My Italian

Chapter 417: The naval battle is over

(Half an hour, still a little unfinished)

The engagement on the battlefield off San Diego had reached a critical moment, at least for the Spanish fleet.

The battle between the two Garibaldi-class cruisers and the two Pennsylvania-class cruisers continued, and both sides threw their shells at each other as accurately as possible.

Some people may want to ask, isn't there a Maria Theresa-class cruiser? Why haven't I seen it?

In fact, it is very simple. In view of the poor performance of the Maria Theresa class on the battlefield, it was directly sent by Colonel Ramos to support the two Venice class. In the face of the seven protected cruisers of the United States, the pressure of the two Venice-class ships is too great, although the Maria Theresa class did not perform very well in the 10,000-ton cruise field (the 7,000-ton cruiser needs to ensure a speed of 20 knots, and the firepower In terms of protection, certain concessions must be made), but in the face of protective cruisers, it can be used.

"Boom boom boom!"

A new round of salvos from the two Garibaldi-class ships began again, with 13 254mm shells. After a distance of 3,000 meters, some fell into the sea, and some were plunged into the hull of the Pennsylvania or New Jersey. , the violent explosion caused huge damage to the two ships.

The two Garibaldi-class ships were also bombarded by the Pennsylvania and New Jersey's artillery fire, and their 305mm main guns and 152mm secondary guns were also constantly counterattacking the Columbus and the Francisco.

After a long exchange of fire, the two Garibaldi-level patrols were damaged a lot. Among them, the No. 3 main gun turret of the Columbus was damaged and it was no longer usable, and the Francisco also had a 254mm gun barrel was interrupted. In addition to the main gun, as for the 76mm gun and 57mm gun, the losses were considerable.

In addition to the loss of artillery, the hull of the Columbus lost a lot, and many of its armor plates were knocked off. However, the most serious injury was the huge gap under the bow, which was hit by the 305mm main gun on the Pennsylvania. .

As for the Francisco, the situation is not much different from that of the Columbus, and the losses are not small.

Of course, the Pennsylvania and the New Jersey are not easy, and their losses will not be lower than the two Garibaldi-class patrols.

However, although the two seemed to have similar injuries, the officers and soldiers on the Pennsylvania and New Jersey were frightened, because the two Garibaldi-class patrols were powerful in their eyes. After fighting for so long, the three Maria Theresa-class patrols are pure numbers. It was these two battleships that really did great damage to them, but they understood it too late, or they were just a little bit out of luck.

No, a 254mm shell fired from the USS Francisco slammed into the right side of the USS New Jersey in a shrill screeching sound. The shell ripped apart the 102mm-thick upper layer of armor without any suspense, and exploded inside the hull.

The vast energy released by high explosives. The temperature and pressure of the surrounding air increased to a terrifying level in an instant, and the fiery red surging air waves carried a large number of irregular twisted shrapnel and liquid metal into the sky, erupting like a hurricane volcano.

More than a dozen American sailors didn't even have time to snort, they were instantly swallowed by the high temperature shrapnel, their limbs flew in an instant, and blood spurted and spurted like a flash flood. The violent explosion also swept through the adjacent cabins, and the flames swept through the flames, the steel armor shattered, and it was a mess.

The huge hull of the USS New Jersey suddenly shook violently, making a heart-pounding tearing sound, and smoke billowing from the hole. It looked very embarrassed and desolate.

Clearly, the New Jersey was hit hard.

"Let the New Jersey retreat immediately, and we will cover its evacuation. In addition, send a telegram to Major General Samplin. We failed to install the patrol formation. Please consider it carefully."

Seeing that the New Jersey was severely damaged, Colonel Simpson immediately let it evacuate. A heavily damaged cruiser can't stay any longer, it needs to leave quickly.

As for his only one battleship left, he will try his best to hold back the other two ships, for which he has the consciousness to sacrifice here. Of course, if he didn't die here, then he would let those idiots in the battleship design department know what happened to the naval officers and soldiers driving the garbage they designed.

Colonel Simpson's dissatisfaction, Rear Admiral Samplin on the Oregon was deeply touched. "Damn, the performance gap of this battleship is too big."

Before his eyes, the shallow-water heavy gunship bm2 was already scarred.

Speaking of which, the three shallow-water heavy gunships were unlucky enough. They were first used as bait, and then they fought with the fort. Then, after the Spanish fleet was brought in to fight, the three shallow-water heavy artillery ships rushed over in a hurry. However, due to the long distance between the two sides, the three shallow-water heavy artillery ships could only run at a maximum speed of 10 knots. A little longer.

But when they arrived at the battlefield, they were a little dumbfounded. The battlefield was divided into three parts, and they didn't know which part to start with. At this time, the Indiana caused heavy damage, and Rear Admiral Samplin hurried over to get it on top.

Major General Samplin was very dissatisfied with the Indiana class's performance on the battlefield, especially after comparing it with the opposing Turin class. Before the Spanish battleships exchanged fire, he believed that although the Indiana-class battleships were not very good, they would not be too bad in performance. Relying on a large number of cruisers, the probability of the American fleet winning was quite high.

However, this idea of ​​his has lost hope in the battle. The gap between the two sides is quite large. In addition to the performance of the battleship, the training of officers and soldiers and the command are much higher than their own fleet. If it weren't for the superiority in tonnage and the number of warships, defeat would come faster.

But now, he needs to think about the U.S. Navy, and this naval battle has done its best.

"Send a message to the bm3 and bm5 ships, and let them hold the enemy. In addition, send a message to the third formation and let them prepare to evacuate."

That's right, after losing several battleships, even Rear Admiral Sampling had to admit that this naval battle could not be won, and he had to consider the issue of retreat.

And following his orders, the two shallow-water heavy artillery battleships, who knew they were abandoned, could only come forward.

"Let's meet the enemy, boys, we have nowhere to go. The Spaniards are nothing to fear. Our 10-inch cannon can knock open the opponent's armor!" An officer encouraged his subordinates' fighting spirit.

Seeing the two shallow-water heavy artillery battleships approaching, Lieutenant General Sedra glanced at the two Turin-class battleships under his command. Now the two ships are full of scars. The artillery alone has lost 3 356mm main guns, 9 152mm secondary guns, and finally 76mm guns and 47mm guns, which is not small.

Of course, in addition to the loss of naval guns, the hull is also riddled with holes, but near the most important waterline, it is intact, which also makes the power of the two ships not damaged. Not even a damaged Turin-class can be humiliated by two shallow-water gunships. That's right, Lieutenant General Seidra thought it was a humiliation.

"Sink them."

Following Lieutenant-Admiral Sedra's order, the two Turin-class battleships immediately turned their muzzles towards the two shallow-water heavy gunships.


With an order, more than 20 large-caliber artillery pieces of the two warships spewed flames at the distance, and the orange flames and gunpowder smoke at the muzzle were connected. The 427KG artillery shell flew at an initial speed of more than 700 meters, and flew over the 3.5KM wide sea in less than 6 seconds, shrouding the two shallow-water heavy artillery ships in a water column.

Five minutes later, a 427KG 14-inch shell plunged into the middle deck of the bm3 shallow water heavy gunship! The 6-inch Harvey nickel steel armor can't stop a 14-inch armor-piercing bullet at all.

The quenched and hardened projectile easily tore through the armor and plunged into the middle deck. After passing through 2 cabins, it exploded within a cabin or so of the flue!

A dozen kilograms of explosives mixed with shrapnel and hull fragments turned the surrounding into a burning purgatory. The high-speed debris easily shredded the cabin next door, and the shock wave and fire generated by the explosion spread around with the breach, and thick smoke billowed from the midship of the bm3.

"Fire and fight back against the Spaniards," the American gunner cursed as he operated the gun.

But those 10-inch heavy guns that give people a sense of security are not as good as people think. The American 10-inch 35L guns are very backward in nature, and even the propellant is maroon powder. The rudimentary turret, outdated ammunition feeding and loading system, and thick smoke that persisted for a long time after firing made these 10-inch guns unable to exert their power.

Countless 356mm and 152mm shells swept toward the American warship like raindrops. In less than 5 minutes, the bm3 was hit by at least 3 large-caliber shells, and one 356mm shell was like a heavy hammer. Constantly knocking on the fragile hull of the bm3.

I saw a huge fireball hit the bridge of the bm3. The flames after the explosion of the shells spread rapidly, almost completely covering the small bridge of the BM3. With the crackling sound and the continuous hitting of shells, the wooden parts on the bridge of bm3 quickly turned to ashes, and the steel supports softened and bent in the flames! It makes a sour squeak under the pressure. The days of the bm3 shallow-water heavy gunship are numbered.

When bm3 was destroyed, bm5 was about to follow in its footsteps.

Bm5 was also hit hard, all the artillery on the warring side was destroyed, and a large amount of sea water poured in from the sideline. Depressing the already high enough freeboard even further, flames and smoke on the bridge less than five feet from the waterline had turned the ship into purgatory.

From time to time, American officers and soldiers covered in fire jumped into the water. As the seawater flowed through the damaged cabin and entered the engine room, the already overwhelmed boiler finally stopped. The huge amount of steam pouring out of the breach seemed to be the last breath of a sigh of the dead.

Then the whole battleship slowly tilted to the left, and in the end it quickly sank and the entire bottom of the ship was upside down on the sea. Surrounded by struggling U.S. Navy personnel, the sound of dying struggles and hysterical shouts and calls for help were connected together.

The two shallow-water heavy gunships were only blocked for more than 20 minutes before they were destroyed, and even the USS Oregon did not run far.

"Catch up, don't let the ship go."

Under the order of Lieutenant General Sedra, the two Turin-class ships increased their speed and chased after the Oregon.

Although the speed of 16 knots is not fast, it is different in the context of the 13-knot USS Oregon.

"Let the ships evacuate quickly, and we will hold our opponents."

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Rear Admiral Samplin also became ruthless, and what he said had to let the US Navy retain some vitality.

"Report, Colonel Ramos reported that they have defeated the enemy's patrol formation, sank 3 Pennsylvania-class, 1 New York-class patrol, and escaped with serious injuries. Now ask for instructions."

Lieutenant General Sedra, who was chasing the enemy ship, immediately ordered after hearing the good news. "Send a message to Colonel Ramos to allow him to pursue the fleeing US ship, with darkness as the line."

After allowing Colonel Ramos to pursue, Lieutenant Admiral Sedra smiled as he stared at the USS Oregon, which was preparing to fight to the death. "It looks like the enemy wants a decent end, so we'll give them a decent end."

As the warships of the two sides approached, the two sides continued to project tons of ammunition at the other side. At this time, it was time to compete for firepower and protection to see who could overwhelm the other side first. There is nothing fancy about this kind of collision, and everything is based on strength. In such a high-intensity confrontation, the Indiana-class Oregon is simply not enough.

The two shallow-water heavy gunships were only blocked for more than 20 minutes before they were destroyed, and even the USS Oregon did not run far.

"Catch up, don't let the ship go."

Under the order of Lieutenant General Sedra, the two Turin-class ships increased their speed and chased after the Oregon.

Although the speed of 16 knots is not fast, it is different in the context of the 13-knot USS Oregon.

"Let the ships evacuate quickly, and we will hold our opponents."

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Rear Admiral Samplin also became ruthless, and what he said had to let the US Navy retain some vitality.

"Report, Colonel Ramos reported that they have defeated the enemy patrol sank 3 Pennsylvania-class, 1 New York-class patrol, and escaped with a serious injury. Now ask for instructions."

Lieutenant General Sedra, who was chasing the enemy ship, immediately ordered after hearing the good news. "Send a message to Colonel Ramos to allow him to pursue the fleeing US ship, with darkness as the line."

After allowing Colonel Ramos to pursue, Lieutenant Admiral Sedra smiled as he stared at the USS Oregon, which was preparing to fight to the death. "It looks like the enemy wants a decent end, so we'll give them a decent end."

As the warships of the two sides approached, the two sides continued to project tons of ammunition at the other side. At this time, it was time to compete for firepower and protection to see who could overwhelm the other side first. There is nothing fancy about this kind of collision, and everything is based on strength. In such a high-intensity confrontation, the Indiana-class Oregon is simply not enough.

After allowing Colonel Ramos to pursue, Lieutenant Admiral Sedra smiled as he stared at the USS Oregon, which was preparing to fight to the death. "It looks like the enemy wants a decent end, so we'll give them a decent end."

As the warships of the two sides approached, the two sides continued to project tons of ammunition at the other side. At this time, it was time to compete for firepower and protection to see who could overwhelm the other side first. There is nothing fancy about this kind of collision, and everything is based on strength. In such a high-intensity confrontation, the Indiana-class Oregon is simply not enough.

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