My Italian

Chapter 473: Upheaval in Parliament

Remember [New] for a second,! The successful development of the light machine gun and the launch of the dreadnought made Carlo feel much better about this patrol. Then he continued to inspect the major northern industrial cities of Milan, Turin, and Genoa, and the results were not bad.

The development of these cities is very smooth. For example, the steel and shipbuilding industries in Genoa, the military and automobile manufacturing industries in Turin, and the textile and steel industries in Milan are all developing very well. With these industries, these cities have attracted many upstream and downstream related industries to develop here.

In general, these northern cities do not need much attention from Rome, and they will live well and nourish themselves. And Carlo is also quite satisfied with this. Next, the government's focus needs to be shifted to the south. After all, the gap between the north and the south cannot be widened, otherwise it will cause social division, which is not conducive to the overall situation of stability and harmony in Italy.

But when Carlo just returned to Rome, a piece of news disrupted his good mood.

"Parliamentary election, right-wing party won?"

After hearing this amazing news, even Carlo asked one more question to make sure. You must know that since the unification of Italy, except for the first five years (1871-1876), it was a right-wing party, and since then it has been a left-wing party in power, which has firmly held the parliament until now. After all, it is nominally up to the parliament to choose and nominate the prime minister, and then let the king approve it.

Therefore, the results of this parliamentary election are very subtle, and the partisan struggle that has been hidden for a long time has surfaced again. Although in law, the king has the power to decide who to appoint to form the cabinet (in the case of an emergency, the king can directly appoint). However, this power cannot be used casually, because it will attract the dissatisfaction of domestic parties, so we can only be cautious.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is yesterday's news. His Majesty was still on the train, so I didn't send you a message."

Facing the answer from the head guard, Carlo thought for a while. "Go back first."

For Carlo, for now, let's talk about the specific situation. As for the king's return to Rome, all parties got the news at the first time. At this time, due to Carlo's return, the party struggle, which was a little bit eager, was temporarily suppressed again.

Even the National Socialist Party, which has won this election, is also waiting for something, or expecting something.

After returning to the palace, Carlo read the information immediately and finally understood what the victory of the right-wing party was like.

This parliamentary election was not so much a loss for the Left party as it was a victory for the National Socialist Party. Yes, the victory of the National Socialist Party. Because in this parliamentary election, the National Socialist Party won 86 votes, far higher than the left-wing parties, becoming the largest party in the parliament. If the 73 votes of other right-wing parties are added, then among the 297 members of parliament, the right-wing party won a total of 160 seats, surpassing the 137 votes of the left-wing party in one fell swoop, making the right-wing party in power again after 27 years. parliament.

While the parliament at the helm is more of an eraser, the buoyant and uplifting right-wing party is a huge boost.

"How did the National Socialist Party become the largest party so quickly? What's going on?"

Carlo, who was reading the information, felt a little strange. He asked the intelligence chief to ask for some details.

It turns out that the National Socialist Party can win the general election this time, and the time and place are right and everyone is occupied.

It's a bit embarrassing, including Carlo's own reasons. Because the Carlos and the Roman government wanted to take the power to call the National Socialist Party into the cabinet to promote the promotion of the provincial bill, and the National Socialist Party did a very good job. This has greatly improved the views of many people in the MNS. Think they are a party that dares to do things, has the courage to do things, and is full of vigor.

Don't underestimate this change, it can bring a lot of popularity to the political party.

In addition, left-wing parties are also dissatisfied with the fact that Prime Minister Antonio has brought the far-right National Socialist party into the cabinet, especially the coalition of radical far-left figures. Even if Antonio explained this, there was still no way to gain understanding from these radical extreme leftists. Out of revenge, the far-left coalition chose to play tricks on the left-wing party in this parliamentary election, which directly led to a significant loss of seats for the left-wing party. There is a sense that heretics are more hateful than heretics.

Seeing this, Carlo was a little bit dumbfounded, but he pushed the other side by himself.

In addition to the National Socialist Party's entry into the cabinet, there are actually some other reasons. The slogan of the National Socialist Party, for example, is even more seductive.

In the country where Italian nationalism is prevalent, especially in recent years, Italy has developed well, making nationalism even higher. And the far right is very attractive to nationalists. For example, the New Roman Empire proposed by the National Socialist Party. The claim that Italy needs dominance in the Mediterranean in order to regain its glory is best suited to nationalist appetites.

The good economic development of Italy has also brought about the gradual growth of the domestic bourgeoisie. Monopoly capitalism is no longer a term, but a living presence in front of the Kingdom of Italy. These monopoly capitalists were also interested in the theory of the expansion of the National Socialist Party. Of course, just being interested is not enough. In the eyes of these monopoly capitalists, the National Socialist Party is much better than left-wing First of all, the slogan put forward by the National Socialist Party is dedication, giving, claiming that as long as every patriotic Italy is willing to pay a little bit, then the future of Italy will be better. Look at how good the slogans of the National Socialist Party are, and then look at the left-wing parties, freedom, people's livelihood, welfare, etc. These slogans will only lead to those workers' demands for higher wages and better treatment.

In addition, in recent years, the left-wing parties have issued a number of social welfare requirements. For example, factories must buy insurance for workers, and they also stipulate a series of measures such as minimum wages and overtime pay for working hours.

Therefore, in this parliamentary election, these new monopoly capital have drawn a lot of sponsorship for the National Socialist Party. This also led to the fact that the National Socialist Party spent far more money than other parties in this election. The more money it took, the more it could win the election. This is the same truth. Although there may be occasional minor problems, this is the case for most of them. And it is precisely for these reasons that the National Society won the parliamentary election in one fell swoop.

Of course, what the National Socialist Party, which won the election, should do next will test the political wisdom of the top leaders of the National Socialist Party. After all, as long as it unites with other right-wing parties at this time, it seems that the National Socialist Party cannot take the position of Prime Minister. This was also the source of the Roman dark tide before Carlo came back.

Carlo is also very curious about the next performance of the National Society. Of course, what to do next, he is also a little clueless now, so let's take a look first.

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