My Italian

Chapter 237: London Peace Sentence (2)

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Although Bismarck's resignation caused a lot of noise, it still could not stop the peace talks in London from going on. Although Bismarck has a huge reputation in the world, all countries are realistic. Except for the people, governments of all countries have set their sights on the new German Prime Minister. Of course, the London peace talks, which are related to the situation in the Balkans, are also in the focus.

As one of the famous palaces in London, Kensington Palace is also the original residence of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, but now the Queen does not live here and has moved to Buckingham Palace.

In this peace talk, the United Kingdom took out Kensington Palace as the negotiation venue, which also shows the sincerity of the British.

With representatives from various countries arriving in London one after another, negotiations are finally about to begin.

However, before the start, the victorious countries represented by Italy have a problem that needs to be solved, that is, the division of the results of the war between countries.

Yes, it is necessary to divide the results of the war.

This extra step was caused by the sudden emergence of the two countries into the war.

There is no need to talk about this issue at this time. The main reason is to coordinate the requirements of various countries before negotiating with the Ottoman delegation. After all, the conditions of various countries may overlap. What a joke!

So before the formal peace talks, a negotiation that excluded the Ottoman Empire began first.

In the conference room of Kensington Palace, delegations from various countries sit together. Due to the large number of countries, the representatives of various countries can only sit on the table by the head and deputy head of the delegation. Others are not allowed to enter except for a secretary who is responsible for recording records. the meeting room. On the side of the conference room were the envoys of the great powers of various countries, who were responsible for watching and witnessing the whole process of the peace talks.

After the talks were announced, Barcona, the Italian foreign minister, spoke out about Italy's demands.

"Our country's request, the Ottoman Empire must be the Libyan region in North Africa, and the entire Albania region. In addition, Crete must be independent, and the southern Dodecan Islands, represented by Rhodes, must be supervised by our country."

The conditions put forward by all parties are also in order. As the biggest contributor to this war is also the strongest party, Italy ranks first, and no one dares to express dissatisfaction. However, although no one was dissatisfied with the Italian rankings, Barcona's words immediately raised objections.

"My country firmly opposes your country's request for the independence of Crete, which has always been Greece's territory."

It was Mavros, the foreign minister of the Greek delegation who spoke out, the middle-aged man sitting diagonally across from the long table, said in a very angry tone. "As we all know, the local residents of Crete are all Greeks, so what is Italy's intention to make it independent?"

What Mavros said was justifiable, and what he said was a fact that all countries knew. It’s just that many things are not something you can get by showing facts and evidence. I saw Bacona looked at the other party and opened his mouth.

"Then in your opinion, Latin America should be under Spanish rule? Brazil should also be under Portugal?"

In the face of Bacona's words, Mavros trembled with anger, and he blurted out. "You are making a fool of yourself. Latin America has been independent for many years, and not all of them are descendants of Spain and Portugal. Their respective cultural languages ​​are also different from them."

The words of the Greek foreign minister made Bakona smile. "Latin America has been independent for less than a hundred years, so the language and culture are different. Then, how long has the island of Crete been separated from your country, and why do you think Crete should belong to your country. And Crete is the island of your country. At present, there is a self-government and a declaration of independence. Why do you want the Cretans to want to merge with you, and have you asked the local people for their opinions?"

Obviously, it is impossible for Italy to let Crete belong to Greece, and directly move out of the topic of Cretan autonomy.

Regarding the Italian Foreign Minister who refused to admit the account, Mavros said directly. "That autonomous government is just a puppet that you support, and it cannot represent the local people of Crete at all."

In the face of accusations by the Greek foreign minister, others know not well. Because in this case, such an accusation requires evidence. Sure enough, Bacona's face sank, and he looked at each other coldly.

"Since you said that we manipulated the autonomous government of Crete, please show your evidence. If you can't show the evidence, then our country has reason to suspect that your country is smearing our country diplomatically, and the consequences will be expensive. The country is responsible for it.”

This sentence immediately made the conference room seem extremely quiet, and the representatives of other countries opened their eyes at this time, watching the reaction of the Greek delegation. Even the Serbian delegation, its ally, was reluctant to speak at this time, because it would anger the currently strong Italians and would be very detrimental to their subsequent negotiations.

As for the negotiators of other countries, they are even more optimistic, and they are even more eager for the Greeks to lose face.

As for the client Mavros, he was forced into a corner. Now whether he has evidence or not, the other party has raised this to the level of country-to-country diplomacy, and he currently has insufficient evidence. But then again, with enough evidence, will Greece be able to retake Crete from Italy?

And this time a voice helped him ease the embarrassment.

"Greek Foreign Minister, it's just an unintentional mistake, and there is no need for Your Excellency Bakona to worry too much about it."

The one who spoke was Sir Wilson, the new British Foreign Secretary. He directly said that this was the unintentional remarks of the Greek Foreign Originally, bystanders should not stand up, but the Greeks were too useless and had to let it go. He opened his mouth. Faced with the attitude of the British, Italy must give enough face.

"Since it's an unintentional loss, then next time Your Excellency Mavros better think about it."

Leaving this sentence behind also means letting go of this matter.

And after battering the early Greeks, Italy's submission, no one is opposed. Since there is no objection, this also means that countries acquiesce to Italy's conditions.

Next, it was the Bulgarians' turn, because in this war, Bulgaria's contribution was second only to Italy, so they must be the second to put forward conditions. Of course, Italy also contributed a lot.

I saw Bulgarian Foreign Minister Popkov stood up and said slowly. "Our request is simple, the Ottoman Empire must hand over Macedonia to our country as compensation."

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