My Italian

Chapter 395: Method

The explosion of the Maine was known to the United States the next day, and major newspapers rushed to report the incident. The U.S. Navy also launched an investigation into the matter for the first time.

Of course, until the investigation is clear, what caused the explosion of the Maine, it is fair to say that no one knows. But unfortunately, there is no justice in this matter. After the news of the explosion of the Maine was published in the newspapers, all kinds of rumors and gossip were spread, and everything was said.

Of course, this kind of gossip can be counted as something, I'm sorry, it can really count. The New York News used a provocative title to attribute the sinking of the Maine to Spain, arousing public anger. For this reason, after the Spanish ambassador protested, a reward of $50,000 was directly offered for criminal evidence.

The overreactions of American newspapers all show the attitude of the American government behind them.

This will never be good.

Castillo, the Prime Minister of Spain, was the first to feel the badness of the American visitors. So when the news of the explosion of the Maine in the port of Havana reached Madrid, he immediately called the ministers to discuss countermeasures.

"Everyone, you must know what happened in Cuba. Here we need to think of a countermeasure immediately."

The seriousness of the problem was made clear by the Prime Minister from the very beginning.

Everyone present already knows what happened at the Port of Havana, Cuba, so they naturally agree with the Prime Minister's words as they understand the urgency of the moment.

"At present, the United States has sent a request to my country to investigate by itself. I have agreed to the request of the United States considering the current actual situation. In addition, in view of the situation of the Maine in our port, we can provide assistance to the surviving officers and soldiers. , in addition to this, we can provide other assistance to the United States, such as provisions, the call of equipment, and inquiries to call people nearby."

Foreign Secretary Gibbs briefed the Prime Minister and colleagues present on the current situation and strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While this may sound a bit arched, if you take into account the power gap between the two countries, then the problem is solved.

In this era of the strong eating the weak, being weak is the original sin, and Spain, the former world hegemon, wants to be wronged in the face of malicious neighbors.

After Foreign Secretary Gibbs spoke, other ministers also offered their views. However, it basically has the same meaning as the Foreign Secretary, and try to avoid conflicts with the United States as much as possible.

Facing the meaning of the ministers' words, Castillo is also very clear. In fact, it is good to talk about anything, but some things must be prevented first.

So he turned to Admiral Chelvella, the Admiral of the Admiralty. "Admiral Chelvella, what do you think about this?"

In the face of the Prime Minister's question, Admiral Shelvella felt bitter in his heart, but he answered without changing his face. "Your Excellency Prime Minister, our navy is ready to fight at any time, ready to fight for the kingdom."

Admiral Shelvella's answer is very cunning, because he did not make any comments, everything is subject to the government's decision.

But the Prime Minister didn't seem to care much, skipping Admiral Chelvella and continuing to talk with other ministers.

This emergency meeting lasted for more than two hours, and the final result of the discussion was that Spain should cooperate as much as possible with the U.S. investigation regarding the explosion of the Maine. In addition, if the U.S. has other attempts, Spain needs to make preparations as soon as possible.

That's right, the people present are all high-ranking Spanish officials, and naturally they know the greed of the United States towards Cuba, so some things must be thought of in the front.

After the meeting was over, Castillo spoke up. "Admiral Shelvella will stay for a while."

The other ministers were not at all surprised that Admiral Chelvella, the Admiral of the Navy, was left behind. This kind of moment that may be used in the Navy, how can I not say a few words alone.

"Come to my office and talk."

Before Admiral Chelvella could speak, Prime Minister Castillo spoke directly.

After arriving at the Prime Minister's office and the secretary served two cups of coffee, Prime Minister Castillo spoke up. "Are there any doubts about playing against the United States?"

"Yes, Prime Minister."

In fact, there is no need for the Prime Minister to ask, Admiral Chelvella also wants to say, but he is not good at speaking in front of everyone. "Prime Minister, the current situation of the Spanish navy is not good. If there is a war between our country and the United States in the future, there is a high probability that our country will be defeated."

Although Prime Minister Castillo did not report too high expectations for the Navy, the Prime Minister was a little surprised to point out the bad situation of his Navy so bluntly.

"Didn't I just bring back two powerful Garibaldi-class warships from Italy? I remember you said at the time, but as long as there are two warships of this type, Americans can think twice about it?"

Well, the Prime Minister still remembers the Haikou that Admiral Shelvella praised.

But for the Prime Minister's question, Admiral Chelvella still has an answer.

"Prime Minister, the result of the United States thinking twice is that four Pennsylvania-class cruisers were launched. Although this cruiser is not as powerful as our Garibaldi-class, we cannot make up for the advantage in quantity. In addition, the United States also has four battleships, and our country With the exception of the Columbus and the Francisco, no other warship can compete with it at the moment."

That's right, the Spanish navy led by Admiral Chelvella also has difficulties, that is, although the tonnage of the Spanish navy seems to be okay, there are not many warships that can be fought. At present, in the Spanish Navy, in addition to the two Garibaldi-class ships, the second most combat-effective are the first-class armored cruiser Carlos V and the second-class battleship Pelayo.

But unfortunately, it may be a bit difficult for you to pull these two warships into battle. Among them, the Carlos V is still outfitting and has not yet officially entered service. As for the Pelayo, this ironclad ship customized in France is undergoing major repairs and modifications after more than ten years of service, and it is currently unable to go to sea. Well, in addition to these two ships, the Spanish Navy can only take out three armored cruisers, Empress Maria Teresa, Admiral Okundo, and Vizcaya (historically, These three cruisers took the Garibaldi-class Columbus purchased from Italy, and went out to battle with a few small boats.

As for other warships, they either have no actual combat capability or are still under construction. By the way, there are several wooden warships with sails in the Spanish Navy (Numancia, Victoria, etc.).

It can be said that even if Spain has added two most powerful cruisers, its strength is still not as good as that of the US Navy. The other side has 4 Pennsylvania-class cruisers, 3 Indiana-class battleships, and 1 USS Iowa (a large modification of the Indiana-class, which is the first real ocean-going battleship in the United States).

In addition, the US Navy has two large armored cruisers, the 8,200-ton USS New York, the more powerful 9,200-ton USS Brooklyn, two Columbia-class protected cruisers, and a 5,800-ton protected cruiser USS Olympia. These three battleships All have good fire protection and a speed of 21 knots.

There are also 5 protective cruisers, all of which are around 4,000 tons, all of which were in service in 1989-90, and the speed is only 18-19 knots, which is not outstanding enough.

In addition, there are numerous coastal defense ironclads, small cruisers, destroyers, torpedo boats and so on.

If nothing else, as soon as the families of these parties are taken out, it is obvious that the Spanish navy is not enough.

Therefore, after Admiral Chelvella finished talking about the difference in naval strength between the two Prime Minister Castillo's expression was not very good.

"So the Navy can't guarantee Cuba's maritime security?"

Although he knew that it was rude to say this, Admiral Shelvella, who knew that he could no longer hide it at this time, replied immediately. "Yes Prime Minister, unless we have at least three new battleships with well-trained officers and soldiers, it is really difficult to keep Cuba."

Admiral Shelvella's words made the Prime Minister fall into deep thought, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, "What did you just say, repeat."

Although I don't know why the Prime Minister asked this, Admiral Chelvella still repeated his words. "I said it's really hard to keep Cuba unless we have at least three new battleships with well-trained officers and men."

"Okay, I got it!"

Prime Minister Castillo felt a bit confident at this time, but it still needs to be discussed whether it can be achieved or not. Then he picked up the phone after sending the Admiralty off. "Please come by the Foreign Secretary, I need to find him on something."

Cuba is a land of wealth for Spain and nothing can be taken away from it. If necessary, there may be another way to keep it. Looking at Spain's attitude towards Cuba, both Cuba and the Philippines had rebellions at this time, but the Philippines received no support at all, and basically relied on its troops. Even if the Philippine rebels have grown bigger, Spain still gives priority to guaranteeing Cuba and its nearly 200,000 troops on its islands.

Compared with Cuba, there are only more than 30,000 troops stationed on the island of the Philippines. At this time, it may be possible to sell some negative assets.

In order to keep Cuba, the Prime Minister Castillo will also make a ruthless attack.

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