My Italian

Chapter 321: attack

Remember for a second【】

In January, the Yellow Sea has high winds and strong waves, and experienced fishermen know that it is very unfavorable for fishing at this time.

The sharp bow splits the turbulent waves, causing waves to bloom on both sides of the ship's side. The warships of the Italian Task Force, which the Combined Fleet has been obsessed with, are rushing through the waves in the Yellow Sea.

On the flagship Turin, Lieutenant Admiral Alvaro, who was the commander of the fleet dispatched this time, looked at the poor water surface and the telegram in his hand, and turned to the captain, Colonel Leifer.

"Major Peez, the captain of the Eagle, sent me another telegram. An unidentified civilian ship was found ahead. You said, why are there so many civilian ships in this sea area?"

The Eagle, in the mouth of Vice Admiral Alvaro, is the most cutting-edge reconnaissance cruiser of the Italian Navy. It is equipped with 12 high-style coal-fired boilers that can provide it with up to 17,000 horsepower, supporting the 4,500-ton warship, running at a high speed of 24.3 knots, and winning the throne of the world's fastest warship.

Moreover, the Eagle can not only run fast, it is equipped with 4 152mm main guns and 8 120mm secondary guns, which are enough to solve a lot of troubles. It can be said to be the leader among reconnaissance cruisers.

Of course, most of the warships built by Italy are to compete with France for the rights and interests of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, many people think that Japan is just a test stone for testing the achievements of Italian warships.

Facing the words of the lieutenant general, Leifer, the captain of the Turin and the commander of the temporary battleship formation, said with a smile.

"Lieutenant General, it may have a lot to do with our proximity to the war zone, otherwise there would not be so many uninvited guests."

"Yeah, there are too many uninvited guests. Especially when there are uninvited guests, it's even more tiresome."

After Lieutenant General Alvaro finished speaking, he looked behind the fleet, and there were a few small black spots in the distance following them closely.

Don't look at it, these are the warships of Britain, France, the United States and other countries. Since they set off from Shanghai, these annoying guys have been following them.

Fortunately, they did not have their own secret weapons, otherwise the position of the fleet would be exposed at any time.

Lieutenant General Alvaro knew the situation of his fleet. The United Kingdom and the United States were very dissatisfied because their own country forcibly participated in the Sino-Japanese War regardless of the advice. In addition, the relationship with France should not be mentioned. If there is an opportunity to stab a knife, it will never be missed.

These three countries are the most powerful in the Far East, so on the sea, Lieutenant General Alvaro has always had a feeling of being watched. Fortunately, it was just surveillance. The main force of the British Far East Fleet was still in Hong Kong, and the French Far East Fleet was also not moving in Saigon. Otherwise, it was unknown what would happen.

"Order to increase the speed of all ships by 2 knots to reach a speed of 14 knots."

Lieutenant General Alvaro intends to change his speed and play with his tail.

As for why it is only increased by 2 knots, because the transport fleet can only reach this speed. As for whether it is useful to increase the speed, the experienced Lieutenant General Alvaro can only tell you, young man, you are too young.

Sure enough, as the formation increased its speed, the small tail behind immediately caused a burst of restlessness. In order not to lose track of the target, they also immediately increased their speed. Of course, it is not enough to increase the speed, and the necessary small movements are also indispensable.

As one of the little tails, on the cruiser Bauhinia, Captain Wigginton immediately gave an order. "Let the gunboat Bronze immediately increase the speed of the Italian formation by two knots and inform the Lark behind us."

"As ordered, Captain."

With the operation of a semaphore, the Stone made a sharp turn and rushed to the rear.

The Skylark is a communications ship, and its high-flying Union Jack proclaims its identity. However, if you can observe closely, you will find that these people wearing British uniforms are all yellow people, and they are relatively short.

That's right, these naval officers and soldiers on the Lark do not belong to the British Empire, and it can even be said that the real Lark is still in South America. This is the Japanese-owned Sakura notification ship. It is also currently the fastest ship in Japan, with a speed of 21.4 knots.

Because it is at the same level as the Skylark, I pretend to be the Skylark as a weapon for the combined fleet to master the Italian formation. Of course, this is only for the convenience of the British, or else the Japanese would not dare to do it with ten courage.

And in order to avoid being seen, the fake Skylark was dragged last. This made them follow the Italian formation and the Lark followed them.

In addition, in order to ensure that the Sakura was not accidentally captured by the enemy and brought trouble to the British Empire, several bombs were prepared on the ship. Of course, the officers and soldiers on the Sakura were also carefully selected.

Now, after receiving the information from the Stone, the fake Skylark immediately drove at full speed, bypassing the Italian formation and heading for Nanpu.

Incheon, located on the Korean peninsula, is one of the three major trading ports of the Korean Kingdom, and is as famous as Nampo and Busan. As the port closest to the Shandong Peninsula, Incheon Port was also selected by Ito Yuheng as the temporary anchorage for the combined fleet.

When the Hibara brought the news that the Italian fleet was speeding up by 2 knots, on the flagship Yamashiro, several heads gathered around a chart to watch Chief Dewa do the work on the map.

As the Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, Dewa Shigeto made a very beautiful drawing. He not only marked the position of the Italian fleet before Sakura just announced his departure, but also according to the time when Sakura arrived, at different speeds of twelve and fourteen knots. , indicating the current position of the Italian fleet.

After Colonel Dewa was marked on the map, Lieutenant General Ito Yuheng, the commander, looked at the chart for a while before speaking. "At present, it seems that the Italians have passed the sea area of ​​Haizhou Bay, and they are still 210-240 nautical miles away from Weihaiwei.

^0^ One second to remember【】

In 24 hours, we are only 98 nautical miles away from Weihaiwei, and it only takes about eight hours. "

Don't look at Lieutenant General Ito Yuheng talking about the distance between the two sides, he is calculating the time when the two sides or choosing which time for the two sides to meet is most beneficial to himself.

In fact, the position of the Italian fleet is easy to calculate, because the destination is clear, that is Weihaiwei. The place of departure is also clearly Shanghai. There are only a few routes from Shanghai to Weihaiwei, and there are also trailing warships reporting their positions in the name of observation.

Therefore, the whereabouts of the Italian fleet can not be hidden, which is known to everyone.

Of course, if you know it, you will know it, but the strength of the Italian fleet is also recognized by everyone. Otherwise, Ito Yuheng would not even need to carefully calculate the time in order to improve his winning rate.

After thinking for a while, Ito Yuhyung took out a pencil and drew a straight line from Incheon, which coincided with the possible voyage route of the Italian fleet.

"Order all officers and soldiers to pay attention and seize the time to prepare for rest and preparation. We will set off in ten hours. Prepare to fight from 9:00 am to 14:00 pm tomorrow."

Through the identification of the location on the chart, this is the sea off Jiaozhou Bay. Ito Yuheng intends to hunt here with the Italian fleet in the sea off Jiaozhou Bay to compete.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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