My Italian

Chapter 51: shipyard

Time has entered the winter unknowingly. The winter in Italy is not cold, which is roughly the same as that of the little friends living in the south. So Carlo didn't feel the chill at all. Of course, if you ignore the fur coat he is wearing, then you can take what he said as the truth.

However, in winter, Andosal Shipyard is still very lively. The steady stream of orders keeps the factory workers motivated. Because they all know that only a steady stream of orders can get a generous salary.

Unlike ordinary workers who only pay attention to orders, the management of the shipyard is more concerned about the two warships built in the No. 3 and No. 4 docks.

These two warships are the manifestation and symbol of the strength of the Andosal Shipyard, and it also enables the shipyard to become the main supplier of the Navy. Therefore, after finalizing the order for the two Venice-class armored cruisers, the Andoshar Shipyard immediately organized elite troops to build these two warships.

At present, it has been more than two months of construction, and the hull has been built halfway, and the outline of the hull can be seen initially.

"Thank you for your hard work."

On the side of Dock No. 3, Carlo watched the workers drive rivets into the ship's plank, and thanked the group around him.

"Your Majesty is very kind, this is what our shipyard should do."

Aika Lugni, the head of Andoshar Shipyard, took Carlo's words and said that he did not dare to do anything.

This Ika Lugni is amazing, and the Andosal Shipyard got a new lease of life in his hands. From an unknown shipyard in Italy, it has become one of the largest shipyards in Italy. Now it is taking advantage of the opportunity to get more shipbuilding orders from the Navy.

After all, everyone knows that civilian ships are more profitable than military ships, and the construction of barracks ships is also a reflection of the strength of the shipyard, and they are very keen to make Andoshar Shipyard a supplier to the navy.

Therefore, for Carlo's visit, the shipyard has attached great importance to it. Don't look at the fact that this monarch has no regent because of his age, but as long as you know a little about it, you will know that this is a young adult, and even the prime minister who holds the power will think twice about his speech.

In addition, who doesn't know that the two Venice-class cruisers under construction are paid for by His Majesty. You don't have to think about it to know that this is the goodwill expressed by the king to the navy, and the navies of various countries have always been trusted by the deep monarchs and have become a good hand in restraining the army.

The monarch can think of this at this age, which is a blessing for Italy.

Okay, stop gossip, and turn to the front.

Carlo was chatting with General Manager Lugney for a while, and immediately turned the subject to others.

"Your Excellency Brin, I am very satisfied with the design of your factory this time. I heard that many designs were proposed by your Excellency."

The Brin that Carlo asked about was the chief designer of the shipyard, Benedetto Brin. Brin, who is in his fifties, is not old at all. He wears less than Carlo. Busy makes his skin dark and his hands rough.

"Your Majesty is joking. This is all due to Vittorio. I just mentioned a few words on the side."

At this time, the old designer began to help the younger generation, and Vittorio Cuniberti, who was named by him, smiled at Carlo with a somewhat embarrassed expression, looking like a programmer of later generations.

"It is said that Brin is one of the best Italian ship designers. How do you think Italian ships should be designed in the future?"

Although Brin was helping the younger generation, Carlo did not let the designer go because of this. He planned to consider his vision.

After Carlo's questioning, the scene was quiet. Although the others didn't know why Carlo asked this question, they also knew that the chief designer's answer should be very important.

Facing the suddenly quiet environment, Brin was not affected by it, instead he frowned and thought for a while before answering.

"I think the Italian ship design should follow the fine line."

Facing Brin's answer, Carlo looked at the old man and waited for his further explanation. Because this is too simple, anyone can say it, but it doesn't show its level.

Sure enough, Brin explained it later. "At present, the technological innovation is changing with each passing day, and the warships of various countries are being phased out very fast. This makes many designers unable to start. Sometimes the blueprints they have just designed are a little inappropriate when they wake up the next day. Take my country's construction. For the Doulio-class battleship, it was the most powerful warship in the world at the beginning of construction, but when the construction is completed, countries will have battleships that are more powerful than the Dolio-class. And this class The ships are not as advanced now, but it's a bit puzzling to hear that the Navy is planning to build three more versions of this class."

As soon as Brin opened his mouth, he took the old adversary's triumph to talk about it, and the following words made the shipyard tremble with fear. If the Navy knew about this, it would offend people.

But fortunately, Carlo also knew their thoughts and gave him a reassurance. "This is my discussion with Lord Brin, and it will not be passed around."

And Brin also knew that he didn't pay attention to what he said just now, so he turned the topic to Carlo's interest. "At present, I think that the Italian ship design needs to serve the navy, and the threat to the Italian navy is mainly from the pressure of the French Here the Austro-Hungarian Navy is directly ignored, of course, with the current Austro-Hungarian Navy's Strength, even if you jump up, you can hit the knee of the Italian Navy, not to mention.

"And I don't think our navy should be tit-for-tat with France in terms of scale, because my country's shipbuilding spending is not as good as France's, but should adopt a stance of small steps and run fast, and build new warships at a speed of no more than two ships in one class. Among them, new warships are the best. It is also focused on speed firepower, which can delay the speed of its elimination."

That's right, in Brin's opinion, the three major warships are the number of miles, and the firepower speed is the most important. As for protection, when the three items cannot be met, it should be given up first.

Although Carlo does not agree with Brin's words, because of firepower, protection, and speed, it is best not to give up on these three. Of course, he is not a paranoid, nor a perfectionist. Of course, I also know that in this era of great development of shipbuilding technology, a new ship that is launched can guarantee the main position for ten years. In many cases, they were devolved to the reserve force after serving for less than a few years.

Actually, think about it, the Italian shipbuilding time is really not a good time. In the 1980s and 1990s, the technology of warships was greatly developed. During this period, Italy built a large number of warships. As a result, when the 20th century came, it could be eliminated immediately. On the contrary, in the war with the Ottomans, there was not a single battleship that could be taken.

Unlike Germany, the shipbuilding time was chosen well, and the dreadnought immediately followed up, creating a high seas fleet that made Britain feel afraid.

To say that Italy spends less money than Germany, it is not much less, but the gap between the two is too great.

And Brin's words made Carlo feel that he had learned something again. Any situation must be combined with reality, and he still has a long way to go.


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