My Italian

Chapter 207: Fleet set sail

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

The news of the declaration of war between Italy and the Ottomans is currently regarded as the biggest news in Europe. For the war between the two countries, many countries have made predictions, and most of them are inclined to win in Italy.

Because in any case, Italy is one of the great powers. As for the Ottoman Empire, it was kicked out after the tenth Turkish-Russian War.

Of course, these predictions are just watching flowers from the other side, and only the two countries know in their hearts how to do it.

However, for the Italian government, the declaration of war is not as important as it thinks, because its preparations are basically complete.

Although it is a bit rushed, but fortunately, the efficiency is very good now, and it is basically completed for Italy to prepare for the war. At present, all materials are basically ready, and after the declaration of war, as the most powerful military service in Italy, the navy will undertake the first wave of strike force.

Taranto is located in the Puglia region, and its location is in the Taranto Bay of the Ionian Sea. It is an important port city in southeastern Italy and a distribution center for agricultural products in the southeast of the Apennine Peninsula. Of course, Taranto is more famous for its status as a military port. The port is one of the three main ports of the Italian Navy and the most important one in terms of location.

Thanks to the excellent water depth of the port and the good sheltered environment, the warships prepared for the war by the navy this time are basically gathered here.

From the latest three Turin-class battleships, to the two Dorio-class Dorio and Dandolo, as well as the three improved-class Lepanto, Francisco Morosini and Italia , the total tonnage of these warships alone has reached 110,000 tons, which can be said to have gathered the strongest battleship formation in Italy.

The heaviest of these eight battleships is not the three Turin-class, but the Lepanto, which has a standard displacement of 16,154 tons and a full load of 17,670 tons. It can be said to be the largest warship in Italy at present. The most powerful of this class is of course the 4 431mm main guns it is equipped with, but in addition to the main guns, its 152mm secondary guns are also different, ranging from 2 to 8.

However, this class has the same problem as its prototype Durio class. Since the main gun is located in the middle of the hull, the range of shooting at the rear is limited, and it is more of a broadside fire output. Therefore, its function is far less easy to use than the new Turin class, and the evaluation of officers and soldiers is the same.

Of course, in addition to the battleship formations, there are also huge cruiser formations gathered here, from the most advanced Venice reclassification to the cruisers with sails and steam engines. At the same time, the five rings and eight gates are dazzling, dazzling the eyes of the blind.

There is only one reason for this, that is, there are not many Italian cruisers, so as long as you can make do with it, after all, most of these cruisers are tasked with intercepting Ottoman merchant ships and cutting off their Mediterranean islands from Istanbul.

As for the Ottoman navy, as long as it dares to come out, then the two Venetians can be reclassified to let them know that you should have thrown away these rubbish. Although the Italian Navy also has a bunch of broken cruisers, but Italy has battleships that can be beaten, and your Ottomans have only broken ones.

However, these warships gathered in Taranto still have their own tasks, and the tasks of battleship formations are not at all different from cruisers.

Because this time Admiral Gorek, the Secretary of the Navy, came to Taranto in person to see off the naval fleet.

This action is related to whether the first shot in Italy can be shot well, so Admiral Golek did not dare to neglect it.

Seeing off the fleet this time made the old admiral excited. Many battleships here were built under his own supervision, especially the battleships, which were basically built by himself in the navy for more than ten years.

Of course, now that he is older, and in his 70s, he starts to think about retirement. But before that, he needs to leave a qualified successor for the Navy. As for who can become this person, it depends on the performance in this war.

Admiral Gorek didn't talk about these thoughts, because as long as they leaked out, it would break the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere under the navy. He absolutely did not want to see such a thing happen.

"Lieutenant General Yagier, this war is very important to our navy. I hope your Excellency can let the navy show our style in this battle, but not let the army monopolize the limelight."

Lieutenant Admiral Yagier in the mouth of Admiral Gorek, whose full name is Matteus Agier, joined the Sardinian Navy in 1853, and then performed very well in his many years of service, so Gorek The admiral listed him as one of his future successors.

"As you order, Your Excellency, you will see the heroic presence of the navy everywhere in the Mediterranean where it is needed."

Lieutenant General Yagier was also unequivocal, and almost patted his chest to promise.

And this operation is also an opportunity for him, because this time he will take a battleship formation to shell Albania and create an opportunity for the army to land. According to the Ottoman Empire's barren coastal fortifications in this area, this is completely without pressure. Even so, Lieutenant General Yagier will never be careless. If there is any accidental damage to his fleet, it will be lost. grown up.

Admiral Gorek then met with several other captains, including our Major Gomes and Lieutenant Colonel Lefer. It needs to be explained here that, unlike Major Gomes who commanded the Venice armored cruiser, Leifer, who had just been transferred back to the Navy from the Kingdom's adjutant, is now the captain of the Turin.

Don't look at the difference between the two, but basically everyone knows that Lieutenant Colonel Lefer, who has been the king's adjutant, has a brighter future. If nothing else, even in the military rank, they all show a difference.

The battleships commanded by the other two are also Although the armored cruisers commanded by Gomes are also the main battleships in the Navy's favor, the new battleships commanded by Leifer are the favorites of the Navy.

To know that someone like Leifer can become a lieutenant colonel in his early thirties and can command the latest battleships of the Navy, his goal can only be one, to become a strong contender for the Minister of the Navy. No matter how bad it is, in the future, it will also be a role like the commander of the Grand Fleet.

As for Gomes, he is one step behind Leifer, and the future development direction will see whether there are good opportunities. Of course they are lucky compared to others.

I didn't see that Admiral Gorek, the Minister of the Navy, said a few words too deliberately when shaking hands with the two. This is the problem of the difference in treatment.

But no matter what, everything needs military merit to speak, and in this war with the Ottomans, they will each rely on their abilities.

After the meeting with Admiral Gorek, the commanders of the navy returned to their warships one after another, and then under the orders of their respective commanders, they pulled anchor and set sail and rushed to their respective battlefields.

As the most conspicuous battleship formation, it sailed all the way to the east, towards the other side of the sea.

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