My Italian

Chapter 487: The big deal of 400 million liras (Part 2)

The Russo-Japanese War is still going on, and the officers and soldiers of the two sides are still fighting, especially in Lushun.

Because of the strong request of the navy, the Japanese 3rd Army launched a storm on the Russian positions. The fierce battle continued until September 24. The Japanese army wedged in the defense line of the fortress guard troops in some places at the cost of losing 22,000 people, while the Russian army lost more than 4,000 people. The power of the Mark Qin machine gun in the defense of the position was displayed to the fullest in this tough battle. A large number of Japanese officers and soldiers were shot down by this deadly weapon on the way to charge.

For this reason, when the battle report of the Third Army was sent back to Tokyo, the base camp thought it was a typo.

Due to the heavy losses, the Japanese army had to suspend further attempts to attack the fortress, wait for the replenishment of troops and materials, and prepare for a new offensive. From October 19th to 22nd, the Japanese army launched the second storm. During the four-day offensive, the Japanese army only occupied three fortifications at the cost of 13,000 people, but the important strategic commanding heights surrounding the city were still in the hands of the defenders. The Russian army lost more than 3,000 people.

When the offensive and defensive battle in Lushun was in full swing, a battle between Japan and Russia in Liaoyang was also unfolding. The Japanese 1st, 2nd, and 4th Army, led by General Dashanyan, fought a battle with Russia led by General Kuropatkin.

The 135,000 Japanese troops launched an offensive against the 160,000 Russian troops stationed here. After eight days of fighting, the Japanese army defeated Russia at the cost of losing 14,000 people, causing Russia to retreat to Fengtian, and this time the Russian army lost 27,000 people.

During the fierce battle of Liaoyang, the Second Detachment of the Combined Fleet led by Hikonosuke Uemura made a great contribution. They captured the Russian Vladivostok Squadron led by Rear Admiral Essen in Ulsan.

To say which Russian fleet made the Japanese grit their teeth the most, it was none other than the Vladivostok Squadron. This fleet, led by Major General Essen, harassed the coast of Japan several times, sunk and captured a large number of Japanese civilian ships, causing a huge sensation. So for a period of time, Japanese civilian ships were like frightened birds, and when they saw the warships, they shouted that the Lucia fleet was coming.

In this Ulsan naval battle, the second detachment, led by two Garibaldi-class patrols, fought hard against the Vladivostok Squadron. The Vladivostok Squadron, whose firepower protection and speed were far inferior to the Japanese ships, was sunk on the spot. After this naval battle, the Vladivostok Squadron was considered dead in name only, and the threat to Japan's coast was relieved.

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Russia is already at a comprehensive disadvantage in this war in the Far East.

Faced with this situation, the Russians are of course not reconciled. In addition to using the yet-to-be-penetrated Siberian Railway to continuously transport troops and materials to the Far East, the batch of warships for sale in Italy is also determined to win.

"Prime Minister Antonio, our country has raised the price by 380 million lire, which is enough to prove the sincerity of our country. Your country is biting on the price of 400 million lire and will not let go, is it a little too persistent. The price is already the highest, a full 40 million lire higher than the Japanese price, and I don’t think there will be a higher price.”

The speaker was the Russian ambassador to Italy, Tokayev, the most active ambassador to Italy recently. Because he is also the negotiator for the purchase of Italian warships, he has a lot of contact with the Italian side these days. At present, the bidding between the two countries has come to an end. Japan can only offer 340 million lire, while the great Russian empire has already offered 380 million lire, which has suppressed the Japanese by far.

But some things are so helpless, and the price of 380 million liras has been talked about. The Italians in front of them are still motionless, and the price of 400 million liras is not easy to let go, which makes the teeth ticklish. Are these Italians not afraid that these warships will not be sold?

None of the Italian senior officials present knew the Russian ambassador's inner thoughts, but Prime Minister Antonio smiled slightly. "Your Excellency Ambassador, this purchase of warships is also your own wish. Since your country needs these warships, you need to give them a matching price, and our country believes that these warships are worth 400 million lire. I think this is a different value concept. reasons, and nothing else."

Regardless of other issues, Tokayev cursed inwardly. You must know that Russia purchased two Genoa-class battleships in Italy three years ago. At that time, he participated in the whole process. Why didn't he say that at that time, but now he talks about the difference in values.

In fact, he also knows that the Italians are dead, they can only buy ships here, and for the victory of the war, St. Petersburg will definitely yield to this high price. Because he can see it from the contents of the telegrams sent to him by St. Petersburg.

However, although there is resentment, the task given to him by St. Petersburg must be done. Ambassador Tokayev can only continue to work hard with the Italians, but the effect is the same as before. Opportunity. In the end, he had no choice but to return to the embassy.

As soon as he got back to the embassy, ​​he immediately called the secretary. "Telegram to St. Petersburg. According to my observation, the Italians insist on 400 million liras to purchase the ship, and they are very firm."

"Okay, Your Excellency Ambassador."

After sending off the secretary, Ambassador Tokayev slumped in his chair in frustration. The negotiation on this day was very tiring. More importantly, the Italians do not have enough oil and salt, so he has no room to develop his skills.

Originally, he thought it was a good job, and he wanted to take this as a credit to the people above, and he would move up two steps if he had the chance. But now that his mind has been dispelled, St. Petersburg doesn't think it's good for him to do things poorly.

The next morning, before Ambassador Tokayev asked, the secretary came over with a telegram.

"Call back from St. Petersburg."

This sentence made Ambassador Tokayev cheer up and check it carefully. In fact, this telegram was read at a glance, because it said that the transaction should be completed as soon as possible.

"Something must have happened, and I didn't know it."

This was the thought that came to Tokayev's mind.

Tokayev was because the former commander of the Far East, Admiral Kutparokin, sent a telegram to the Tsar, which in addition to stating the current difficulties of Russia in the region , He also suggested to the tsar that it was too difficult to achieve the goal of defeating the Japanese army on land due to the failure of the Trans-Siberian Railway, so he could find a way from the sea.

It was these words that became the last straw that broke the Tsar's heart, and he finally decided to buy Italian warships and complete the fleet formation to reinforce the Far East as soon as possible.

And although Tokayev doesn't know the inside story, since St. Petersburg is willing to suffer this decision, he has nothing to say.

Then he said to the secretary. "Prepare the carriage, I need to go to the Prime Minister's Office now."

In a hurry, Tokayev went to the Italian Prime Minister's Office with the news that Russia agreed.

The signing of the ship purchase contract was also very fast, and the two parties reached a ship purchase agreement the next day.

Subsequently, the news that Russia spent a huge sum of 400 million lire to purchase the Italian fleet also spread to all parts of the world along with the radio waves. And the news also shocked the whole world. Some people said that Italy was greedy, and some people said that the Russians were taken advantage of, but in any case, the news of Russia's acquisition of a 120,000-ton fleet must be the Japanese.

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