Originally, Jun Riyue thought that this small island was not very big, so how could it be difficult for a small forest to hold her.

But after walking for so long, Jun Riyue began to realize that he was wrong and thought too much.

It happened to be fine when I walked in, but after a while, Jun Riyue realized that it was not easy to walk through the forest on this island.

In addition, this forest is above this tropical sea, and the specific climate will make all kinds of strange and dangerous animals lurk in the forest.

There are plenty of disease-carrying insects, and the plants are always crawling with big biting ants.

Below the wet layer of leaves on the ground is often slippery mud and rotting wood.

Clumps of vines and tangles of creeping plants made walking more difficult, and the woods were so hot that those caught in them would soon be sweating profusely.

Mu Qiu couldn't bear to walk.

Since the impressive patriarch walked forward without any reaction.

In front of the patriarch, Mu Qiu and Jun Riyue seemed pretentious and hypocritical.

"Patriarch, why are you so lively? I feel like our ages are reversed." Mu Qiu said with a wry smile covering his face.

"I've been born and raised here, and I've been exercising since I was a kid."

"I remember being thrown into this deep forest by my father when I was ten years old."

"Oh, you young people now! You just can't bear the hardship." The patriarch sighed and left.

Mu Qiu and Jun Riyue didn't complain anymore, they just wanted to fight for breath, believing that they could do whatever the patriarch could do.

Going further in, the forest looks more and more beautiful.

Walking along the water flow of the creek, you will find an endless verdant primeval forest. The dense pine trees are like giant umbrellas supporting the sky, and the overlapping branches only leave speckled and broken shadows of the sun.

Walking through the forest, you can only hear the sound of water splashing on the rocks when your feet step on the ground, which adds to the tranquility of the dense forest.

In the depths of the forest, even birds seldom come here, only occasionally a few birdsong can be heard in the distance.

At this time, if you stop and sit on a rock to smoke and rest, although the sun is shining outside the forest, the red flame of your cigarette butt is shining in the dense forest that covers the sun.

Judging from the two charred dead trees that were accidentally discovered, hard-working hunters may have come here. They made a fire and camped in the middle of the night, and roasted the game they hunted.

In the woods, there is silence, looking up, the sun is shining through the shade among the leaves, like stars twinkling in the sky, a little dazzling, but very crystal clear and beautiful, revealing an elusive tranquility.

The irradiated light and shadow swayed melodiously from side to side faintly, and the hare hiding behind the bushes looked around with timid eyes, not only coming out to look for food, but also coming to enjoy the only attractive scenery nearby.

Looking from the woods at one end to the other, the endless green seems a bit hollow, and it should be a budding bud, but it is slowly falling to the ground by the wind like a blade.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qiu asked the patriarch strangely: "Patriarch, isn't this island the only place where you Mujin people live?"

"A long time ago, we, the Hibiscus tribe, were indeed the only ones who survived in this area."

"However, since a few years ago, someone discovered our island and tried to occupy it."

"Because there are abundant water plants and abundant resources here, people from all over the world know the benefits of a place."

"The trees here are not one by one. At that time, this forest was a real forest, and the trees were all clustered around each other without leaving a single gap." The patriarch said while shaking his head. . ,,.

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