My Italian

Chapter 379: 1st flight

Flying is a dream of human beings from ancient times to the present. In ancient times, our ancestors dreamed of flying to the sky like a bird. Therefore, angels with wings and gods who ride the clouds and mists also appear in people's fantasy. The sages knew that fantasies alone cannot accomplish anything, and they need to work hard, so there are people who flap their wings and try to imitate the flight of birds.

Of course, since the Renaissance, people also know that humans cannot fly, they must rely on machines. So Da Vinci had a draft of the aircraft design, and then people tried to figure it out from the machine.

Of course, the advent of the internal combustion engine has given those trying to fly to the sky a better choice.

The small town of Pavia, located in the southwest of the outskirts of Milan, relies on the bustling city of Milan to live a good life. Residents in the town like to grow vegetables and fruits and sell them in Milan.

But today, the town of Pavia is very lively, and everyone happily went to a wasteland in the southwest of the town, because someone was working on flying machines.

That's right, it's a flying machine, and it's such a rare thing that everyone can come here. There are probably thousands of people around here, and this also shows that watching the fun is popular everywhere, let alone at the end of the 19th century when entertainment was barren.

And surrounded by so many people, it was very stressful for Duilio Siegel and Gerardo Carney.

"Duilio, didn't you say don't be so public, why do I feel like there are almost a thousand people here. If this kind of public fails, how will it end?"

"Don't ask me, how do I know that there are so many people today, I just said something casually. This aircraft has been our hard work for many years, so you can't have any confidence. Now you should keep an eye on the aircraft and don't let people touch it."

It is not the first time that the two of them have been surrounded by people flying, but it is the first time that there are so many people. There are so many people, they are also afraid of any accident.

After the two hurriedly drove the people around the test flight field, the sharp-eyed Siegel patted his partner's shoulder.

"Look, the reporter from the Milan Daily is here, let's welcome it."

Blake looked at the huge flying machine in front of him, and felt fortunate that this time the front page headline should be mine. Fortunately, I listened to my friend Jill's advice and came to see it. This was really worth my 6 lire carriage money. Thinking of this, Blake raised the camera in his hand and took a few pictures of the flying machine.

"Hello, are you a Blake reporter for the Milan Daily News?"

A voice will immerse Brekla back in taking pictures.

"Yes, I am."

Blake looked at Siegel and Carney who appeared in front of him.

"Introduce myself. My name is Duilio Siegel. Next to me is my partner Gerardo Carney. We made the aircraft you shot."

Facing Siegel's introduction, Blake immediately understood, and he quickly took out a pen and paper and said. "Hello, Mr. Siegel and Mr. Carney, I'm sorry, but I was shocked by the aircraft that the two of you made. Can you talk about the process of making this aircraft?"

In the face of Blake's question, the two looked at each other before Siegel spoke. "No problem, this is a long story..."

In Siegel's account, the youngest son of the lord, he had fantasies about flying since he was a child. Later, he read Otto Lilienthal's concept map of aircraft for this reason, and he never forgot about flying. Later, when he was studying at the University of Milan, he met a like-minded partner, Carney, the son of a construction engineer.

The next thing is simple, the two people who both want to fly will naturally start to pursue their dreams after graduation. The pair's first funding came from Siegel's father, Lord Siegel Sr. The old lord invested fifty thousand lire in his son's dream, and then they raised thirty thousand lire from others.

With this funding, the two began their dream of flying. They started with flying models and built three flying models and a glider in the first year.

Then use the natural tuyere of the Como Pass to experiment with your own flight models and gliders, and harvest a lot of data.

The following year, the two developed two more gliders, with different wings for experimentation. In the experiment, they corrected some erroneous flight data and designed a wing section shape with greater lift.

And by the third year, the two began to develop a real aircraft, the Pioneer One. The aircraft is 6.17 meters long, has a wingspan of 6.78 meters, and is equipped with a 12-horsepower gasoline engine. But unfortunately, this aircraft, which represented the efforts of the two, was not successful and did not fly at all.

Although Pioneer One failed to succeed, the two did not give up at all. First of all, they first find the reason, after some search. The two thought it was the lack of lift. Faced with this reason, they chose to expand the wingspan. The new Pioneer No. 2 directly doubled and a half to 41.17 square meters compared to the 15.51 square meters of the No. 1 wingspan.

Of course, it's not enough to just increase the wingspan. The two also made major changes to the Pioneer 2, so the Pioneer 2 is very different from the Pioneer 1.

Now Pioneer 2 is 6.94 meters long, 13.3 meters wingspan, 2.95 meters high, has double-layer wings, and is equipped with a 15.6-horsepower four-cylinder water-cooled gasoline engine.

For Siegel's remarks, the Blake reporter kept taking notes and asking questions from time to time. Faced with these questions, Siegel also answered them one by one, and the conversation between the two was very harmonious.

"Hope you can be successful."

After asking the question, the Blake reporter gave his blessing.


At this moment, the Blake reporter suddenly asked. "By the way, can I ask, who is driving this flying machine today?"

"it's me."

Siegel replied. "I lost 102 pounds in order to make the flight a success."

Well, this is indeed a warrior who worked hard for his dream of flying. He could reduce himself so lightly that he thought he was already so thin.

Seeing this, the Blake reporter picked up the camera again. "Can I take a picture for you? You stand next to the machine and take one."

"no problem."


There's a flash of phosphor, and the famous photo of the lanky Siegel in a trench coat stands beside the Pioneer Two.

Afterwards, Siegel lay down on the Pioneer with a leather cap, that's In order to make the flight a success, even Siegel lost weight. What is the seat?

Then Carney started the engine, and the roar of the gasoline engine sounded, and the propellers on both sides of the nose began to rotate rapidly.

Four more were pushed up from the wings, giving the Pioneers better acceleration.

With the help of someone, the speed of the pioneers became faster and faster, and soon everyone felt a light in their hands, and at the same time there was a burst of cheers from the surrounding onlookers.

The guide wheel of Pioneer 2 left the ground.


Blake's camera snapped, recording such a great moment. With the help of the power of machinery, human beings finally left the ground for the first flight, and Siegel also became the first human pilot.

The test flight in Pavia was very successful. Pioneer 2 flew three times in the air. The longest flight time reached 1 minute and 49 seconds and flew a distance of 389 meters.

On the same day, the Milan Daily reported the grand flight with a front page headline.

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