My Italian

Chapter 325: Yellow Sea Battle (4)

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Following the order of Lieutenant General Alvaro, the four most powerful 356mm main guns on the Turin fired a salvo, and the four shells flew towards the leading Yamashiro.

After the shells flew for a few seconds, one end fell, and one of them just landed on the deck of the Yamashiro.


A huge explosion sounded on the front deck of the Shancheng, both personnel and materials were swept away, and the **** scene made this place a hell.

The Turin had a lot of luck, and the first test shot was a hit. Of course, this is not just a reason for luck. The large number of observation equipment at the top of the Turin tower shows the difference.

Thanks to the unified observation and unified shooting of a certain king, the Italian Navy spent a lot of energy and time in this regard. This thing is not too expensive to say, it is mainly a variety of optical observation and calculation instruments, and then the telephone line is connected to the battery on both sides, even if this simple shooting commander is built.

Of course, this is not enough. The next step is to consume a lot of shells, provide shooting standards, how many angles, how many propellants are loaded, and what shells are loaded. After such training, a detailed list of firing command instruments has been formulated.

Moreover, this shooting table can only be adapted to the same type of warships, and other types of warships need to be re-measured.

This kind of cost is not low. It must be known that the launch cost of large-caliber naval guns is very high. Therefore, the Italian fleet currently only uses this instrument on battleships and armored cruisers, and also equips them with elite naval measurement and calculation officers.

Of course, this cost is also worth it. According to the test of the Italian Navy, the shooting accuracy of a warship equipped with a shooting director is about 20% higher than that of a warship not equipped, which is already a great improvement. Of course, the performance in training still needs to be reflected on the battlefield, and this naval battle is definitely an ideal place for performance.

As the Turin opened fire first, the Bari and Palermo followed in turn. However, compared with the Turin, the Bari and Palermo have not achieved the first hit, but it can be seen from the distribution of their bullet points that they are quite close to the Yamashiro. Even the splash of a recent artillery shell hit the first class of the Yamashiro.

"Boom, boom!"

Facing the artillery fire of the Italian fleet, Yamashiro also fought back hard, and the two 240mm main guns equipped on its front deck made a hard fight.

However, compared with the shooting level of the Italian warships, the Yamashiro was far behind. The shells fired by its two main guns deviates from the target by nearly 100 meters. It was more like a protest, a protest against the bullying of the Italian warships.

However, Yamashiro's resistance immediately led to greater artillery fire. The eight 254mm main guns on the two Venetian improved grades, Venezia and Brescia opened fire, also benefiting from the simplified version of the firing director, eight 254mm artillery shells Two of them hit the Yamashiro.

Of course, the power of 254mm shells is much worse than that of 356mm shells, but the damage caused is not small. The officers and soldiers of the Japanese ship directly turned into a blood fog. To make matters worse, more than ten 120 artillery shells placed behind the gun positions caused a chain explosion due to the preparation for shelling, and a 57mm gate hit the fish pond and was directly destroyed.

The damage caused by the other 254mm artillery shell was much smaller. It directly opened a hole in the broadside close to Class A, and collapsed several rivet armor plates.

Immediately after the two cruisers were all kinds of cruisers. They were more lively than the previous ones. The one that was hit by the ping-pong-pong shells was called lively, and the Shancheng was hit one after another like a willow in the wind. . However, experienced naval officers know that they do far less to the Yamashiro than the previous five ships. Of course, the casualties of officers and soldiers will certainly not be small.

However, the remaining officers and soldiers on the Yamashiro were not rejoiced. Another deafening sound of artillery shelling sounded, and the three loaded Turin-class battleships fired another main gun salvo.

This time, there was no time for the Yamashiro officers and soldiers to pray. Three of the twelve 356mm shells directly hit the Yamashiro.

One of them hit the chimney of the Yamashiro, and the explosion blew up the chimney of the Yamashiro. The unrestrained billowing smoke not only prevented the Yamashiro from shooting in the second half of the ship, but also caused a lot of damage to the Matsushima that followed closely. troubles.

The second shell hit the bow and caused a large amount of water to enter, causing Yamashiro's speed to be greatly reduced, from fourteen knots directly to ten knots.

The third shell hit the bow of the ship, causing the bow of the Yamashiro to have its nose cut off, making it look so ugly.

The 7,000-ton Yamashiro looked like she couldn't help but fight in front of the three battleships.

This may also show how much lethality the Turin class, as a former dreadnought battleship, is to ironclad ships. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the 356mm large-caliber main gun. The Italian Navy is not the Beiyang Navy, and it will not only be equipped with two kinds of solid bullets and open-ended ammunition. There are many types of artillery shells, of course, the more important is the charge of the artillery shells.

Also from the guidance of a well-intentioned person, the Italian military has worked **** the research of TNT explosives. Although limited by the quality of steel in this era, the navy does not dare to use TNT as a propellant, but the shells are not affected by this aspect. Therefore, Italian artillery shells were fierce during this period, and the Japanese combined fleet became the first victim of TNT.

As one of the victims, Ito Yuheng, who was staying on the new flagship Yoshino, felt worried and grateful to see the Yamashiro, which was severely damaged at the head. The worry was because the Yamashiro was the only armored ship that the United Fleet could take out. , and now the bullied is not human. Fortunately, it was fortunate that the Yamashiro was used as the first meat shield to resist the shelling. If it wasn't for the safety of the Yamashiro, then according to the current firepower of the Italian warships, the Sanjing ship was definitely the worst, and the task of containment would be difficult. Finish.

Therefore, his only hope at present is that the Yamashiro will withstand, even if it is severely damaged, it cannot lose its combat effectiveness now.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Another round of shelling from the Turin-class battleships caused Yamashiro to suffer even more. The first half of the current Yamashiro had already been beaten to a lesser form. The only thing that is reassuring is that the Yamashiro was not sunk, and it is still sailing at sea. Although the front main gun can no longer be fired, it still shows its own existence.

"The enemy is turning! God, how did they do it!"

The cry from the Yoshino observation post made Ito Yuheng hurriedly take the telescope.

I saw the Italian fleet turned to the left, led by three battleships. But the steering is very firm and neat, like a collective steering at one command.

"The enemy warships definitely have the means of communication to connect the ships."

Dewa Shigeyuan, who was beside him, immediately screamed.

Because this steering is very abnormal, too neat. You must know that the current communication means of the navy in the battle are not very clever. In addition to the semaphore, only flares and fireworks are available, and they have not seen the enemy launch flares and fireworks. As for the semaphore communication, it cannot reach this level of uniformity, because the semaphore is a relay communication from ship to ship, which has a high delay.

Of course, Lieutenant General Ito also saw the scene that Colonel Dewa could see, but now it's not about the communication of the enemy ship, and he immediately ordered it.

"Order all ships to prepare for shelling. According to the shelling plan of No. B, the priority target is the two Venice improved-class armored cruisers, and then the subsequent cruisers in turn."

Ito Yuheng hurriedly issued an order to bombard the target, but the anxiety in his heart deepened, can his intention still be realized?

Now the arrow is on the line and there is no way to do it. That's right, Ito Yuheng's priority is the two Venice improved-class cruisers, and then the other cruisers. As for the three battleships, I hope the torpedo boats can make a contribution.

Following the order of Yuheng Ito, the Japanese ships were gearing up for a battle with the Italian fleet.

But if they want to fight Venice and Brescia, they still need to ask three Turin-class.

No, complete the Turin class that turned to the left and set the target on the Matsushima behind the Yamashiro.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The three Turin-class battleships fired another salvo, shrouding Matsushima in them.

Twelve 356mm huge shells roared like a **** of death.

"Boom, boom!"

Two consecutive loud bangs also announced that the Matsushima was hit twice.

Matsushima was shot on the starboard side and the stern of the ship. Especially the stern shot almost scared the officers and soldiers of Matsushima to death. If it hit the power room, rudder or oars, Matsushima would only be destroyed. Road. However, the Matsushima was not easy. The large holes on the side of the ship kept flooding, which made Matsushima's management personnel exhausted, and it was even more stable by closing four or five cabins in succession.

After the Matsushima was hit, the Combined Fleet also launched a counterattack, but compared with the uniform focus of the Italian Fleet, the Combined Fleet's artillery could not do this.

With a burst of artillery fire, Venice and Brescia were hit by numerous shells.

Among them, the biggest threat to the two Venetian improvement-level ships is to deal with the 38 times the 320mm shells of the calm two ships. However, as in the previous Dadonggou naval battle, the accuracy of the three Sanjing ships was impressive, not a single shot was hit, and the weakness of the small boats against cannons was shown to the fullest. The performance of the Sanjing ship in this war is difficult to satisfy. Also let the Japanese know that don't think about opportunism on the warship, you will only hurt yourself in the end.

Although the Venice and Brescia escaped the bombardment of the 320mm artillery, the 254mm shells failed to escape.

The fire from the main guns of the two 10,000-ton cruisers Yoshino and Akitsusu prevented the two ships from dodging.

A 152mm secondary gun of the Venice and the broadside of the Brescia were hit, causing no small loss.

And in addition to 254mm shells, 240mm, 180mm, 152mm, 120mm shells are also coming. Let the losses of Venice and Brescia increase.

The shelling of Venice and Brescia caught the attention of Lieutenant General Alvaro.

"There is something wrong with the enemy."

Out of an old navy's intuition, he felt that the enemy's purpose was somewhat impure.

"Is it because they are more advanced, and they know there is no way to deal with our battleships?"

The guess from the deputy did not arouse Lieutenant General Alvaro's approval. "But they should also know how terrible it is to let our three Turin-class battleships go. They don't even want to interfere. Do you think their commander has not attended a formal naval school? Order the Eagle to continue to stand by in the outer circle, without me order not to participate in naval battles."

That's right, although Lieutenant General Alvaro didn't know the other commander's plan, he also kept his back. As the dominant side, Lieutenant General Alvaro can keep more cards. Even if the fastest eagle does not participate in the naval battle, he can still crush his opponent.

This is the conclusion that Lieutenant General Alvaro came to by observing the previous battle, so the opponent must take action, otherwise he will not have to play.

No matter how wit the two commanders fought, the line-up of shelling continued.

The warships of the two sides fought each other's artillery shells at the other's warships.

For a time, the sound of cannons on the sea was more than firecrackers, and the two sides fought hard.

In this round of shelling, the Italian fleet relied on three Turin-class battleships to occupy an absolute advantage. In this naval battle, the Turin-class was like a father with its strong ships and guns, and the officers and soldiers of the United Fleet were complaining.

In the first round of shelling, the Maya (formerly the Chilean warship Pingdu), the Dapokaimen (the former Chilean warship Condor), and the Tateyama (the former Chilean warship Esmeralda) were sunk. Matsushima shows the ability of battleships in naval battles to the fullest.

Of course, the combined fleet is not without results, the Italian fleet's Spirit suffered a mid-break

As for the Venice and Brescia, the main targets of the combined fleet, due to their good armor, they suffered little losses. Except for a few secondary guns, decks, rails, etc., the core protected areas were still intact.

In the current era when shields are thicker than spears, it is not easy to sink an armored warship. Unless there is too much difference in the caliber of the naval guns, it is difficult to sink.

When the line of artillery bombardment approached the rear of the two sides, the combined fleet began their move.

"Send a red flare, and execute Plan B immediately."

On the flagship Yoshino, Ito Yuheng gave orders loudly.

At his command, a dazzling red flare rose into the sky.

Several warships immediately sped out of the formation, and they headed south without turning back, leaving the other warships to accept the impending fury of the Italian fleet.

"No, they are heading for the transport formation."

Lieutenant General Alvaro on the flagship Turin immediately observed the actions of the Japanese ship. He only felt a cold sweat at the moment, because he was lined up with the enemy to shell, so after a lap, the two sides actually changed positions. Now the fleet and the transport formation to be protected are separated by the Japanese combined fleet.

"Immediately order the Eagle to stop them, and the other ships immediately speed up to get rid of the entanglement of the enemy ships, and let us slaughter this group of offal."

Feeling that Lieutenant General Alvaro was tricked by the enemy, he even broke out foul language, which shows how angry he is. If the enemy succeeds, it will become a stain on his military history, and it will also make him famous in the history of world naval warfare. He must not accept such a result.

Before Lieutenant General Alvaro showed his anger, Ito Yuheng's backhand showed first. More than a dozen torpedo boats rushed out from the rear of the formation at high speed and rushed towards them with full of malice. Their target was the three leading Turin-class battleships. As long as Lieutenant General Alvaro dares to let the Turin class continue to move forward, they will use torpedoes to make it taste powerful.

In addition, the other remaining warships of the United Fleet turned their bows around, and their intention to block their rescue was obvious.

At this time on the battlefield, Lieutenant General Alvaro's Italian fleet or artillery formation was generally arranged in a line, while the combined fleet was divided into two parts, which were responsible for intercepting and diverting the formation, which were sparsely blocked in a C-shape in front of the word.

Ito Yuheng's move seems to be full of flaws. In another time, Lieutenant General Alvaro has a hundred ways to let the opponent taste the power.

But at this time Lieutenant General Alvaro can't afford to delay the most time, and these methods all take time.

Of course, Lieutenant General Alvaro also knew that his opponent of Idong was betting that he must rescue him with all his strength.

Lieutenant General Alvaro admitted that the opponent won the bet, but even if the opponent made a higher move, he still had a way to get it back.

"Order Venice and Brescia to immediately take Aosta, Savoa, Barut, and Gasco to intercept the enemy's attack formation. The formation is led by Major General Levi, and must be transported before the enemy arrives. Stop them before the formation."

Lieutenant General Alvaro's temporarily formed rescue formation was quite powerful. Except for the two Venice improved-class cruisers, the others were all protective cruisers, which were enough to compete with the enemy's attack formation.

Of course, in addition to issuing the formation of a rescue formation, Lieutenant General Alvaro also has orders. "Power to Barry and Palermo, let them and this ship open a gap for the rescue formation, and let the enemy try the 14-inch cannon again."

With the words of Admiral Alvaro, the naval battle entered a new stage.

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