My Italian

Chapter 267: bad news

As Libya also began to clear the work, Italy's international public opinion is also more and more unbearable.

Faced with such a situation, the Italian government is not inactive. They took out all-purpose money to clear the way, and let the foreign media, who are rarely seen with money, start to reverse the conversation, and start to excuse Italy without making any traces.

They start with why Italy does this, and some start with history, say the centuries-old war between the Ottomans and Venice. Some start with ethnic groups, saying that Albania and Kosovo were not originally inhabited by Albanians, and that the local aborigines were all cleaned up. Anyway, these newspapers can start from various aspects and find out the reasons from the expelled Albanians.

It is also by virtue of the efforts of these newspapers that take money to do business, the media of various countries are no longer one-sided in criticizing Italy. Although it is much worse than condemning and denounced, it can allow other countries to eat melons and obtain other information, which is of great help to relieve the pressure on the Italian government.

As the main messenger of the expulsion policy this time, Carlo actually felt a lot of pressure, and even had a little remorse.

He had thought about the pressure of public opinion in Italy before, but he misestimated the pressure. In fact, it should be said that the attitude of the United Kingdom was misestimated. As the current world leader, the British Empire can cause trouble to many countries with just one attitude. Although Carlo has a full understanding of the British Empire, the image of the British at sunset in the memory of later generations still has more or less influence on it.

So this time the UK was just a statement, which caused Italy's unbearable image in foreign public opinion, and let Carlo know that he had underestimated the influence of the UK before.

But even if he thinks that he has underestimated Britain in his heart, he still has no regrets about this action. Carlo has a deep understanding of the spread and exclusivity of **** in later generations. This is the best time to solve this problem. If we drag it to the twentieth century, when information and society are developing rapidly, it will be even more difficult for Italy to deal with this problem.

As for now, what is public opinion, just grit your teeth and stand firm. As long as no country wants to take actual action against Italy, then there is nothing to worry about.

At most next time, remember to think more about the attitude of the British.

Of course, in addition to considering international pressure, the government has also taken action on the beginning and end of the expulsion operation.

For the expulsion of the Balkans, there is a place for those who have been driven away, and the three surrounding Ottoman and Pauseshi countries have benefited from it. Although Italy looks down on these people, but for them, these populations are very fancy. All four countries have helped along the way of people driven from Albania and Kosovo, trying to keep these populations in their own countries.

They are very good at abacus. Although these people don't have much money, as long as they are people, they can create wealth, which is still a great benefit for the four countries.

As for the empty space, don't worry. Italy mobilized 500,000 to 600,000 to the Balkans from the mainland, and there was no problem at all.

Thanks to the economic development of these years, the Italian population has grown from 28.46 million in 1881 to the current 32.09 million. This is not the actual growth rate of Italy. If you count the 3.21 million immigrants and overseas colonies over the past decade, the actual growth rate of Italy is also quite astounding.

Therefore, although the Italian economy is developing well, the domestic employment and human-land contradictions have not been changed.

The employment growth brought about by the economic development of Italy has been completely swallowed up by the high birth rate.

In view of the current situation in Italy, many people in the government are very welcome to Carlo's move to completely expel the locals.

Although this has given Italy some bad reputation internationally, it has a great effect on relieving the domestic population pressure.

In addition, according to the latest government plan, they intend to relocate 600,000 people from the mainland within three years to new territories in the Balkans. This number needs to reach 800,000 within five years, and the main destination of these immigrants is the current hot spot for Italian investment, the Kosovo region.

As for Libya in North Africa, the Italian government only plans to relocate 120,000 people within three years, mainly in coastal areas suitable for agricultural production.

As for the indigenous tribes in Libya, according to the arrangement of the government, they are mainly forcibly transferred to the East African colonies.

Some people may say that if you forcibly moved the other party away, wouldn't the other party feel resentful and cause trouble to the government of the new place?

In fact, there is no need to worry about it. You must know that it is impossible for these displaced people to do so without the intention to do so. Even if the other party really has complaints in their hearts, they do not dare to show the slightest. Because of disputes with the local tribes where they settled down, they will hug the Italian government tightly.

You must know that there is no free land in the world. In the five continents and four oceans, every piece of land is owned by people, and the places they go to are allocated to them by the Italian government. This was obtained from the local tribe, and no tribe or power would have a good look at those who robbed their own territory. The high-ranking Italian Governor's Palace can't afford to provoke them. How can they be afraid of these leopards who have moved from other places.

And in order to avoid too much concentration of the tribes that migrated from North Africa, which is not conducive to their development, Italy is very considerate to divide these people into several parts with a maximum of 10,000 people, and also considerately find good neighbors for them, all of them are 20,000 to 30,000 people. tribe. I believe that the Italian East African Governor's good intentions, these tribes who moved from North Africa will be grateful, and they will use the strategy of hugging the governor's thigh to the extreme.

As for whether someone will not do this, there is no guarantee. However, I believe that those who don't do this will not end well. They don't need Italians to do anything. As long as the local tribes find it profitable, I believe they all know what to do.

Although these are not explicitly stated, Carlo still sees it clearly from the letter of the East African Governor Antonio. For the governor who ruled the people with an iron fist, Carlo still knew his reputation far away in Rome.

What is the king of the kings of East Africa, and other powerful names, the Governor Antonio, there are countless.

They were all given by the obedient East African colonial tribes they disciplined over the years, but King Menelik I of Abyssinia praised him many times. Hands-on experience of governing people.

However, although Menelik I praised Antonio, he did not know that the governor of East Africa was the most vigilant. In Antonio's report to Rome, he called Menelik I, the greatest hidden danger of the East African colonies, who was not as surrendered to Italy as he had shown.

Just as Carlo was looking at the report on the relocation, the captain of the guard hurried in.

"Your Majesty, I just got the news that the Governor of Borneo, Cairoli, died of illness!"


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