My Italian

Chapter 223: Battle of Crete (Part 2)

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The battle on Crete continued, but despite the guidance of the Leading Party, the resistance of the defenders did not diminish at all. These Aussie officers and soldiers with round caps are simply about to coexist and die with the position. Let the attacking Praetorian Guards and Marines worry a lot.

In fact, as long as the discerning eye can see, the Ottoman defenders can't resist for long.

Because the time and place are right and people are not on their side, defeat is a matter of time.

But the Ottoman army just didn't know what to do, and there must be a conditional surrender. Their only rule is to ensure the safety of their lives and property. The safety of life can be said, but the safety of property cannot be guaranteed in Italy.

It's not that Italy must want their property, but the Cretans, who are about to become independent, don't want the Ottomans to leave with their property.

Because a lot of the property of these people was looted from Crete, which is the ointment of the people of Crete, and the Ottomans must spit it out.

So how much are these properties?

Take Lieutenant General Mukhtan, the commander of the island as an example. He currently owns 2.6-3.1 million Ottoman liras in Crete. As for other officers at all levels, their properties vary according to their positions, but they are at least the same. 50,000 lire starts. The highest owner of property is the Governor of Crete, Edisi, who owns 6-8 million Ottoman liras.

According to Cretan estimates, these Ottomans owned no less than five million pounds.

Well, since the Cretans demanded so strongly, the Italian army as the liberators naturally could not dismiss the request of the other party.

One might ask, why did the Ottomans leave behind so much property, shouldn't they have moved it as soon as the war broke out?

The person asking this is obviously not clear about the composition of his property, and most of his holdings are real estate of various kinds. For example, houses, estates, mines, or shares in factories and workshops, how can this be removed.

Moreover, it is not enough to sell at a low price, because the Italians only gave them more than ten days from the declaration of war to the landing on the island. And who will buy these from them after the war breaks out, it is not very likely that they will lose their money.

So in order to protect their property, the local Ottoman army will desperately resist. After all, the old saying is good, people die for food and birds die, and the ancients did not deceive me.

However, from the point of view of General Grove, who was in command of this battle, these Ottomans were all out of money, and they were completely caring for their money and their lives.

Of course, if General Grove did not discuss with Solari of Crete and others on how to distribute the wealth, then his words would be more credible.

After a while, Hibbock and the people on Crete walked into General Grove's headquarters.

Hibbock is now acting as a bridge between Italy and the Cretans. Basically, if you have any requirements, you can just ask him. The previous task of finding a leader was given by General Grove to him. The effect was very good, and the officers and soldiers on the frontline recognized it very much.

Of course, this is mainly due to General Grove's request on behalf of Italy, and the Cretans are currently requesting from Italy, so they rarely mention it. However, I mentioned it once before, hoping that when Italy is at war with the Ottomans, it can try to be as scruples as possible about the local Cretans.

Faced with such a reasonable request, General Grove of course agreed, and he then asked the Italian officers and soldiers not to go too far when they saw people wearing civilian clothes during the offensive battle.

"General, this is a friendly and commercial treaty signed by our country and the Cretan Autonomous Government."

Before Hibbock finished speaking, he handed a document to General Grove.

In the face of the documents handed over, General Grove put it on the table and instead looked at the Cretan people behind Hibbock.

These people are members of the provisional Crete self-government, including the head of the provisional government, Solari, the speaker of the House of Representatives, Sibok, and others. These people are basically the results of the previous Italy.

Of course, in terms of job titles, Solari came out on top and got the position of the head, and then came the Speaker, the Minister and so on.

By the way, the provisional government was established on the day of the landing in Italy, although this was strongly opposed by the Unionists who wanted to merge with Greece, but in the

Of course, no matter what their job title is, they all nodded and bowed their heads in a kind expression before facing General Grove's commented gaze.

In the face of the kindness of these people, General Grove did not respond and opened the file to read.

This document is not only about the wealth distribution plan of the Ottomans, but also the conditions that were negotiated before. It was also requested by Italy to formally sign it on the grounds of the establishment of the new government.

General Grove opened the document, and it was written on the first page that Italy and the Republic of Crete are good neighbors and friendly. Although this is not as good as the 5% tariff on my Qing hospitality, it is already the lowest between the two countries in Europe.

In addition to tariffs, of course, the nascent island of Crete will hire various advisers from Italy to guide the creation of its government. In addition, in the formation of the military and police, the Cretans will also listen to the opinions of Italy in the future.

It can be said that apart from the fact that Crete has no garrison, the gap between Crete and Italy will not be too big, but Crete is an independent country in name, which is very important. When sending a party, this is an emboldened sentence.

However, the people in Crete who are respectful to themselves now, General Grove will not be completely relieved at all. After the overall situation is decided, the government will add a chain to these people. Of course it had nothing to do with him.

"Very good, I hope our two countries will be good neighbors and friendly in the future."

After a quick scan of the documents, General Grove greeted them.


Seeing the appearance of these people, Grove didn't even want to say a few more words, and after waving his hands, these people left.

After these people left, Grove paid attention to the battle situation. Although the Ottomans in Crete were currently fighting beasts, he still hoped to solve the enemy in front of him as soon as possible. You must know that the Guards and the First Marine Division he led were not just for the capture of Crete, but there were more things to do with them.

But he didn't let him wait long, and a staff officer rushed in in a hurry. "General, the news just came from Chania, we have captured the city, and the enemy has fled in all directions."

" good."

Hearing this news made Grove burst into laughter.

"Immediately order, let the transport ship go to Chania to unload heavy equipment, and then reinforce other places."

"As ordered, General."

As Chania was captured by Italy, it seemed to have started a chain reaction. In the next three days, other cities were captured in turn. The defeated Ottoman troops, led by their commander Lieutenant General Mukhtan, retreated. Go to the mountain in the center of the island.

Although the Ottoman army has not been completely eliminated, these remnants of the army have not damaged the fact that Italy has seized Crete, and it is also a matter of time before it will be eliminated in the future.

Although Crete was captured by Italy, this news is not too serious for Istanbul, because there are more terrible things that need its attention.

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