My Little Mom is the Richest

Chapter 457 Pathos Sonata

Mu Qiu in front of the piano has completely integrated into the mood of the music at this moment, and at this moment, the piano has become an extension of his soul.

Every meticulous feeling and thought in his heart is faithfully conveyed by the piano under his fingers. At this moment, he is using the piano to talk to the audience!

With both hands on the keys again, there was a surge of sound, and at this moment, Mu Qiu suddenly opened his eyes, looking down at the keys under his hands.

The calm gaze conveyed an extremely firm belief, the power of the whole body was transmitted to the ten fingers, and a few decisive and cold chords brought this "Moonlight Sonata" to an end.

After the song was played, the audience was silent. The last few chords, like a few heavy hammers, smashed away the hypocrisy and ugliness for a while, and woke up the people who had no idea what to do!

"Papa papa!" From the side of the stage, Jun Yuelan looked at Mu Qiu's figure, and watched this "son" applaud rhythmically. Tears had already filled her cheeks.

The applause was like a fuse, instantly igniting the enthusiasm of the whole venue. This third movement, full of enthusiasm and power, completely conquered all the audience present.

People used their warmest applause to express their gratitude to the performances that brought them music!

Surrounded by applause. The expression on Mu Qiu's face. But he was as calm as ever, like a real master, standing there quietly.

At this moment, Kissin realized that he also guessed the meaning of Mu Qiu's words. Mu Qiu was the pianist whose performance made his soul tremble.

"Mu Qiu? I really didn't expect that there is another you in the world. I thought that my performance today could defeat you. It seems that I am not sure yet."

Levi looked at Mu Qiu in disbelief. He couldn't believe that besides Kissin, there were people in this world who could surpass him.

He looked at Mu Qiu, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes, and said with a smile: "It was an interesting night, Mu Qiu and Kissin, I am really getting more and more excited."

"I'm really eager to see what other works you have. Could it be that all your performances are your own original repertoire? It's really interesting."

Facing the applause and cheers, Mu Qiu bowed politely like a piano master. Afterwards, he looked at Kissing, at the audience, and pressed his hands.

Following Mu Qiudi's gesture. The audience gradually fell silent.

"Next, there are two more tracks. These two piano pieces are my original works, and this piano piece, his name is - Sorrow!"

The heavy chords of the music, Li Hai made the atmosphere in the concert hall serious and cold!

It can be said that pathos is the beginning of the transformation of Beethoven's piano sonata, which has entered the middle and early era, that is, Beethoven's piano music.

There are too many Beethoven's piano pieces, but I can't use all of them in today's competition, so the best way is to choose two pieces and create an original one!

After much deliberation, Mu Qiu chose Moonlight, Sorrow, and these two piano pieces. The styles of these two piano pieces can be said to be different.

We must know that, starting from sorrow, more and more realities have given Beethoven pain, prompting him to think more deeply and more about society and life.

The works have also become more and more full of contradictions and dramatic conflicts, with a clear Beethoven style! It can be said that this piece of music is most familiar to Beethoven fans in previous lives.

This is also the work of an era that all fans of Beethoven in the previous life, except for the Moonlight Sonata, loved the most!

"Boom". A deep and stern bass sounded! The light of art is so transparent, it fully expresses the strength and timbre required by this chord!

Originally, Kissin was still a little confident, but after listening to the chords that Lu Wei had just played, he immediately felt ashamed!

The difference is too big! Although it is only a chord, it is the effect that Kissin has played countless times, but he yearns for and cannot achieve it!

That chord is clearly in my mind, and I have described it countless times! It's just that no matter how hard Kissin himself tried, he never heard such a voice under his hands.

A very weak melody with a hesitant expression sounded tentatively, like that heavy chord, bringing uneasy thinking.

"Boom!" Two more discordant chords ruthlessly broke this fantasy temptation, showing the heavy reality more ruthlessly in front of people.

Every strong dynamic chord. It was accompanied by a huge shock in Mu Qiu's body! This kind of chord requires the weight of the whole body to be transmitted to the fingers instantly through the control of the muscles. The skills required for it are not inferior to those high-level brilliance!

Pay attention to the weight rather than the strength. This is the most difficult part. Many pianists will unconsciously increase the strength of their muscles in order to pursue a heavy effect on these strong dynamic chords.

But the direct effect of this approach is that the sound is up, but it is dull, without the transparent and shocking feeling of music!

The weight is different. The weight of the whole body is transmitted from the wrist to the fingertips in an instant without any hesitation, and then accurately reflected on the keys. This kind of playing method can truly achieve the kind of thick, full and not boring effect!

Just the chords of the Zhuangban part have already fascinated the audience, and they are not laymen. The picky ears are far better than ordinary people, but the sound they hear can be said to be impeccable!

After a heavy Zhuang board. The melody of the Allegro sounded, and the second theme that people are most familiar with came out smoothly from the light of art

The ten fingers rise and fall on the keys with a sense of rhythm, and the left hand keeps high-frequency tremolo like thunder rolling in the sky. The change of intensity makes people feel that the music is far and near.

There is a strong sense of movement, while the right hand is fast and steady two-tone uplink and fast small brilliance appear alternately. The shape of the hand that is close to the keys looks powerful and dynamic!

"Boom". A loud chord once again pulled the music into the heavy Zhuangban, but, after the previous second theme, this reappeared Zhuangban theme. It sounds more serious!

Take one light and one small one to relax. The sound screen is always in a questioning mood, and the proper pause leaves people with unlimited thinking space.

Watching this performance, Kissing and Levi's eyes lit up! The handling of this paragraph is something they have never seen before, and the proper pause that Mu Qiu used here is simply a stroke of genius!

In other words, no one has ever dealt with music like Mu Qiu. It can be said that Mu Qiu has completely broken all conventional thinking.

Rest is a very common means of expression in music works. Sometimes, proper rest will produce better effects than continuous music.

(PS; only these two pieces are dedicated to the great piano master - Beethoven, the piano competition is coming to an end, and the next episode will start immediately.)

(PS; I'm sorry, I'm an author, it shouldn't be like this, but I'm also a Beethoven fan, so please understand, thank you.). ,,.

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