My Italian

Chapter 484: Lushun was besieged

The blending of Italy has not yet come to fruition, but the war is waiting for no one, and neither Japan nor Russia can stop it.

First of all, after the Japanese attacked Port Lushun, they immediately dispatched troops to land from Busan and Inchon on May 9 and 12, and quickly took control of the small Korean court.

Then on June 2, the Japanese First Army, with more than 30,000 people carrying more than 100 artillery pieces, landed northward from Nampo, North Korea, under the leadership of General Heoki Weizhen. In late June, the landing Japanese troops arrived on the left bank of the Yalu River without encountering any resistance, and were eyeing the Russian troops stationed in the Northeast.

At this time, Russia had already taken action. First of all, General Stark, who showed his incompetence in this Japanese sneak attack, was fired and replaced by Lieutenant General Makarov, the last famous Russian general.

Makarov is worthy of being a famous general. As soon as he took office, he took a series of emergency measures to strengthen the operations of the Lushun fleet.

First, he decided to mine the coastal areas of the Liaodong Peninsula to prevent the Japanese from landing and threatening the Lushun base from behind. At the same time, it improved the defense of Port Lushun, stepped up the repair of damaged ships, and often dispatched fleets to the sea to strengthen combat readiness training. He also ordered the Vladivostok fleet to actively harass the Japanese naval lines of communication in the Sea of ​​Japan in order to disperse the Japanese pressure on Lushun.

This series of actions quickly restored the morale of the Russian navy officers and soldiers, especially after he led the team to attack several times in person and repelled the attack of the Japanese fleet, he was even more recognized by the Russian navy officers and soldiers. I believe that if he gives him another period of time, the Russian Pacific Fleet will give the Japanese Combined Fleet a headache.

In fact, after the arrival of Makarov, the combined fleet felt a headache for this. To this end, the Japanese Combined Fleet Commander Togo Heihachiro and Chief of Staff Akiyama Shinzhi and others came up with a solution that is not a solution. Since the Russian Lieutenant General Makarov is so difficult to deal with, then shoot the man first, shoot the horse and catch the thief first. To capture the king, first get the lieutenant general Makarov.

To this end, the combined fleet made careful preparations. First, in the middle of the night on June 2, it dispatched warships to secretly lay mines outside the Port of Lushun. The next day, it dispatched warships of the Third Division to lure the enemy outside the Port of Lushun.

At that time, the Russian destroyer was returning from overseas activities and was besieged by Japanese destroyers. Makarov urgently dispatched the battleship "Bayan" to the rescue, but was besieged by the warships of the Japanese Third Squadron. So, Makarov personally led the fleet out of the port to meet the battle, and chased after the fleeing Japanese ships.

When it was discovered that the main Japanese fleet had already been lined up, he made a decisive decision and ordered the ships to return. On the way back, the battleship Victory he was on hit a mine 15 kilometers away from Lushun, and the violent explosion hit the Victory. However, thanks to Italy's good underwater defense system, the Victory was only severely damaged, and the Victory, which was struggling to return to Lushun, was seen.

Togo Heihachiro took the main force of the combined fleet and fought hard against the Victory all the way. During half an hour of heavy artillery shelling, the Victory suffered heavy losses, including 7 secondary guns and 2 main guns. If it weren't for the excellent performance of the Krupp armor steel on the Victory, and the structure is also very reasonable. Any other Russian warship would have been sunk long ago.

The Victory, with all its scars, finally hid in Lushun under the stunned gaze of the officers and soldiers of the Japanese fleet.

At this time, Lieutenant General Makarov, who did not know that he had escaped the calamity, only suffered some minor injuries. However, he looked at the seriously injured Victory with a sad expression on his face. Because the seven battleships of the Pacific Fleet, the Prince and the Perthwaite were hit by torpedoes and are still undergoing emergency repairs, and now the Victory is seriously injured, there are currently only four battleships available in the fleet.

Although there were four battleships left, they were all four with poor performance. Three Petropavlovsk-class battleships, which could only reach speeds of up to 16 knots, although 2 twin 1895 305mm L/40 guns; 4 twin and 4 single 1892 The firepower of the year-style 152mm L/45 secondary gun looks good, but the standard displacement of 10,960 tons leads to insufficient defense of the ship. Although the defense is good on paper, the waterline armor belt is 254-368 mm, but its armor The width can be imagined, it must be a very narrow armor belt.

As for the other Oslibia, the ship's speed protection is not bad, but the firepower of 4 254mm main guns and 11 152mm secondary main guns is too weak?

It can be said that the three most effective battleships in the fleet are currently damaged and repaired, so the idea of ​​Lieutenant General Makarov to continue to attack can only come to an end.

On the side of the Combined Fleet, the Victory was seen struggling back to Port Lushun under the siege of many ships. To the disappointment of the combined fleet and others, Heihachiro Togo, the fleet commander, immediately sent a telegram to Tokyo, asking the government not to let the Russians get Italian battleships, especially the three Genoa-class battleships.

Of course, Heihachiro Togo gave very high praise to the two purchased Garibaldi cruisers. Although the cost of the ship was very high, its performance was too powerful. With a displacement of 15,000 tons, it can actually run at a high speed of 23 knots. What's more, the 8 254mm main guns it is equipped with are powerful and can be called cruiser killers.

As long as you see it, don't even think about running away. Therefore, these two cruisers were commanded by Hikoto Uemura, and they brought several other cruisers, ready to capture the Pacific Fleet cruisers in Vladivostok Port.

However, although the Japanese patrol formation is ready, the Russian warships hiding in the port of Vladivostok will not come out.

For this kind of countermeasure of being willing to be an otaku at home, Uemura Hikonosuke can't help it, he can't possibly rush into the port with a costume patrol.

There was no way for Uemura to stay outside Vladivostok for a long time, so he had to leave first. However, as soon as the front foot left, the Russian cruiser formation with the rear foot slipped out, and they wandered around the sea off Japan, sinking and capturing several merchant fishing boats, which made Uemura Hikonoki feel angry in his heart. The other party returned to Vladivostok again, making people jump with anxiety.

At this time, the Japanese Navy was a little uncomfortable. The Russian fleet was hiding in the port and could not come out. Fortunately, Japan still has an army, and it needs the help of the army at this time. But if you want the Army to help, you need to at least temporarily block the threat of the Russian Navy.

So for the combined fleet commander Togo Heihachiro, this is a tough question. Because the Russians are not stupid, you can block the Port of Lushun if you want to. He has sent two batches of ships to block the port before and failed. It is extremely difficult to block the port from the sight of the Russians.

But this time, in order to ensure that the army could land on the Liaodong Togo Heihachiro became ruthless and took out more than a dozen ships for blocking purposes. Therefore, on the night of July 4, more than a dozen Japanese ships blocked the ships. , under the control of the death squad, swarmed directly to the port waterway.

Although they were severely bombarded by the Russians and blocked by mines on the way, these death squads, who did not want their lives, rushed past the interception without hesitation, and five ships rushed to the mouth of the waterway. Immediately afterwards, the five ships full of blockages opened the sea locks and directly blocked the waterway with the sunken ship.

This time, even a famous naval admiral like Makarov has no choice for the time being.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the Russian navy was blocked in the port, Japan launched an offensive from the Yalu River. Within two days, the East Manchu detachment of the Russian army was defeated and retreated from Jiuliancheng and retreated in the direction of Liaoyang.

At the same time, the Japanese Second Army, more than 40,000 people, commanded by General Ao Baogong, landed on July 9 from Piziwo in the southeast of the Liaodong Peninsula in an attempt to capture Lushun from the north.

On July 13, the Japanese Second Army arrived in Jinzhou, where the 4th Infantry Division of the Russian Army was in charge of defense. The 4th Infantry Division was defeated in a battle and retreated all the way to the periphery of Lushun to stabilize the line of defense. The Japanese army took the opportunity to occupy Jinzhou and Dalian. At this time, the strategic point of Lushun was completely surrounded.

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