My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 241: your character is very good

"Strong Shield Sword Monster?"

Seeing Lu Cheng's elf, there was an exclamation from the audience.

As a steel-type and ghost-type elves, it is quite difficult to cultivate a sword monster with a strong shield.

First of all, prepare high-strength alloys as a whetstone for it every day, and at the same time use blocks containing life energy as its ration.

At the same time, if you want to cultivate a sword monster with a strong shield, you have to prepare an extremely rare dark stone as the evolutionary condition for the double scabbard.

You must know that dark stones are different from ordinary evolution stones. They are often only produced in the spiritual world, and the annual production in the country is very small!

"Tsk tsk tsk, Jiangnan University is really rich, and even the Shield Sword Monster has been cultivated!"

"So what, over-confidence triggers, the game is over."

On the field, Huang Xi's brows furrowed.

No, it's not that simple.

The cultivation of this Shield Sword Monster is very good, and it is very likely that he has mastered the trick of "King's Shield".

Once the rogue crocodile attacks rashly, the gain brought by overconfidence is very likely to be in vain!

"Sword monster with a strong shield?" Zhu Liangji narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Coach Chen has a good plan, and he used the tactics of joint defense."

And the expressions of everyone at Jiangnan University became very strange.

"Sword monster with a strong shield? When did Lu Cheng raise this elf?" Gao Chi said in a low voice.

"I don't know!" Deng Jiawen said with a bitter face, "I only know that Brother Cheng has a Variety Monster."

"That is to say..."

Everyone looked at the small-eyed sword monster with a strong shield and swallowed silently.

Did you make a mistake and let the Variety Monster come on stage?

Isn't this a free gift!

"I believe in Lu Cheng." Chen Dayong folded his arms and said solemnly, "Look at it seriously, Lu Cheng proposed the tactics later."

"If it can be successful, it may become a key part of our league."

Everyone held their breath.

On the field, the two elves were also in a stalemate.

"Did you make a mistake, why hasn't Huang Xi started!"

"The opposite is just a freshman, what are you doing, Momo Haw!"

"Rogue crocodile, bite into pieces!"

A drop of cold sweat ran across Huang Xi's forehead, and he finally launched the first attack.

I saw the rogue crocodile opened its **** mouth, leaped out like lightning, and flew towards the sword monster with a strong shield in mid-air.

But Lu Cheng's expression was very calm.

In the past month of cultivating in the Jitian Taoist Hall, not only the Lizard King has been tempered, but even the Variety Monster has almost fully grasped Xing Feng's strong shield sword monster.

With the life energy of Xerneas, imitating these moves is just a matter of grasping.

"The King's Shield!"

Sure enough!

Huang Xi's eyes widened.

"Clang--" With a sound, the metal blades closed, and the round shield directly met the rogue crocodile's fangs.

A rattling sound could be heard, as if something had been shattered.

The rogue crocodile's eyes widened, and he let go of his big mouth.

But Huang Xi is indeed a veteran player who has experienced one league. He reacted in time and said loudly, "Rogue crocodile, use provocation!"

With provocation, the Shield Sword Monster cannot always maintain this defensive form.

To Huang Xi's surprise, Lu Cheng ordered directly, "The Sword Monster with a Strong Shield, come up!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Huang Xi's mouth.

I'm afraid that this freshman has been using this kind of shrinking tactics, making it impossible for the rogue crocodile to speak.

"Rogue crocodile, bite into pieces!"

Compared to counterattack, the rogue crocodile has never been false!

"Lu Cheng is in a hurry, why should he fight against the rogue crocodile!" Xiong Lingyao, who was off the field, said anxiously, "Consume its stamina again."

Listening to Xiong Lingyao's words, Gao Chi glanced at her and said, "You won't really forget what kind of elf it is?"

"What do you mean?" Xiong Lingyao was taken aback.

The Shield Sword Monster opened its sharp blade and flew towards the rogue crocodile.

And when the pair of sharp teeth gnawed at the body, it suddenly turned into a pool of pink mucus, dripping from the rogue crocodile's teeth.

"Boom—" With a sound, the rogue crocodile's upper and lower teeth slammed together, making a sour sound.

"What's the situation, and there is no hit?"

"No, this elf is not a sword monster with a strong shield, it is a monster of variety!"

Everyone at Jinling University was dumbfounded.

Co-authoring with me and putting this analysis on for so long, are you actually a fiend?

"Leave him alone, rogue crocodile, use Earthquake!"

Even if this Variety Monster is soft, it can't avoid the large-scale damage of the earthquake!


The rogue crocodile roared in the sky, stomped on the ground with one foot, and the gravel splashed.


On the solid site, several cracks appeared in the blink of an eye, and the cracks spread to the beach with amazing speed, and the collapsed rock formation engulfed the lawn in an instant.

Zhu Liangji's face was full of distress.

This prodigal thing, you go to someone else's field and use the earthquake again!

In your own school, do you still have to ask the coach to pay for it?

But Huang Xi's "earthquake" was obviously provoked.

A Variety Monster actually made him fearful for so long, enough to imagine the anger in his heart.


The dust was flying, the rogue crocodile raised his head proudly, but was surprised to see a pair of gorgeous wings.

The sesame-eyed Beagle let out a "Mum" cry, as if mocking the rogue crocodile.

"What's the matter with this ever-changing monster, why can it change its form back and forth in the battle!"

"This is too perverted, isn't it impossible to target it at all!"

Lu Cheng's slime, after absorbing the energy of Xerneas, mastered the amazing transformation ability.

With its abundant life energy, it can change its form arbitrarily, and even achieve the effect of "transformation freely".

But Lu Cheng had tried it before, and slimes could only switch between forms at most three times in a battle.

In other words, Lu Cheng can finally have three sets of armor——

No, that means each form needs to be carefully considered.

And the disadvantage of slime is quite obvious, that is, the body is very fragile.

If it doesn't transform into a small fist stone, or if the transformed form is broken, it is almost no different from the paper paste.

This is also the reason why Lu Cheng came up and turned the slime into a sword monster with a strong shield.

First, slimes are familiar with this elf;

Second, the King's Shield can perfectly play the role of joint defense.

And now, it's Lu Cheng's attack time!

With a bang, before the rogue crocodile could react, a wound was cut open by Bidiao's wings.

Relying on Yan Hui, Bidio soared recklessly over the athletic center of Jinling University, making all the audience's expressions quite ugly.

"Rogue crocodile, use falling rocks to knock it down!" Huang Xi's face was ashen as he gritted his teeth.

Pieces of sharp rock thorns were condensed by the rogue crocodile and threw them at the eagle in the air, while the slime evaded while flying the rogue crocodile's kite with the sharp edge of the air.

Before he knew it, the crimson body of the rogue crocodile was covered in scars.

"It's almost there..." Lu Cheng murmured.

Relying on the consonance of heart, Lu Cheng issued the final transformation instruction of the Variety Monster.

"The ever-changing monster, transform." Huang Xi stared blankly at this familiar figure on the field.


With some shrill voices, the rogue crocodile with its teeth and claws shook its head, familiar with the brand new body.

Two rogue crocodiles appeared on the field.

One was scarred and confused.

A majestic and proud.

"What does it want to do when it becomes a rogue crocodile?"

Zhu Liangji was stunned for a moment, then he was suddenly shocked, and suddenly shouted: "Huang Xi, hurry up and abstain!"

But, it's too late!

The rogue crocodile transformed by the Variety Monster suddenly leaped, and its powerful jaws gnawed at the opponent's neck.

A **** mess.

The entire sports center was silent.

And Slime wiped his mouth and roared up to the sky.

Transforming can not only get the opponent's moves, but also imitate their characteristics!

The characteristics of the rogue crocodile, overconfidence——

Your characteristics are very good.

But now, it's my characteristic!



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