My Italian

Chapter 295: Preparations for the Far East

"My Italian Deli (!

While Carlo was inspecting the navy and army, a secret meeting was also being held in Japan in the Far East.

"At present, Dajang Province has allocated 710,000 yen to France for the third phase of the purchase of the Sanjing warship, 1.87 million yen to the UK for the second batch of the purchase of the two ships Yoshino and Sulang, and also for the newly formed sixth division of the Army's artillery unit. 680,000 yen for the artillery, and the remaining balance of the special account is 470,000 yen. In addition, the Ministry of Finance needs to allocate the first batch of 2.01 million yen for the Fuji and Yashima ships next month.”

As the chief financial steward of Japan, the Minister of the Treasury, Kunisuke Watanabe, is reporting expenditures to a group of senior Japanese officials at the imperial meeting. The meaning of having no money in his words is very clear.

When he said the balance of the special account, everyone at the scene immediately frowned, and a thought flashed without money. Especially when it comes to the expenses that will be needed next, many people can't help but pat themselves on the head.

Yes, although Japan has undergone modernization reforms and its income has increased significantly, its expenses are also not cheap.

Of course, with the help of some caring people, Japan's spending is now much higher than in history.

Of course, the inertia of history is very strong, and the famous three-view ship still exists. (This ship is aimed at the calm second ship)

However, the Sanjing ship is still a wonderful flower in the history of shipbuilding. More than 4,000 tons of warships carry a 320mm cannon, which is simply a model of small boats carrying cannons. And if you pay attention, you will find that the three-view ships are divided into two types, the main guns are front-mounted and the main guns are rear-mounted, Itsukushima and Liqiao are front-mounted main guns, and Songshima is rear-mounted main guns.

If Itsukushima and Matsushima are grouped together, will there be a battleship with two 320mm doors? The Japanese Navy, really in the situation of lack of funds, came up with a good solution.

Originally, there should also be a three-view ship, forming two formations. But unfortunately, the Japanese were short of money, and the fourth ship was cancelled.

Of course, this is why, after the Japanese came back to their senses, they ordered two more first-class battleships, Fuji and Yashima. Of course, the construction of these two warships has only begun, and it is impossible to complete them within three or four years.

In addition, the history is also different. As far as Japan's purchase of the two British Yoshino Yasunami cruisers is concerned, the cost is much higher than in history.

Compared with the cruisers of three or four thousand tons in history, the two cruisers currently purchased by Japan from the British have the same names as in history, and there is no other acquaintance.

Its tonnage reaches more than 8,000 tons, has up to 16,000 horsepower, and has a maximum speed of 19 knots. It is equipped with double-mounted 4 256mm main guns, 6 152-barrel retractable guns + 8 120mm-barrel retractable guns, and another 20 The 47mm small-caliber gun can completely suppress the second Beiyang Zhijing ship in terms of speed and firepower, and can even compete with the Venice Kai-class currently equipped by the Italian Navy. Of course, this cost is also very high. The cost of two cruise ships is 1.31 million pounds, and there is no discount.

This price is very difficult for Japan at present. Haven't you seen that even the emperor only eats one meal a day?

After listening to the words of Prime Minister Ozang, Dashanyan, the Minister of the Army, immediately opened his mouth and said. "I ran out of money so soon, it's not that I just borrowed 10 million yen."

There is also a reason for Da Shanyan to ask this question. The army originally planned to prepare eight divisions before the war to fight against the Qing troops. But at present, the army has just formed the sixth division. It has no money. How should the next two divisions be formed?

Although the government has been borrowing money, it is better to let the government implement the loan now, just in case.

The words of the Minister of the Army immediately attracted the echo of Saigo Congdo, the Minister of the Navy. "Yes, the next period is a critical period for the army and navy, so there can be no shortage of money."

Although everyone knows the relationship between the Japanese army and navy, it is still rare to cooperate with each other in terms of money.

Besides, funding is more important to the navy. How many warships, how many artillery pieces, and how many calibers, all need money to pile up. Big boats beat small boats, the threat of large calibers is stronger than that of small calibers, but it will not change with the change of personnel.

In the face of the statement of the army and navy, Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi said. "Mr. Dashan and Lord Xixiang, don't be impatient. The government is already negotiating new loans with the British. When the money comes down, the funding problem will be solved for you."

As if in order to strengthen the confidence of the two ministers of the army and navy, then Foreign Minister Mitsuko Mitsuko took over the topic and continued to speak. "At present, our country is negotiating a large loan of 5,000 yen with the English people. We are almost talking about it now, and it should be settled next month."

Yes, the Japanese government is indeed negotiating a loan of 5,000 yen with the British bank, but it is not as easy as he said. For this money, the British asked for a relatively high price and asked the Japanese government to use the mineral tax as collateral. As we all know, Japan is a country with many gold and silver mines. In addition to exclusive mining of these gold and silver mines, the Japanese government also sets a high mineral tax, which can reach more than 7 million yen in taxes every year. And the premise that British banks are willing to lend this money is precisely because of this money.

Of course, for Japan, the tax that can be mortgaged has already been mortgaged, and customs duties, land taxes, etc., have long been mortgaged. The most valuable thing in hand is the mineral tax.

And now in order to expand the military and prepare for war, this most valuable tax also needs to be put on the counter mortgage.

Since there is money to be made again, the two ministers of the land and sea naturally have nothing to say.

But at this time, Watanabe Kunitake, Prime Minister of the Great Tibet, stood up again. "Everyone, let me say one more thing. According to the estimates of our Ministry of Tibet, if the current spending continues, Japan's finances can be supported for up to two years. So I hope that the Navy and Army will be ready as soon as possible, please."

The words of Prime Minister Dazo immediately lowered the atmosphere that had just recovered.

However, this is also a no-brainer. The Japanese country is too small and its fiscal revenue is only so much. If it doesn't last, Japan is doomed to go bankrupt.

Face to face with Watanabe Kunisuke, the two Ministers of the Navy and Army responded immediately. "Please rest assured Watanabe-kun, we will complete the preparations as soon as possible."

As Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, of course, also knew that the government was about to run out of steam. For this reason, he had already ordered the ambassador to North Korea, and he did not have to worry about the attitudes of North Korea and the Qing people.

Yes, Japan now needs to find a way to pick things up.

While Japan was trying its best to expand and prepare its military, Li Zhongtang, the first governor of the Qing Dynasty, was also in the Zhili Governor's Palace in Tianjin, looking at a submission.

This report was jointly put forward by Admiral Ding Ruchang of the Beiyang Navy and Major General Antonio, the general counsel of Beiyang, requesting to replace the rapid-fire guns for the battleships of the Beiyang Fleet. Since it is to change the gun, it needs to spend money. Although the general's rapid-fire gun is hype, the cost of changing the gun still makes Li Zhongtang hesitant.

The reason is very simple, because it costs 730,000 taels of silver to change the gun. It is normal for Li Zhongtang to hesitate.

Although in the report, the general counsel from Italy said that the Japanese navy next door was becoming a confidant of Beiyang, but Li Zhongtang was well-informed, how could he not know that this was a way to ask for money, and he played the rest.

Japan is a small country with few people, and that is my great rival in the Qing Dynasty. If it wasn't for the sake of avoiding extracurricular problems, it would not have been easier for it to be in Taiwan back then.

Of course, if only these Li Zhongtang sees his hard work, it is not impossible to give. But Lord Zhongtang is also embarrassed. In recent years, it has become more and more difficult for Zhongtang and Zhongtang to ask for money from the court. At present, although there are still 2.6 million taels of silver in the bank, this money is not so easy to use.

In addition, the Queen Mother repaired the garden, and he, Li Zhongtang, also needed to repay one or two. The dignified Beiyang more than 100,000 soldiers and soldiers are all related to him alone. The family business is big, and he is also in difficulty.

But after thinking about it again and again, Li Zhongtang sighed and wrote a good word on the submission.

Finally, the Beiyang Fleet also began to change the rapid-fire guns. Although I don’t know how much this can improve, it has finally changed.

Of course, Major General Antonio, as the general counsel, also played a role.

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