My School Has Mutated and Can Be Automatically Upgraded!

Chapter 213 Repairing technical loopholes

Yang Shuo knew there was a drama when he saw the instant excitement on Jakes' face.

After all, Jakes is also very talented.

With Jakes' ability to be able to do this, it is already very good, but now he is still hesitating in his heart.

The only thing that can make him hesitate is his status as a U.S. team.

As long as his identity is broken, or his defense is broken, he does not believe that Jakes will not arrive here.


"I know that you have no better research because of your status, but the research team at Mond University or the materials and other equipment in it can give you better research opportunities! 35

"In the past, things that you dared not study, or did not have the equipment to study, can be realized in Mond University!

"Don't you expect it?"

"Aren't you heartbroken?"

"Don't you want to join Monde University?

This series of words shook Jack-S's mind even more.

Moreover, Yang Shuo and Gu Kai also stood up and defeated them directly in Jakes' heart.

If Jakes didn't come to Meng's University, he would be fine, but once he came to Meng's University, he wouldn't want to get out of the gate of Meng's University, after all, Ye Feng wanted to use technology to defeat Jakes.

This crazy researcher, Jakes is also impossible to be presumptuous.

Ye Feng had already done the math.

Gu Kai and Cao Hongyuan, they would say this and do it, completely obeying Ye Feng's wishes.

These things have long been confirmed.

That is to say, those who have the situation here must be able to handle it, and it is also in order to allow them to increase a certain degree of authenticity before it can be proved to them.

"That's what you said!

"If a better research team has a certain approach, the ability to dig you over is also very good. Think about it for yourself."

Jack didn't even dare to think about it.

Now it seems that if someone really wants to push him, then this person must be Li Chaojie.

Li Changjie's talent really surprised him.

But if he can study with Li Chaojie, his progress will be considerable.


"You have to make me think.

Jakes was very confused in his heart. He also remembered the words that Andre and John had said in his ear before, but he didn't expect them to come true.

He also thought that he was very firm in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that he saw such a powerful research team and such a powerful research equipment in Mond University, how could he have the idea of ​​shaking his heart.

Ye Feng also knew about his timing.

Soon Ye Feng came to the aerospace research building.

At this time, when Jakes suddenly saw Ye Feng's arrival, it was as if he suddenly broke his psychological defense.

Ye Feng is like a towering mountain, completely unshakable.

The moment Jakes saw Ye Feng, he was stunned by Ye Feng's handsomeness, and was also startled by Ye Feng's calm aura.

"You are?"

"Hello Jakes, I'm the principal of this school, my name is Ye Feng. 35

Ye Feng's self-introduction was just a few words, but this momentum had already suppressed Jakes, and he couldn't be shaken any longer.

He had never seen such a powerful person before.

No wonder Mond University is so great.

At first, he thought Ye Feng was just a young man, but he didn't expect that this young man could give him such a great shock, which also surprised him greatly.

"My name is Jakes. 99

"I know.

Li Chaojie on the side saw this, and finally the corners of his mouth were raised.

In fact, Jakes came to Mond University from the very beginning, and his heart was already in Mond University.

After all, no one is wrong. The buildings in the entire Monde University, or the technology inside it.

These technologies are the most advanced technologies.

Even in the United States, there is no such technology, and the technology in the United States may not reach such a high level, just like they can't study for a lifetime.

There is also a loophole in such scientific research.

However, this loophole was quickly recovered by Ye Feng, and they would not have discovered the loophole so easily.

"Have you considered?"

"If you don't think about it, we won't say anything, and we will welcome you anytime."

Ye Feng's words further deepened his impression.

·0 Flowers ·...

Jakes is also a little shaken, but he knows that if he is shaken, it is impossible to return to the United States.

Is he going to make this choice?

This choice means that he has to leave, and absolutely leave.

Are you really leaving for research?

Jakes doesn't know what will happen to the follow-up of the choice he made, but he knows this, and he must not regret it.

"Remind me again. 35

"It's okay, you can think about it. 55

Ye Feng didn't say anything, and went straight to Li Chaojie and Yang Shuo.

Li Chaojie and Yang Shuo saw it, and Ye Feng was also very excited when they came over. After all, they had studied the stealth equipment of this fighter jet before and also studied other things.

"Headmaster, we have researched a lot of things, one of which is the physical defense research on how to absorb damage!""

"What about the model?"

"We're only at the theoretical stage, and the model hasn't come out yet.

"Let's talk about the model first. This theory is really good, but it is really difficult to realize it. After all, you must have a sense of space."

At this time, Ye Feng didn't treat Jakes as an outsider at all.

Even Yang Shuo and Cao Hongyuan did not regard Jakes as outsiders, and discussed their research in the laboratory, which made Jakes very surprised.

Do they think they are their own people now?

Jakes was not treated like this in the laboratory in the United States. He always avoided other people to discuss, for fear that others would steal the corners of his eyes.

But it doesn't seem to be needed here.

what is this?

Jakes was very curious in his heart, but he couldn't ask.

At this time, Jakes also heard about their research direction, and this research direction is exactly the same as what Yang Shuo said before.

At the beginning, he thought that Yang Shuo was lying to him, but he did not expect that Ye Feng's appearance would further confirm the importance and the situation of this research direction.

"You really didn't lie to me!

"Have you already thought about pulling me over?

Jakes was a little stunned.

But he suddenly heard a sentence, which made him very relieved! Go on.

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