My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 464: Ninja! Shadow Clone

With Lu Cheng's current strength, after the evolution of the bonds, the nine tails can already reach the level of the king.

And in the state of reverse scale, the tyrannical carp dragon can also erupt with power comparable to the king level.

On the other hand, the Lizard King was unable to break through after entering the bottleneck, which made the arrogant it very frustrated.

But Celebi, as a divine beast of super power and grass, can master the mighty Flying Leaf Storm.

If the Lizard King can observe and learn, it will definitely make a breakthrough in its strength.

And now, Lu Cheng went to the famous Ninja Forest in neon according to the information collected by Takashi Asai.

Koga Dojo.

As the birthplace of ninjas, Koga and Iga have always been the holy places of inheritance for trainers.

After the restructuring, ninjas are not a type of trainer, and it also gives other trainers the opportunity to learn ninjutsu.

However, the so-called ninjutsu mostly refers to the profound meaning of elf moves, not the trainers themselves.

But maybe, ninjutsu such as Fei Lei Shen and Spiral Maru really exist...

Looking at the eerie and terrifying forest, Lu Cheng swallowed and his expression gradually became strange.

There won't really be any strange ninjas popping out here!

In the rustling forest, a few rotten wood demons swayed their dead branches, making a sour squeak.

And Ye Skull and Gui Si wandered around the gloomy and cold old trees, emitting savage laughter.

"Hopefully I can really learn the profound meaning of shadow clones." Lu Cheng murmured.

At this moment, a cold black mist filled Lu Cheng's back.

Seeing this, the ghosts seemed to be frightened and fled far away.

Darkrai floated behind Lu Cheng and grinned, "Is that so?"

It's too hard for you to let the ghosts fight against you, the evil god!

Lu Cheng's face darkened, and he was about to take back Darkrai when a rustling sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

Darkrai quickly escaped into Lu Cheng's shadow.


The man dressed as a ninja jumped down from the tree and said coldly.

"I came to learn the profound meaning of shadow avatars."

The ninja glanced at Lu Cheng and said coldly, "Please go back, the leader only meets with at least master-level trainers."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "That's it, please inform the leader."

The ninja froze in place, gave Lu Cheng a deep look, and nodded silently.

Casey appeared beside him out of thin air, and with a burst of space distortion, teleportation made the ninja disappear into the distance.

"What is the principle of teleportation?" Lu Cheng frowned, "We have to find a way to limit Celebi."

The Koga Dojo is full of battles between Kunai and Du Ling.

Two gray-haired old men are directing Gengar to fight against Koga Ninja.

With the flickering of the white light, the two shadow clones of the Koga Ninja frog threw out the water-condensed shuriken along with the main body.

But I saw Geng ghost burrowing into the shadows,

As the shadow of the Koga Ninja frog was stepped on by Gengar, it seemed to be pinned to the spot, unable to move!

"Chief Koga, there is a young trainer outside asking to see you!"

Jiahe Qingzheng glanced at the ninja and said dissatisfiedly, "Didn't you see that I was sparring with Mr. Fengmo!"

Fuuma Taro is the leader of the Fuuma Ninja who inherited the name "Fuma Taro".

And the "Shadow Sewing Technique" inherited from the Fuuma Ninjas allows Gengars, who are good at using shadows, to restrict the enemy's movements through shadows.

In a sense, this mystery just restrained Koga's shadow avatar.

With a knife scar on his face, the unruly old man laughed and said, "I guess it's the younger generation who is coming to learn the profound meaning."

Jiahe Qingzheng frowned and said, "Didn't I say that if you haven't reached a master-level trainer, you shouldn't use it to join in the fun?"

Ninja said: "Go back to the leader, that young man seems to have reached the level of a master."

"Also, I sensed a Gengar-like aura in him!"

The two leaders fell silent for a while.

"Let him in."

Fuuma Taro looked at Koga Kiyomasa in surprise.

"The distinguished guest is not far away, and we can't hide our secrets." Jiahe Qingzheng sneered, "Of course, how much he can learn depends on his ability!"


Going deep into the forest, a ninja village suddenly appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

In the center of the village, there is a large open-air dojo, where the ninjas are training.

A croak-headed frog faced Alidos, and with the acceleration of the flash of electric light, two clones that were similar to the main body were immediately left on the spot.

The avatar formed by this shadow avatar can even be comparable to the avatar, reaching the level of using moves, which makes Lu Cheng quite surprised.

"Your honored guest is here, but you are welcome." Hearty laughter sounded, and the spirited white-haired old man stepped forward.

And behind the old man, an old man with eagle-eyed eyes looked Lu Cheng up and down, tsk tsk amazement.

"Presumably Your Excellency is here for the sake of the avatar of the Koga Dojo?" Koga said honestly.

"I heard that as long as you pass the trial of Koga, Mr. Qingzheng will teach you everything." Lu Cheng smiled, "I hope you can give me some advice."

Taro Fuuma smiled: "Young man, Ninja Trial is not a child's play."

"In our ninja battle, the trainer needs to go to the trial with the elves before they can pass the test!"

Lu Cheng was slightly startled.

Do trainers and elves play together, in an indistinguishable battle?

Seeing Lu Cheng's expression, Jiahe Qingzheng thought he was flinching, and said with a sneer, "Your Excellency, the ninja trial is life-threatening. It's just to learn the so-called profound meaning. It's not a good idea."

"No, I mean."

Lu Cheng looked around at the ninjas with fearful eyes, "How many of them are together?"

Fuuma Taro's face turned dark, but he saw Jiaga Qingzheng coldly saying:

"The trainer commands two elves at the same time, can rotate the elves, and can directly attack the trainer."

"If the elves lose their combat or if the trainer loses the ability to resist, they are considered to have passed the trial."

"The mystery of Koga's shadow clone requires you to pass at least three rounds of trials."

"In the third round of the trial, you will face the assessment of three Jōnin, which is equivalent to the so-called senior trainer."

Taro Fuuma smiled and said, "Even if you are a master, it is extremely difficult to face the three jounin. I advise you to give up your heart!"

"It only takes three rounds?" Lu Cheng said in surprise, "I don't need to challenge the two of you?"

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, the faces of the ninjas on the sidelines were almost darkened with anger.

What does this mean, look down on us!

Jiahe Qingzheng sneered: "After passing the test, I will naturally teach you the profound meaning of shadow avatars."

But Fuuma Taro laughed and said, "Boy, you are very fond of me. If you can pass the test, I will also teach you the profound meaning of my Fuuma Ninja!"

Jiahe Qingzheng suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"The Art of Sewing Shadows", as the profound meaning of Feng Moliu's inheritance, is even comparable to Geng Ghost's shadow stepping.

If this kid really passed the test, wouldn't he have to bleed a lot!



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