My Italian

Chapter 453: Step 1 of Social Security

Although Cuniberti's new battleship plan has not been approved by Admiral Yagier, it has at least made an image in his mind, and the new battleship indicator may be closer to this.

It's just a little trick, and Kunibati doesn't usually use it, and if he wasn't a little obsessed with new battleships, he wouldn't either.

For the news that the 305mm naval gun was successfully developed, Carlo, as the king, did not know.

Because there were more important things that caught his attention.

"This is your government's worker health insurance regulations?"

Carlo put down the thick document in his hand and asked Prime Minister Antonio.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is a bill that we have prepared to implement according to the national conditions by referring to the social security regulations of our German counterparts."

Prime Minister Antonio talked about the basic situation of the bill, the bill he talked to King Carlo, and the first social security bill in Italy, the workers' medical insurance regulation.

For the formulation of this bill, it is also a forced choice by the government.

You must know that although the industrialization of Italy has progressed smoothly in recent years, the large influx of people into the cities has made the jobs provided by the Italian industry still unable to meet the demand. In general, that means more people and less work.

The fact that there are more people and fewer jobs will lead to endless pressure on the workers by the factory owners.

Although the Italian government has repeatedly demanded that factories must protect the interests of workers, overtime must be paid, and injuries must be compensated. Although the Italian government's requirements are low enough, the greed for profits still makes those factory owners move their minds in this regard.

Forcing employees to work overtime for free is just commonplace. Whoever does not agree to fire the other party directly. As for work injuries or something, just give some money without regard to the consequences.

As for the dismissed employees who are unconvinced to report, this is even more of a big pit. How can the weak individuals be the opponents of those factory owners, and the other party can have enough time to consume the energy of the dismissed employees. Then most people can't stand the consumption of time and energy and can only give up. Only a few people with perseverance can persevere.

However, this may not necessarily be compensated by the factory owners. The reason is very simple. You are a low-level person, and he is a high-class person. Paying you is not to save his face. He would rather spend more money than stay here. Make concessions, or else the factory workers will learn how to keep their face.

Well, this is the arrogance and rudeness of capitalists, and most factory owners have this mentality. This unwillingness to bow to the working class has intensified the workers' dissatisfaction with the capitalists. This also led to the spread of ideas among the workers, good and bad, such as the extremely dangerous anarchism being one of them.

These thoughts led to frequent workers’ riots and strikes. Taking 1899 as an example, there were 241 strikes and riots and other labor movements in Italy, including 3 armed uprisings. Most of these labor movements have been resolved, and even if they cannot be resolved, they are seeking solutions.

The continuous labor movement has made the government feel exhausted, and they also know the reason for this result. Therefore, in order to appease the people and let them feel the dividends of economic development, it is imperative to protect the interests of the working class.

To this end, Prime Minister Antonio, in addition to promoting the formulation of the Workers Protection Act at the government level, also pushed the bill to pass through the parliament at the party level.

One more thing here, in addition to the ruling party, the National Socialist Party is the most enthusiastic about the bill. It not only stands for the bill, but also mobilizes its party members to publicize it on the streets. It is more enthusiastic than the ruling party. promotion work.

The fact that the National Socialist Party is so enthusiastic may also have a lot to do with the composition of its party members. In the past few years in the south, although the National Socialist Party has developed rapidly and has become the three major political parties in the south, a large part of the members of the National Socialist Party are from rural areas. And the top National Socialists were not satisfied with this. If they wanted to make a breakthrough in the city, then the working class had become one of their targets, and of course the petty bourgeoisie was not spared.

With the vigorous promotion of the government and the National Socialist Party, the first social security bill, the Regulations on Workers' Medical Insurance, was quickly passed in Parliament.

Although some people are unwilling and say something, this bill increases the burden on factory owners, which will lead to the lack of competitiveness of Italian products abroad, etc., but these remarks are not enough to attract the attention of others, although this makes the capitalists very Dissatisfied, but unfortunately, the government is not currently in power.

"Next, is there any action from the government?"

Carlo quickly signed the bill and asked the Prime Minister what the government would do next.

From the perspective of the future, the workers' medical insurance regulations are very simple and For example, in the payment ratio of medical insurance, the factory only pays 30%, and the individual pays 70%. In addition, several loopholes can be found in the payment and other links.

But at least one thing is good, and that is the establishment of Italy's social security system. It doesn't matter if there are loopholes in the laws and regulations, it just needs to be checked and filled.

"Your Majesty, the government will set up a special labor security department next to supervise the implementation of this bill."

The Prime Minister's words imply a lot of things. For example, first of all, the bill will have a special department to supervise. Of course, this also shows that this bill on workers' medical insurance regulations is only the first step, and there must be other related labor security in the future. The implementation of the Act, otherwise, things will be too simple for this newly-built department, and the pension is about the same.

And Carlo is of course very satisfied with the Prime Minister's words, but he still has a little doubt. "Has your government considered how much money is needed to push Social Security?"

"There is consideration. Our government has joined forces with Generali Insurance Company, National Insurance Company of Italy and Bank of San Paolo in Turin to jointly implement this regulation."

That's right, how can it be used only by the promotion of government departments? Insurance is something that requires professionals to understand better, and the government is responsible for supervising it.

Of course, it is also possible to rely on insurance companies to promote, but don’t forget that the other party is a profit-making organization, so government supervision is essential in this regard.

As for Carlo, he doesn't know whether the government-supervised social security system can work, as the Prime Minister said. But anyway, doing it is better than not doing it well.

Although Italy is not financially rich, something has to be done.

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