It was a pity for Han Rong to see that the moat formation was broken, but he was not frustrated. He knew that there was a formation behind it, which was arranged by the disciples of Jiejiao later.

Although he didn't know the strength of this formation, he found that this formation requires the cooperation of a great Luo Jinxian peak and several great Luo Jinxians to set it up. He knew that this formation might be stronger than the defense formation at Bangshuiguan, after all. The layout of the defensive formation was only done by a golden immortal and more than a thousand soldiers from Earth Immortals.

The gap between the two sides can be seen at once, and Han Rong is now looking forward to surprises from this formation.

"Senior Sister, are you coming or me?" Zhao Gongming said, looking at Wudang Mother.

"It's better for you to do it yourself, after all, this is the formation you arranged." Madame Wudang said indifferently.

The last formation level of Zhubangshuiguan was arranged by Zhao Gongming led by several big Luo Jinxians, but this formation is very difficult to see in the interception teaching, but as long as the array eyes are arranged well, even any Taiyi Jinxian can Start this formation.

This array is called the space psychedelic array, with a space concept, so that everyone will not collide even if they are in the same position. It can also make the people who enter the battle hallucinate, unknowingly they will get lost in the battle until Death.

However, the highest status among the disciples of the cut teaching is the Undang Madonna. Even if the Turtle Spirit Madonna will call her senior sister, it is not easy for Zhao Gongming to do it directly and ask the Undang Madonna's opinion.

"Since Senior Sister doesn't matter, then Junior Brother will do it for you." Zhao Gongming waved his hand when he finished speaking.

Ji Chang and the others didn’t see clearly what it was. They only saw a white light flashing out and then disappeared. There was no change in the way forward. All these doubts were held in their hearts. The main task now is to break. City, other things have to stand aside.

Ji Chang led the army to rush forward excitedly. In front of him was Baoshui Pass, which was the Baoshui Pass they dreamed of, day and night. After winning this pass, they had no obstacles ahead.

However, they got excited too soon. When everyone rushed forward for a few days, Ji Chang suddenly discovered that the front troops suddenly stayed in place and spinning, and even the soldiers at the rear continued to rush forward, but they did not collide.

Ji Chang Chonghouhu, Yi Di and other generals discovered that the figure of the soldier behind and the figure rushing in in front overlapped, and there was no conflict between the two sides.

Ji Chang reacted to this situation immediately and hurriedly raised his voice with Magic power.

"Stop going!"

This caused the soldiers who rushed forward to stop. These people also saw the situation of the brothers in front of them, and they backed back in fear, not daring to approach the front.

"Master Hou, it should be a fantasy formation." Nangong Shi said.

"Moreover, it's still a very advanced phantom array that can accommodate so many people without breaking down, even if we can't arrange it." Hongyao said solemnly.

"After a while, then another, it's endless!" Ji Chang said angrily.

At this time, Chonghouhu and Yi Di rushed over and hurriedly asked.

"Ji Chang, what should I do now?"

"It seems that this phantom formation has covered the entire Baoshui Pass. The level is higher than that of the Great Guardian formation. If this formation is not broken, we can't get the Baoshui Pass." Ji Chang said with a serious face.

"Is there any point in taking down Baoshui Pass now? We have taken Baoshui Pass in time. When Huang Feihu and the others arrive, we can't hold it anymore. Isn't this a waste of our time and energy?" Yi Di said dissatisfied.

Now that the troubles at Boshui Pass are constant, Yi Di has long been impatient, and now his mind is all evacuating from here, he no longer thinks about breaking through Baoshui Pass.

"I will never stop you if you want to go, but can you go?" Ji Chang glanced at Yi Di and said.

He knew that now the Dongyi tribe is not in charge of Yi Di, but the Western religion. The Western religion has not ordered to retreat. They will not retreat until the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

"You..." Yi Di was speechless by Ji Chang. He couldn't refute Ji Chang, so he simply left.

He knew that even if he wasn't there, Chonghouhu would tell him what happened here, and he didn't bother to look at Ji Chang's face.

"Can you do it?" Chonghouhu saw Yi Di leave without saying a word, only asking if there was a way to break the formation.

Hongyao is a member of Xiqi's formation. He was most interested in the formation. Hearing Chonghouhu's anxious questions, he turned his head to look at Hongyao, hoping that Hongyao could give an answer.

"This formation is invisible and invisible. There are only two ways to break the formation." Seeing Ji Chang looking at him and everyone else looking at him, Hong Yao had to stand up and say.

"What way?" Chonghouhu couldn't wait to ask before Ji Chang spoke.

"The first way is to send people in to break the formation, but we don't know the situation in the formation. We send people in, it is very likely that Han Rong and the others will defeat them." Hongyao looked at Chonghouhu and said.

"Can't we go in together? As long as there are enough of us and the generals gather together, we won't be afraid of Han Rong's sneak attack!" Nangong Shi said.

"Yes, as long as we are all gathered together, we should be fine. As long as it is not for the disciples to take action, Han Rong still can't take us." Chong Houhu agreed.

"It's useless. You have seen the situation now. There has been a spatial change in this formation. Even if they see the two people in the same position, they did not collide. It means that they are not in the same space. We are divided. We don't know if this phenomenon will be affected. If we are divided after entering, our generals will be more ill-fortuned." Hongyao shook his head and said.

"What about the second method?" Ji Chang asked in silence for a while.

"Brute force broke the formation!" Hongyao said in a deep voice.

"This is all invisible, how can you break the formation with brute force?" Da Dian questioned.

"Any formation has a formation. As long as we find the formation's formation and remove the formation, we will be able to break the phantom formation." Hongyao explained.

"Can't you find where the eye is?" Ji Chang looked at Hongyao and asked.

"This formation is too grand, it's not something I can touch, the minister can't do anything." Hongyao shook his head and said.

After listening to Hongyao's words, everyone fell silent. If the formation of Hongyao didn't know how to break the formation, they didn't even know what to do.

"But there is a way to try." Just when everyone was in a dead end, Hongyao said again.

"What way?" Ji Chang was anxious.

"Most parts of the phantom array can be hallucinogenic, but the eyes of the array will not cause people to hallucinate. The illusion in that place will be very weak, and there will be no space folding phenomenon. If we can find where, we will send people to Go in and break the formation, and we will be able to break this phantom formation." Hongyao said.

"Doesn't this mean that more soldiers need to be sent in to check?" Chonghouhu said with an ugly face.

"This is the only way at the moment." Hongyao knew that this method was very labor intensive, but it was also the best way he could think of to break the formation.

Now we have to let the soldiers into the battlefield. Chonghou Tiger is very unwilling. The previous Jiuqu Yellow River Array is still vividly visible. Chonghou Tiger hasn’t emerged from the shadow of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. How could he still let him? The own soldier enters this space-owned formation again.

"Should you not let the dragons come to break the formation?" Seeing that everyone was reluctant to use soldiers to break the formation, Da Dian made a suggestion.

Ji Chang and Chonghou Hu glanced at each other, and Da Dian didn’t mention it. They were about to forget the existence of the Dragon Clan. They were very dissatisfied with the previous Dragon Clan’s practices. During this time, they have been fighting against the water barrier on their own strength. , Without letting the Dragon Clan participate, they really couldn't believe in the Dragon Clan.

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