My Italian

Chapter 430: Top-selling Model A car

(I haven't finished writing it, I'll read it in half an hour)

In late 1898 and early 1899, a Fiat Model A was born, and the car was ridiculed by major automakers, who called the Model A a disgrace to the auto industry.

Some people laugh at its lack of horsepower, others laugh at its rudimentary, and still others laugh at the fact that this car is a beggar.

But no matter how other manufacturers ridicule it, its price of only 3,400 lire is a huge advantage that everyone can't see directly. And such a low price has also made many middle-class people who are greedy for luxury goods such as cars donate generously. For a while, there were more cars on the street, and they were basically middle-class people who drove Model A cars, which attracted a lot of attention.

The Fiat Model A also sold out all the 1,500 Model As that were pre-produced within a week. Then the dealer sent a telegram urging the goods, which filled Agnelli's desktop.

Seeing the telegrams piled up on the table, Agnelli did not expect it, nor did Fiat's management.

"Now the new equipment is being debugged in our newly built workshop. The newly recruited 3,000 people are being trained, and the construction can start only after the equipment is debugged. In this way, we can produce 3,000 Model A cars in a month, which should alleviate the current situation. ."

After hearing the words of the production supervisor, Agnelli preached with one hand on his hips. "It's still too little. Now our orders will be produced for half a year according to the production capacity you said, which is absolutely impossible. I have already asked people to continue to purchase equipment, and the personnel will continue to expand. I estimate that we can meet our needs by recruiting 5,000 more people. ."

Hearing Agnelli's arrogant words, the production supervisor was a little embarrassed. "The qualified people near Turin are almost recruited, and they can only go to other places to recruit people."

"Then go elsewhere and recruit me, we can't keep clients waiting."

Just as Fiat continued to expand production with arrogance, at the newly opened Renault headquarters in France, the three Renault brothers were also in the office discussing the impact of the Model A on them.

In 1877, Louis Reynolds was born into a wealthy family in Paris. Louis Reynolds became obsessed with motorboats as a teenager, for which he designed a high-efficiency steam engine at home and applied for a patent. At the age of 21, Louis Renault converted his De Dion drag motorcycle into a car that was rare at the time and drove it to a friend's Christmas Eve party at Rue de la Erdre in Paris. Full of Parisian society.

Louis Reynolds spoke first. "The whole of Europe is talking about the Model A now. Even though I haven't met Giovanni Agnelli, I still admire this man, who rewrote car production."

"Now is not the time for admiration, we also have to develop a new car that can compete with the Model A, otherwise we will be hit to death by Fiat. You look at their sales, 1500 cars are sold in a week, this is It's crazy. And it's only 3,400 francs, so we can only lose money." Brother Fernand Reno said of the company's urgent needs now.

At present, Renault has only produced 10 cars. This kind of car is sold in units of thousands as soon as others come up, which makes the three Renault brothers feel bad. How can they compete with each other next?

While Renault was thinking of its own way out, Karl Benz was also talking about the Model A with his wife in Germany. "I didn't expect that this young man named Giovanni Agnelli really had a business acumen and could make a car with good performance at such a low price."

asked his wife Beretta Ringer. "You have already handed over the management of the company to the people below, do you still want to intervene?"

"You don't know, this time is different. It took only a week for Fiat to produce 1,500 Model As. Have you ever seen such a high-sale car before?" Karl Benz explained to his wife. Worry.

Beretta Ringer knew it was Carl Benz's company. Karl Benz, the inventor of the automobile, already has a lot of credit, and now the Mercedes-Benz car company he founded is focusing on high-end cars and sports cars. In the face of this aggressive Type A car, I wonder if the company can deal with this spoiler.

Benz, the general manager of Mercedes-Benz, is also discussing this Model A with his assistants. "This is a revolutionary car, which enlarges the entire automobile market. It is a great car."

Hearing that his boss praised this civilian car, the assistant asked. "Are we also developing one? I heard that many car factories are thinking about this type A car."

After hearing the assistant's words, Little Benz said contemptuously. "It is the key to compete with the cost of this car. The most important thing for the civilian car audience is the price. If you want to gain an advantage in price, you need large-scale industrialization to reduce costs. Fiat now has a factory with 5,000 people. How many people do they have? To produce cars, I heard that Volkswagen plans to recruit 5,000 people, which is a big deal.”

As a German entrepreneur, it is not difficult to inquire about Italy, which is currently very friendly with Germany. Knowing that Fiat built a factory with 3,000 people, and then relied on Dongfeng trucks to occupy the market. Not long ago, the appearance of the Volkswagen bus was also a siege, and now this T-type car is added.

According to Benz's own calculations, 70% of the cars in the European market are now Fiat products. This is a big market, and Benz himself knows that there is no car company that can compete with Fiat in a short period of time.

Now European automakers are looking at Fiat with envy, and they have too many mixed feelings about the Model A.

In late 1898 and early 1899, a Fiat Model A was born, and the car was ridiculed by major automakers, who called the Model A a disgrace to the auto industry.

Some people laugh at its lack of horsepower, others laugh at its rudimentary, and still others laugh at the fact that this car is a beggar.

But no matter how other manufacturers ridicule it, its price of only 3,400 lire is a huge advantage that everyone can't see directly. And such a low price has also made many middle-class people who are greedy for luxury goods such as cars donate generously. For a while, there were also more cars on the are basically middle-class people who drive Model A cars, attracting a lot of attention.

The Fiat Model A also sold out all the 1,500 Model As that were pre-produced within a week. Then the dealer sent a telegram urging the goods, which filled Agnelli's desktop.

Seeing the telegrams piled up on the table, Agnelli did not expect it, nor did Fiat's management.

"Now the new equipment is being debugged in our newly built workshop. The newly recruited 3,000 people are being trained, and the construction can start only after the equipment is debugged. In this way, we can produce 3,000 Model A cars in a month, which should alleviate the current situation. ."

After hearing the words of the production supervisor, Agnelli preached with one hand on his hips. "It's still too little. Now our orders will be produced for half a year according to the production capacity you said, which is absolutely impossible. I have already asked people to continue to purchase equipment, and the personnel will continue to expand. I estimate that we can meet our needs by recruiting 5,000 more people. ."

Hearing Agnelli's arrogant words, the production supervisor was a little embarrassed. "The qualified people near Turin are almost recruited, and they can only go to other places to recruit people."

"Then go elsewhere and recruit me, we can't keep clients waiting."

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