My School Has Mutated and Can Be Automatically Upgraded!

Chapter two hundred and fifty-seven fell into memory.

Next, many teachers toasted Ye Feng.

Ye Feng all took over.

But because Ye Feng hasn't drank for a long time, his alcohol intake is a bit too much.

After only a few drinks, the whole person's face turned rosy.

His voice also became brighter.

Facing the toasts from the next few teachers, Ye Feng also refused to come.

Everyone saw that Ye Feng, who was already drunk, was very happy to take the wine that he came in.

In the teacher's heart, Ye Feng has been recognized again.

Because many times the school's policies and regulations may really affect the real interests of each teacher.

Most of what they come into contact with is the school's terms and conditions and implementation plans.

There is no president of a university who can truly treat teachers equally.

617 And everyone hugged each other's waists and shared their interesting life stories with each other.

At this moment, Ye Feng no longer has the attitude of the university president in everyone's mind.

Rather, he is more like his own good brother and good friend.

This further strengthens everyone's determination to stay in Mond University and contribute to Mond University.

Although the University of Mond has become one of the top universities in the world.

But there are still many deficiencies and areas that need to be improved in many aspects.

To improve these deficiencies, we have to rely on these students, teachers, professors and every faculty member to implement.

Ye Feng alone is definitely not enough.

What Ye Feng has to do is to go deep into the masses and thoroughly understand the real situation and the problems they are facing.

Only in this way can the difficulties and troubles faced by Mond University be truly and effectively solved.

It can also really help each teacher's interests.

Early morning.

A ray of sunlight poured over the edge of the bed through the window.

Ye Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes and slowly sat up.

I drank too much last night, so I don't know when I got here.

However, when Ye Feng woke up, there was still this small note beside him.

That little note was left by HD.

"My dear Principal Ye, I didn't expect you to have such a bold side, breakfast has already been prepared for you, next to you.

Seeing the small note, a warm jade in Ye Feng's heart rose slightly.

This feeling of being cared for by others is the second time Ye Feng has felt.

But the impact on Ye Feng's whole person was relatively large.

When I came to this unknown world, I have always been in a high position as the university president for a long time.

Due to the pressure of identity, he had to make himself cold.

However, this is the simplest, ordinary care and blessings are somewhat lacking.

This kind of feeling Ye Feng can only really feel in Wang Kai's parents (badh) and Wang Kai's.

"It turned out to be such a feeling of being cared for. It seems that in the future, we must communicate more with the faculty and staff of the school, so as to make them feel that they are treated as equals, at least when it comes to dealing with others. ."

When Ye Feng was enjoying this warm breakfast.

The sound of the system sounded again in Ye Feng's brain?

"Congratulations to the host for successfully completing a mission point. This matter is divided into 40 mission points in total. As long as all these mission points can be completely completed, the corresponding rewards will be obtained, and during this process, the system will The host will also be rewarded with certain equipment and resources to improve the school's charm and enrollment, and increase the school's reputation by 100 points."

Ye Feng ate a warm breakfast, and the corners of his mouth couldn't close.

Because he was too happy, the soy milk was a little choked, and he sprayed it on the bed.

"I didn't expect to be convinced one after another. It seems that the matter of eating and drinking with many faculty and staff of the School of Chemical Engineering has also completed a task point. According to this, then the next 39 task points will be completed. Can't it be done in many academies?"5

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help shouting happily again.

"Love is a light, so wonderful, hahahahaha...39

Ye Feng thought about these happy things, and the whole person began to hum a little song.

This is Ye Feng's favorite song in that era.

This song is full of endless surprises and unknowns.

It more fully reflects that love is unexpected and unexpected.

It was in stark contrast to Ye Feng's mood at the moment.

The whole person's mind began to slowly remember the era he was in.

Then, scenes of familiar scenes began to flood Ye Feng's mind like a tide.

Thinking about it, Ye Feng couldn't help but shed tears.

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