My Italian

Chapter 292: Dutch Borneo riots

"My Italian Deli (!

The Italian mainland was developing, and of course Borneo as a colony was also developing. Although Governor Antonio is not known for his economy, the good foundation left by the first Governor Cairoli is still there. In addition, the current world economy is good, and Borneo's exports are strong, which makes the Italian Borneo economy prosperous.

Compared with its next-door neighbor, the Netherlands Borneo, it is like a sky and an underground, and there is no Kobe.

However, the people of Italian Borneo recently have some concerns about their next-door neighbors, but their concerns are different.

In a teahouse opened by a local Chinese in Pontianak, a group of people chatted with great interest.

"Did you tell me, there is something wrong with the red-haired ghost. A man named Chivadan raised troops to resist the red-haired ghost's rule in Longnawan. I heard that the local government of the red-haired ghost has been beaten down. "

A well-informed person is showing off the best news he knows to the people around him. And his words immediately attracted the attention of many people. And the red-haired ghost in their mouth naturally refers to the Dutch.

"Really, it's good. The red-haired ghost is the most hateful, now there is a lesson. This Chivadan is a man."

A middle-aged man dressed as a businessman immediately praised after hearing the news. It seems that this person has suffered a loss in the hands of the Dutch, so he will make such a statement.

But speaking, one-third of the Chinese in Pontianak came from the Dutch colonies. Few of these people have a favorable impression of the Dutch.

A serious person frowned and said something after hearing the news. "I'm afraid the red-haired ghost is going to jump, so won't it send a large army to crusade?"

"We have dispatched troops a long time ago. It is said that the five red-haired ghost warships transported thousands of people to the crusade last month." The well-informed people knew the news, and they immediately informed them of what they knew.

Upon hearing this, the people present stopped talking.

"It seems that this Chivadan may be in trouble."

The only one who said a word was the businessman. It seems that among these Chinese, the red-haired ghost Dutch is still very dignified. It's not that these Chinese are afraid of the Dutch, but the majesty of the Dutch who have colonized the South China Sea for hundreds of years, and they dare not be despised.

Before many local kings and chiefs rebelled against the Dutch, but in the end the Dutch still ruled here.

Therefore, many things are not understood until the end.

Just when the big guy was in the tea shop and was about to drink tea and talk about something else, suddenly a person rushed in.

"The latest news is that the Dutch crusade was defeated, and only more than 200 people ran back to Samarin."

This news shocked everyone in the teahouse, but they did not expect the Dutch to suffer a big defeat.

"Red-haired ghost, lost?"

"Tell me what's going on."

The previous well-informed person was immediately abandoned, and this one immediately became the focus and was surrounded by the star and the moon.

Seeing the eagerness of everyone, I was greatly satisfied with this one, and then continued to speak.

"I just heard the news, and I don't know if it's true."

"It's okay, let's talk first."

"OK then."

With the explanation of this man, everyone knew that the Dutch army went upstream along the Mahakan River and wanted to crusade Chivadan who was hiding in the depths of the Yilan Mountains.

And they were raided and besieged by tens of thousands of rebels in a place called Tabukan, more than 80 kilometers west of Longnawan. The crusade was finally defeated, and only 200 people out of 1,000 retreated to the third place. Marin.

After listening to the narration, the people present were sighed, but they did not expect the Dutch to suffer such a big loss.

Hearing this, people became worried.

"I didn't expect this man named Chivadan to be so powerful. Could it be..."

Knowing what this guy was talking about, someone immediately retorted. "No, Yiren is much more powerful than the red-haired ghost. I heard that in Europa, the Italian-talent won a battle and captured more than 200,000 prisoners. He is very old. Besides, the red-haired ghost can't handle this Chivadan. , if you replace it with the Yiren army, it will definitely work."

The rebuttal immediately resonated with the big guys. Many people's family business is here, but they can't scare themselves. So he immediately transformed himself into Zhuge Liang and directed the country.

"That's right, if Chivadan can win, it's the red-haired ghost who is going against Shimin's heart. If he dares to come to our side, it will be his own death."

When the people in the city were surprised by the Dutch defeat, Antonio in the Governor's Palace was also concerned about the battle.

However, unlike the Dousheng people, Antonio has more detailed information.

"The Dutch army killed 217 people, wounded and captured 531 people, so there are only more than 200 people who fled back?"

Antonio looked at the man in front of him who was wearing civilian clothes but looked like a soldier, and asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Dutch lost a lot in this battle."

Hearing this result, Antonio nodded in satisfaction. "So, what about the loss of Chivadan's people?"

"It's not very good. In the battle of Tabukan, more than 600 people were killed in Chivadan, and more than 300 people were seriously injured, and more than 400 people were slightly injured. At present, their personnel have been reduced by 40%. So this time I will come back. In addition to the report, Chivardan also wants us to provide a batch of medicines."

Yes, in the riots in Dutch Borneo, Antonio is the mastermind behind the scenes. Whoever told the Dutch to hold on to the Borneo territory, no matter how much he persuaded them, would have no effect. That being the case, then don't blame him for Antonio's black hands.

After more than a year of planning, now let Kisinya (the governor of Jakarta) go to the headache. Hope the new Governor of Jakarta likes this gift from him.

"You can give it to him, but it can't be too much. It can only be used by his troops. You can take it with you when you return."

For Chivardin's request, Antonio agreed.

But since I took the Italian materials, I need to do something, and then Antonio continued. "In addition, I told Chivadan after I went back that since I defeated the Dutch army that attacked him, I should take advantage of this empty window to develop vigorously. Tambaran, Malinao, and Taragan can all be the scope of expansion."

These place names mentioned by Antonio are all in northern Borneo. Although the population here is small and sparsely populated, it is still helpful to strengthen its power.

"Okay Governor, I will advise Chivardan to develop towards him when I go back."

But before he left Antonio suddenly asked. "What do you think of Zivaran?"

As Antonio's candidate for the riot, how could he not know who Chivarin is. Now I ask a question, but I want to know if its attitude has changed. After all, people will change, especially with the development of strength, he is afraid that some people will have a trace of thoughts that they should not have.

To the Governor's question, the officer replied. "Before I came back, Chivardan and most of his subordinates were respectful to us."

"Okay, go get busy."

After sending off the officer who served as a staff officer by Chivardin's side, Antonio started writing, and he needed to ask an old friend about the recent situation in Rome. As someone who cares about the kingdom, Antonio is still very concerned about the situation in Rome.

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