My Italian

Chapter 44: Outlook for the future

Count Garland's visit to Austria was doomed to be a futile result. The Austrians who visited Italy were not enthusiastic, even very cold.

Only two years ago Austria signed an alliance treaty with Germany. After the threat from the north was lifted, the Austrians had the confidence to face the threat from Italy. Although he was in a state of competition with Russia on the Balkan issue, under the mediation of Prime Minister Bismarck. , the relationship between the two countries did not fall out.

Now that Russia is not in an alliance with France, he is still looking forward to Germany's friendship, trying to maintain the Three Emperors Alliance system through Germany as a mediator.

That's right, the conflict between Russia and Austria-Hungary did not expand when the Three Emperors System had not collapsed. Therefore, when Austria-Hungary was not burdened by the enemy, the olive branch extended by Italy was not too tempting for Vienna, so it was also doomed that the visit to Austria would be fruitless.

After a round of touting, the Italian government finally found out that it is difficult to find good allies without diplomatic changes in Europe, which made the Italian government very embarrassed and worried at the same time.

"So, this time, Prime Minister Depretis' diplomatic efforts have failed."

"Yes, Your Majesty. The government is currently discussing countermeasures so that there may be a situation against Italy in the future."

After listening to the chief guard's words, Carlo stood up. He looked at the scenery outside the window and said. "Leave the government alone. The crisis in Tunisia has scared them out of their minds, and they are almost paranoid."

In the face of Carlo's complaints about the government, Baron Felimidge, the captain of the guard, lowered his head and pretended not to hear.

Although the captain of the guard pretended not to hear, the voice continued to fall in his ears.

"Everyone knows that rushing is not a business. They only want to make amends when they are out of the basket. These officials are really bad."

In Carlo's view, the government should now focus more on the development of its internal affairs. Although Italy's natural conditions are not good and resources are insufficient, industrialization can never be left behind. No matter how you do things, you still encounter obstacles everywhere. The front is not the point, the point is that the latter sentence is what Carlo wants to say.

In Carlo's view, at present, Italy is not strong enough in Europe, so don't reach out. At present, it is best to focus on other regions, such as the declining Ottomans, which is a good choice.

I didn't see that Russia was also bullying the Ottomans, and gradually gained self-confidence in order to wrestle with other countries in Europe. Italy can learn from others and regain self-confidence from Ottoman.

This is not because Carlo has taken a fancy to the current Libya. Except for the desert and those herdsmen, the current Libya is of no use to Italy at all. It is unwise to put precious funds in the current Libya. Although Libya has oil, it is buried at a distance that cannot be exploited with current technology. So now take Libya, except to eat sand, without any bird use.

The Ottoman territories in Europe that Carlo is eyeing.

At present, the Ottoman territory in Europe is not small. Macedonia, Albania, Thrace, Epirus, etc. are all its territories. In addition, many islands in the Mediterranean Sea, such as Crete, are under the Ottoman jurisdiction. Such a vast territory is enough for Italy to claim part of it.

Carlo's goal is very clear, and he is not willing to go too deep into the Balkans, causing hostility between Russia and Austria-Hungary. He only needs to get Albania (including Kosovo). This would allow Italy to put a nail in the Balkans, while still gaining an Adriatic advantage.

Although the Austro-Hungarian navy is currently not strong, for Carlo, ensuring Italy's advantage in the Mediterranean is an inevitable choice in the future.

Of course, these all require the strength of Italy. With the current strength of Italy, it is still unknown who will win the war with the Ottoman Empire. However, Carlo estimates that nine out of ten it will be a bad deal, with the Ottomans having the upper hand on land and Italy at sea.

That being the case, he naturally wouldn't show his interest in Ottoman right now, but would hide it instead of revealing it at all. This thought can only be his future outlook, but no one will say it now.

For Carlo now, strengthening Italy's strength is the key. At present, he has divided this hope into two parts, one is the electrical research center in Marino, and the other is on the two Venice-class armored cruisers that are under construction.

However, it sounds a bit irritating. I don’t know if he changed Tesla’s trajectory. The alternating current that he has been looking forward to has not yet come to fruition.

There are other small inventions, such as more accurate electric meters, electric drills, hair dryers and so on. Although these inventions are good, they can only be regarded as daily necessities. He can't make Italy rich with these gadgets like the novels he read in his previous life. The first question is, how many people can afford this stuff.

You must know that these gadgets need to be driven by electricity. Although the development of electricity in Europe is good, the only lamps that can enter the home are lighting lamps. Another thing to say, in this era lights are basically installed in wealthy families and factories. It is installed in a factory because it needs to make a profit for the capital, and this is installed in a wealthy family, that is, the price of the lamp is not low, and the electricity bill is not cheap at all.

At present, there is a lack of high-efficiency high-power generators, so the price of electricity cannot be reduced, so Carlo asked Tesla to give priority to this aspect, trying to reduce the cost of power generation, so that electricity can be used on a larger scale.

Of course, this is also Carlo's desire to make a small contribution to promoting social development. Of course, letting Italy board the electrified express train is a small requirement in the contribution.

But now Tesla's research on high-power motors has not yielded results, which makes Carlo a little anxious. If it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't learned electricity in his previous life, Carlo would have wanted to go into battle by himself. As for what you have learned in the past life, Carlo is a little ashamed. After leaving the school for less than three years, all the knowledge he has learned has been returned to the teacher, only the keyboard becomes more and more slippery.

Really ashamed, ashamed, ashamed of the title of transmigrator.

When Carlo was anxious for Tesla's delayed research results, he was obsessed with people who were conducting a new round of experiments at the Electrical Research Center.

"Prepare for the ninety-second experiment."

Tesla, whose hair was messy like a bird's nest, wore a smelly shirt with panda eyes, and faced the orders given by Zong Duo's assistant.

And his eyes are fixed on a motor without a casing, ready to conduct experiments. This motor is hand-made at first glance, and it has the imprint of the hammer on it.

However, this is not important to Tesla at all. He has not been able to develop the desired results for a long time, and his inner anxiety is almost written on his face.

This time is his new experiment, I hope it will be successful.

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