My Italian

Chapter 383: Progressive Party (below)

The remarks of the National Promotion Party in the Italian weekly newspaper are more like a fighting letter, and its far-right ideology is exposed. Maybe it's not like exposure, but a deliberate display, trying to attract people who feel the same way.

Of course, no matter what, now the purpose of the National Promotion Party has been achieved, and its reputation is spreading throughout Italy.

The reputation of the National Promotion Party can spread throughout Italy in a short period of time. It cannot be achieved by the ideas it promotes and its outrageous territorial concept. In fact, the main thing is that in the current Italian political environment, the National Promotion Party is like a white man. A pool of ink on the paper is so conspicuous.

You must know that since 1876, the political environment in Italy has been on the left, and left-wing parties have held government power for the past two decades. The right-wing party's share in parliament already has only one-third of the seats.

The situation of the right-wing political parties has been really difficult in recent years, and it has been a long time since a new right-wing political party has been established (influential parties, dozens of people do not count).

Therefore, the emergence of the National Promotion Party this time is a right-wing radical.

Of course, after the surprise, the left-wing parties who reacted would of course not be polite. The bowl of rice in politics is basically a zero-sum game where you eat one more bite, and I eat less. Left-wing parties don’t have enough to eat themselves. If you want to grab right-wing rice, you have a new right-wing party.

Then there's not much to say. It's a left-wing party. Let the newly minted National Promotion Party have a good understanding of politics and rules.

Therefore, the National Promotion Party has become popular, and the kind that has become popular has been criticized by major left-wing political parties.

Today, the Socialist Party stands up to denounce it, and tomorrow the Democratic Party will come out to criticize it. Left-wing political parties that do not talk about martial arts will take turns in battle, and they will try to make this new-born National Promotion Party stinky and make everyone wrinkle their noses when they hear their party's name.

Therefore, the nascent National Promotion Party ushered in a stormy moment, and accusations from big figures from all walks of life were the biggest test for the leaders of the National Promotion Party headed by Udo Cruz.

Inside his headquarters on Via Simone in Florence, Cruz is busy.

"Doss, ask what's going on with Gale, we need to fight back. We can't just rely on our own weekly newspaper, we must have the help of other newspapers. Also tell him, don't worry too much about money, we The primary focus now should be on the voice, and we lack the media to give us a voice."

"Good secretary, I'll ask him how he's talking."

"Hurry up, we don't have much time to waste."

Udo Cruz, wearing trousers with suspenders and a white shirt, was giving orders in the office like a commander.

"Luke, you telegraphed to Anil that the Venice he is in charge of must have a parade on the 12th. We can't make the rest of the region wait for him because of his delay, or we'll need to think carefully about his executive committee next time. Is the position suitable for him? Remember. Tell him my words verbatim."

"Okay, Your Excellency Secretary-General, I'll send a telegram right now."

"Davidson, send this manuscript to the weekly newspaper in person immediately, I need to see it published tomorrow."

"I'll go right now."

Taking the manuscript written by Cruz himself, Davidson went out like a gust of wind.

After assigning several things, Cruz picked up the water glass to soothe his thirsty throat. To be honest, Cruz thought that the party might be unpopular even before NPA was formed. But he didn't expect such a scene of group attack now.

Of course, in Cruz's view, this is also a test for their Democracy Promotion Party, and they have to go through it no matter what. Whatever tricks these leftist parties use, he and like-minded friends are fearless.

"Come on, what other moves are there, take them out."

Cruz, who is cheering for himself in his heart, is still ambitious for this fight. This massive siege by the left wing is also beneficial to the National Promotion Party. Although this act of putting them at the forefront of the storm is dangerous, it is not exposed to the public. Valley

As long as it can withstand the siege of the left wing, it will naturally attract people's admiration and gain a foothold in Italian politics. Anyone who survives the political siege of such a scene and stands firm can have this confidence.

"Secretary-General, Secretary-General!"

Cruz's imagination was interrupted by a voice. The man who ran in quickly seemed to have found a savior when he saw him.

"whats the matter?"

Cruz knew the man, who was sent out to raise funds with Nordland, who seemed to be called Hobbs.

"Mr. Cruz, Nordland sent me back to inform you that there is a problem with raising funds. Many of the sponsors who have promised to give funds have not kept their promises."

As soon as he heard that the funds were in danger, Cruz stepped forward and grabbed the other party. "How much money can be raised so far?"

"According to Mr. Nordland's estimate, it is about 400,000 lire, but more than 500,000 lire."

"Why so few?"

Don't blame Cruz for the lack of money. Funds for this propaganda war are very important. Without funds, in this propaganda war that is spending like water, it can't last a few days. In fact, there is no need to guess, Cruz knows that someone must be playing tricks.

Sure enough, according to Hobbs, a sponsor who was unwilling to donate any more privately revealed that the uproar this time had put them under a lot of pressure. And there is also news that some high-ranking government officials have a bad impression of the National Promotion Party, so the sponsors who provide them with convenience must be suppressed from other aspects.

Although this news has not been confirmed, since it has been spread out, people have to be worried, so some people are Hearing Hobbs' explanation, Cruz felt very angry. "These damned guys actually use such despicable methods."

It's normal for Cruz to feel angry. This enemy uses out-of-the-table moves against them, which makes people not feel aggrieved. More importantly, they couldn't say anything about this move, they could only hold back.

"No, I have to find a way to fight back. We can't accept such a hearty out-of-the-box move."

Cruz, whose head was spinning rapidly, was thinking of a solution.


Carlo looked at today's newspaper and asked the captain of the guard beside him. "Macron, are there really tens of thousands of people from the National Promotion Party gathered in Piazza Navona today?"

Faced with Carlo's question, Captain McClane replied immediately. "Your Majesty, according to our understanding, there must be more than ten thousand people."

As for the purpose of the National Promotion Party, Carlo does not ask. Because he knew that these nascent rightists were protesting against bullying from the left. Yes, in this day and age, the Italian right is a bit miserable, but that's none of his business with Carlo.

Carlo's inquiry was just a matter of interest, just a few questions. Don't expect Carlo to do justice for them, there is no justice in politics.

Only if the nascent National Promotion Party can overcome this wave will it be accepted by other political parties, as well as by Carlo. This is politics, and the weakness is the original sin, and no one will sympathize.

Of course, Carlo didn't pay much attention to the nascent National Promotion Party, because there was a more important matter involved in his heart.

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