi, why should I be shy?"

Donggong Mingyue opened her mouth, her pretty face was slightly red, and she was speechless: "Just...that's..."

Lu Yi looked at Donggong Mingyue with almost zero combat power, and felt helpless.

If possible, he hoped that the three of them could get along in harmony, but he did not expect that the two would quarrel every time they met.

It would be great if there was any way to make their relationship better.

At this moment, Lu Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

In my previous life, the three major irons in life were carrying guns together, whoring prostitutes together, and sharing the spoils together.

The latter two are not good.

But carrying guns together seems to do the trick.

As long as we go through fierce battles together, the relationship will always improve, right?

Lu Yi thought in his heart to find some opponents for them.

Then, Lu Yi suddenly thought of something.

That is, the Blood Spirit Sect and the Serpent Sect are still there.

Lu Yi felt that he was quite a vengeful person. He would remember those who were good to him and those who were not good to him in a small notebook.

Lu Yi has never forgotten that when he was at the Donglin Ancient Ruins, the Blood Spirit Religion and Tian Snake Sect sent Zongmen Tianjiao to besiege him, and then attacked Baiyunzong in order to kill him, causing the deaths of many brothers and sisters in the Zongmen. .

Although there are other sects to join later, but these two sects are the worst!

Especially the Blood Spirit Religion, Lu Yi himself does not like the Blood Spirit Religion monks who absorb blood essence and cultivate, not to mention that they want to surround and kill themselves!

With Lu Yi's current strength, he can take revenge.

Lu Yi said to himself in his heart, "I want to destroy the Blood Spirit Religion."


Destroy the Blood Spirit Cult

Reward: Fusion Realm Spell "Earthquake Seal"

Whether to accept the task: yes/no

When he saw the quest reward, Lu Yi was stunned and a little surprised.

The mission reward is higher than he imagined.

Just destroying a sect whose highest cultivation is only in the realm of gods, how can it actually reward the spells in the realm of fusion?

You know, even now, Lu Yi has no spells in the realm of fusion, except for the Inextinguishable Sword Sutra he has cultivated. This is the first one.

Lu Yi was a little surprised, isn't the reward given by destroying a sect based on the strength of the highest-level cultivator?

Lu Yi didn't have too many doubts, looked at the two who were still arguing, and showed a gentle smile: "Junior sister, Yun Xi, I have something I want to tell you."

Donggong Mingyue glared at Yunxi and looked at Lu Yi: "Senior brother, what's the matter?"

Yun Xi was also curious to see Lu Yi.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "You have been cultivating in the sect these days, and it seems that you have never experienced a battle of life and death, right? You have not experienced a battle, even if your strength is achieved, you may not be able to fully exert it. I plan to take you to fight for a while. Fan."

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Hearing this, Yunxi and Donggong Mingyue were a little surprised.

Donggong Mingyue asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

Lu Yi smiled: "Don't worry, go to Senior Sister first and let's go together."

Hearing Lu Yi say 'Everyone', Donggong Mingyue wrinkled her little nose and didn't say much, just squinted at Yun Xi.

Yunxi's expression was calm, and she didn't care at all, she nodded: "Okay."

The three came to Liu Ningshuang's cave, and Lu Yi called out, "Senior sister, are you free now?"

Soon, the door of Liu Ningshuang's cave opened, and Liu Ningshuang came out with a cold temperament in a white dress.

Seeing that Lu Yi and the others were there, she glanced at Yun Xi and said nothing. She looked at Lu Yi, smiled lightly, and asked, "Junior Brother, what's the matter?"

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Senior sister, are you interested in participating in a battle?"

Liu Ningshuang was stunned for a moment, glanced at Lu Yi, frowned and said: "Junior brother, the monks in the entire Eastern Region are probably staring at you now, do you want to go to the Eastern Region Seashore? It is dangerous, and I am afraid that there will be a great power against you secretly. "

Hearing this, Lu Yi understood that Liu Ningshuang was thinking differently.

He smiled and said, "Senior sister has been worrying too much, but I still know how to go back to the seaside?"

Liu Ningshuang breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled: "What is the big battle that Junior Brother said?"

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Blood Spirit Religion."

Hearing this, Liu Ningshuang raised her eyebrows, and a cold color appeared in her cold eyes, and said, "Of course you can go! It's just that I'm only one step away from becoming a god, and I need a battle to help me break through!"

Hearing this, Lu Yi was a little surprised, but then he felt normal.

When he was still in the Foundation Establishment realm, his senior sister was already a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it was almost time for a breakthrough.

According to the speed of cultivation, Senior Sister is no slower than him, the difference lies in Lu Yi's abyss-like foundation.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "That's even better."

On the side, Donggong Mingyue and Yunxi also got the location from Lu Yi's mouth.

Donggong Mingyue's expression was very excited, and she said murderously: "Go to the Blood Spirit Religion?! This young lady has long wanted to kill those evil cultivators!"

Yun Xi also nodded slightly: "The Blood Spirit Sect killed many sisters in our Wanhua Sect, and I want to avenge them."

Liu Ningshuang looked at Lu Yi and asked, "When will you leave?"

Lu Yi thought for a while and smiled, "Just tonight."

The three nodded.

The time soon came to night.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang left the White Cloud Sect quietly without disturbing others.

Even the four Lu Yi didn't tell anyone that they were going to the Blood Spirit Religion.

Although it has been six years, those great masters who have ideas about the Indestructible Sword Sutra have long since left, but no one knows whether any eyes and ears have entered the White Cloud Sect. thing.

Even after leaving the White Cloud Sect, Lu Yi took the Mengyun Jade Pendant with him to cover up the secret, and even the four of them used the transformation technique to change their appearance.

Lu Yi also handed the transformation technique to Liu Ningshuang and the three of them. After all, this secret technique is still very practical.

It is a pity for Lu Yi that the level of this transformation technique is a bit low. If there is a higher level transformation technique, it would be even better. Unfortunately, there is no such quest reward so far.

The four of them kept a low profile. After staying away from the White Cloud Sect, Lu Yi took out an unused flying treasure. It was a green leaf called the Green Leaf Boat.

The Green Leaf Boat was extremely fast, and the three of them soon came to the original territory of the Blood Spirit Religion.

Of course, this territory now belongs to the White Cloud Sect.

The Blood Spirit Religion is located in a valley abyss full of many cracks, surrounded by a wasteland, and there is a trace of blood wafting on the ground.

These are the blood spirits left by the Blood Spirit Religion when they condensed the blood essence here. Even though this place is still a certain distance from the sect of the Blood Spirit Religion, and the Blood Spirit Religion has been closed for nearly twenty years, it has not dissipated.

When they came to this land, both Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang frowned, Donggong Mingyue said with disgust, "What the Blood Spirit Sect did is disgusting! With such a strong blood energy, I don't know how many people died here. "

The green leaf boat seems to be the only vitality in this wasteland, passing a stream of light, passing through the sky, and moving towards the abyss.

Liu Ningshuang calmly looked at the deep and pitch-black abyss below, and said, "Below is the Blood Spirit Pope Sect."

Lu Yi nodded slightly, and with a thought, the green leaf boat disappeared, and the four Lu Yi stood in the air.

Lu Yi glanced at the pitch-black abyss with wisps of blood flowing, and said with a smile: "There is a large formation above the abyss, you follow me, we will go in together."

The three of Liu Ningshuang nodded, they all knew that Lu Yi had an extremely powerful formation realm.

The Blood Spirit Religion's sect-guarding formation is only in the Void Realm. For Lu Yi, there is no difficulty.

The four of them flew towards the abyss quietly, and soon, they saw a **** light covering the abyss.

Lu Yi was like a stroll in the courtyard, and led the three people into the **** light. Without disturbing the large formation, he easily passed through the **** light areas and came to the large formation of Protecting Sect.

After entering the Protectorate Array, Lu Yi could see the following scene clearly.

The abyss is an extremely huge empty burrow, and the burrow is full of buildings.

Pieces of buildings are like palaces, huge and exquisite, completely different from the desolate appearance outside.

However, even in the building complexes like the immortal towers of the Tiangong, there are still wisps of blood mist flowing, and the incomparably rich blood almost fills the entire space.

This made the four frown deeper.

Liu Ningshuang looked around, and in order not to disturb others, she said, "Junior Brother, what should we do?"

Lu Yi smiled and said through voice transmission: "This time, I will mainly bring you to experience. I'll take the lead. You can do it. Please cooperate with me to avoid accidents."

Lu Yi's purpose was to let the three of them carry a gun together to improve their relationship.

Of course, the quest reward of destroying the Blood Spirit Religion is also quite fragrant.

After saying this, Lu Yi spread his hands, and a white scroll appeared in his hand.

Lu Yi shook, and the picture scroll rose into the sky, like a sky, covering the entire Blood Spirit Pope Sect.

The picture scroll merged into the sky, and complex and mysterious patterns flashed in the sky.

A mid-grade spiritual tool, a sky formation diagram.

Lu Yi didn't intend to let the monks of the Blood Spirit Religion go.

As the sky formation map rose into the sky, the terrifying coercion dissipated, and the formation patterns flickered, as if the heavens were coming to dust, and the thunder was about to fall.

Lu Yi stood under the formation pattern and merged with the sky formation pattern. The white clothes were better than the snow, and the breath was like an abyss, as if a real fairy descended to the world.

Liu Ningshuang, Donggong Mingyue and Yunxi looked at Lu Yi, their eyes flashing, and their emotions were fluctuating.

Although they often discuss with Lu, this is the first time they have seen Lu Yi use such a powerful power.

This surprised them.

Boom boom boom!

The sky formation map unfolded, and the Blood Spirit Sect cultivator below naturally noticed it.

One after another terrifying Qi machine emerged, and a loud shout sounded: "There is a big enemy invading!


One after another silhouettes rose into the sky, and there were more than a dozen god-turning cultivators, hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators, as well as densely packed Jindan cultivators and foundation-building cultivators. form a gust of wind.

All the cultivators surrounded Lu Yi and the four of them felt like they were facing thousands of troops.

When Liu Ningshuang and the three saw this, their expressions were extremely solemn.

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