My Private Marvel System

Chapter 75: debate

   Without proper guidance and cognition, these shadows and incomprehensions will soon ferment into hatred and disgust.

   Even if Professor X founded the so-called mutant school, it is only a drop in the bucket for the large number of mutants that are not easy to find.

   Compared to Professor X, who has a gentle attitude, it is clear that Magneto's more radical behavior and thinking style are more suitable for those rejected mutants.

   So Professor X is just the principal of a school, and Magneto has established a brotherhood with him as the centralized power, collecting a large number of homeless and mentally disordered mutants.

   "Maybe we can sit down and talk with Magneto? There are always more topics in the'same type of people', don't they?" Green Lantern obviously thinks more about it. He is'experienced' when he encounters human rejection.

   "Oh, is our famous Green Lantern scared? Maybe you contributed your big white ass, maybe Magneto will become a ‘good friend’ with you!"

   Tony's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, and his handsome facial features rose slightly. Compared to mutants like Spider-Man and Johnny, Iron Man is considered a normal human category.

   "Compared with the green light, I think Magneto likes your iron bump more." The sandman who has been silent seems to feel the enemy of Iron Man, and his low and hoarse voice is unusually harsh.

   Tony's mouth grinned, the steel suit was loaded on him at once, and he clicked his joints and said in a deep voice, "Mr.'Cat Litter', you successfully angered me!"

   Shaman is not a person who likes nonsense, he immediately turned into a cloud of wind and sand, and rolled over to Iron Man fiercely: "Do you like polishing? Or is it dismantled into scrap iron?"

   Tony's palm lit up, and the buzzing laser beam was in a state of excitation: "I have a third choice, and that is to kick your ass!"


   Two giant shields stand up from the ground and stand in the middle, with fierce sharp spikes protruding from them, indicating that the owners of these two shields are in a very bad mood!

   "Do you want to blow up the whole block to the sky?" The Green Lantern opened his eyes roundly, staring directly at Iron Man's palm.

   "Well, you can always persuade me." Iron Man sighed and lifted his mask.

   Shashuo formed a bunch of vague human figures, and you could vaguely see the sand man’s facial features move, stopped in front of the shield, and remained silent as always.

"I don't want to be the focus of the police, and I don't want my underground secret room to become an arena, so please take care of your fists and mouth." Daredevil is also a mutant, but he does not use Magneto's extreme approach. Don't agree much.

   "The Magneto will hurt Bruce, but he will never kill him. Compared to being condemned by himself and conscience every day, obviously this kind of detention is not unacceptable."

   Green Lantern is more inclined to negotiate, but his attitude towards Bruce is rather vague. Although the other side's heart is toward the righteous side, the other side's behavior has never been connected with justice.

   irritable, like a neutron bomb that may explode at any time. Before there was a safer control method, the Hulk Bruce was more of a trouble than a companion.

   "Oh?! Do you also like to be locked in a cage like a white mouse? Every day, to eat some cheese, you poke your **** in the maze?"

   Tony is very uncomfortable with the other side's peaceful attitude, he is obviously more inclined to fight and resist.

   "Are we going to fight Doctor Doom and Magneto for a big man who cannot control himself? Do you know that it will be a disaster? Half of New York will be razed to the ground!!"

   The Green Lantern was very upset that his ideas were not accepted by his companions. He started from the overall situation and based on the safety and interests of the entire mankind.

   "Watching Bruce suffer, but we are drinking red wine here, is it what a superhero should do?" Tony's sense of justice is limited, he just empathizes with Bruce's experience. Tony was once caught by members of al-Qaeda. Those bad days of suffering often appeared in Tony's nightmares.

   Compared to the safety of New York people, Tony cares more about whether his ‘justice’ can be served.

   "In order to save a big man, use the entire New York as a funeral? Or simply blow up this ‘big water polo’!" For the Green Lantern, who maintains the safety of the entire planet, he cares more about the safety and interests of most people.

"I don't want to conflict with mutants, they are like hyenas, they can always find other people's weaknesses." The sand man's deep voice echoed in the basement, and his eyes filled with Sha Shuo turned slightly and swept away from Dole. Over.

   Sharen, a mutant with a complicated personality, joined the small group of Dole. In addition to the restaurant shares, the main reason is that his daughter lives under Dole's protection.

   "Bruce is my friend, I have no hesitation!" Daredevil's expression is very heavy, even if he knows that this rescue will be life-threatening, he still can't give up his friend.

" Guys, I don’t want to be a tortoise, maybe I should give you some sturdy shells?! This will save your lives!" Johnny looked away. Charlize, who went to the Green Lantern, satirized his brother-in-law unceremoniously.

"Anger makes people lose their minds. I am opposed to such impulsive rescue of Bruce." Charlize's eyes were calm. He was also a little afraid of fighting directly. After all, he has a family. It has long lost the integrity of fighting Dr. Destruction. .

"Oh, is this a vote? Or a free choice? I can't leave my friends, it's really a bad choice." While complaining about his bad choice, he stood by Johnny and Tony without hesitation. Here, Spiderman is very free and easy.

   "I knew that the tights are good!!" Johnny laughed and stood in front of the Green Lantern with his arms around Spiderman.

Tony spit out a big smoke ring and flicked the cigarette and said loudly: "I start to like you guy! Although I am not very satisfied with your recipe." He stretched out his steel fist and touched Spider-Man tacitly. Fist face to face!

Retracting his fist, the voice under Spider-Man's mask was also a little uplifting: "I also don't like the smell of your engine oil, but you are good!" After Spider-Man finished, the eyes of several people couldn't help but fell on. Dole who was talking.

   Dole looked at the two teams of his companions calmly, but he was weighing the gains and losses in his heart.

   "Ding! Trigger task release, rescue or give up Bruce!"

   This is a very tangled task, and it is also a very challenging task.

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