My Side Job is a Trader

Chapter 301: The Idea of ​​Exploring the Moon

"What the hell is Yuehua?"

"Essence of Moonlight!"

Zhang Xin was obviously very dissatisfied with this answer, saying it was tantamount to not saying it.

"Master, it has been verified by aviation technology that the so-called moonlight is actually the sunlight reflected by the moon, so in essence, the moonlight should be the sun's light. Why does the sun's light become cool and refreshing after being reflected by the moon?" Where's Yuehua?"

Daoist Songfeng shook his head and said: "I don't know about this either. To be honest, many things in modern science have been verified to be inconsistent with what the ancients passed down. That's why some ancients were limited by science and technology, and their knowledge was too one-sided. explain.

However, there are also many records in the Taoist scriptures that have been verified by science today. For example, Ge Hong in the Jin Dynasty once said that forty miles from the ground, the energy is strong and the objects do not fall. All rigidity is not unique to the earth, so the sun, moon, and stars have nothing to sustain them and not fall.

It can be seen that the ancients knew for a long time that the height of forty miles above the ground was in a state of weightlessness, and the problem also lies here. How did the ancients know this knowledge? Did people fly out of the atmosphere in ancient times? "

Zhang Xin and Daoist Songfeng stared at each other, because some descriptions in the Taoist scriptures have indeed been proven to be correct, but according to people's speculation, it is reasonable to say that the ancients did not have the relevant technical means to explore these discoveries.

At this time, Zhang Xin looked at the sky and felt that this world was a little strange. A new idea was born in his heart. Since he wanted to find out what happened to Yuehua, he should simply go to the moon and take a look. With advanced technical means, the moon landing plan can already be realized, but this will be a very huge project. Even with his current wealth, it is estimated that he will not be able to support a few launches.

Moreover, if you want to complete the moon landing plan, you must form a reliable aerospace research team.

At present, those who can play space exploration are basically doing space exploration in the name of the country as a unit, and I have only heard of a person named Musk in the United States. It is said that this person has been able to launch commercial satellites, and is currently studying reproducibility. The vehicle used.

Although Huaxia also has so-called private aerospace companies, most of them are responsible for manufacturing satellites. If they want to launch them into space, they still need the help of the National Aviation Center.

Zhang Xin wants to engage in aerospace engineering, so naturally he will not hand over the launch task to others. What he has to do is to master the entire process from launch to follow-up. Only in this way can he freely carry out space exploration without being controlled by others.

At night, after putting the two babies to sleep, Zhang Xin sat outside alone, looking up at the moon, thinking about the plan to form a space exploration team.

At the same time, Zhang Xin also began to calculate the current funds in his mind. After all, the cost of space exploration projects is basically in tens of billions. Sitting on an equal footing with the national team in this respect is simply as difficult as reaching the sky, no, it should be even more difficult than reaching the sky.

Before he knew it, Zhang Xin had already sat down at midnight, but because he was still wandering, he forgot about the matter of cultivation. He never thought about it, but at this moment, a weak wave of pain emanated from his body. Attractiveness, began to attract the surrounding aura autonomously, and even brought a weak wind.

At this moment, Daoist Songfeng, who was meditating in the wing room, was keenly aware of the abnormality outside the room. He didn't care about meditating, and went out to take a look. It began to gather around him, enveloping him.

Daoist Songfeng showed surprise on his face. Although Zhang Xin and Li Xueer had some disturbances when they practiced together before, it was not so big, so Daoist Songfeng didn't think about it.

Although Zhang Xin had told him before that he could absorb Yuehua, he had never seen it with his own eyes, so he still had some doubts in his heart. Now he saw it with his own eyes, and he was sure that it was the power of Yuehua in the legend.

"Is this Yuehua?"

It was also the first time for Daoist Songfeng to see the so-called Yuehua with his own eyes. He had only seen some descriptions about it in Taoist scriptures before.

After observing for a while and finding that Zhang Xin did not have any accidents, Daoist Songfeng returned to his room with envy on his face, and sat cross-legged in front of a big static character, but he couldn't calm down for a long time. In the end, he was forced to recite the "Qingjing Sutra" by mouth.

By the time Zhang Xin came to his senses, half the hour had passed, and because he couldn't keep his peace of mind, the attractiveness on his body began to dissipate gradually, and the moonlight associated with it also began to dissipate slowly.

Zhang Xin knew that the opportunity was rare, so he quickly sat down cross-legged and quickly entered the state of cultivation. The moonlight that began to slowly dissipate began to gather again, and surrounded Zhang Xin again.

At the same time, great changes have taken place in Zhang Xin's Sea of ​​Consciousness. With the addition of Yuehua, the already formed miniature Tai Chi began to rotate rapidly, and the gray fog in the Sea of ​​Consciousness was gradually attracted by the gravity generated by the rotation of the Tai Chi diagram, and then They offset each other with the moonlight. Although the area of ​​gray fog is large, it is obviously thinner than before.

All of this happened under the control of Xiantian Qi. Although it is not under Zhang Xin's control at present, Xiantian Qi is the foundation of Zhang Xin's spiritual body after all. Even if he only has instinct, he knows that doing so will be of great benefit to his body.

Soon, Zishi will be over.

When Zhang Xin woke up, he found that his body was wet. When he opened his eyes, it turned out that the night dew had wet his clothes.

Originally, people would not do this when sitting outside, but because of the addition of moonlight when they were practicing just now, the nature of the moonlight is shady and cool, and the water vapor in the air will liquefy into water droplets on the spot when it encounters the low-temperature moonlight. Xin's clothes were soaked all over his body.

Zhang Xin quickly got up and went back to his room, changed into clean and comfortable clothes, and then fell asleep with his future space exploration plan.

At that time, Zhang Xin hurriedly sat on the bed to finish his morning practice. Unfortunately, before the time came, he was woken up by two little guys. Fortunately, meditation practice was not like some fairy tale novels. If you are disturbed, you will go crazy.

Originally, Zhang Xin felt very upset when someone interrupted his practice, but when he saw the two cuties who were innocently looking at him with wide-eyed eyes, Zhang Xin’s anger disappeared immediately. To be pampered.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry?"

Zhang Qingzheng nodded, and Zhang Xin said, "Okay, then let's get up and have breakfast quickly, and then go find mom together, shall we?"

The two babies also followed suit. While dressing Zhang Xin together, they said, "Look for mom, look for mom."

In the dining hall, Daoist Songfeng happened to be having breakfast too, so Zhang Xin hurriedly greeted him.

"How do you feel now? Is there any difference?"

Zhang Xin asked suspiciously, "No? Is everything normal?"

Daoist Songfeng looked at Zhang Xin's obviously pale complexion, took his hand and began to feel his pulse, and after a few minutes, he said: "Hurry up and practice for a while at noon, your body is obviously filled with yin and yang. It’s bad, it’s estimated that in two days, the yin and yang will become unbalanced, and you will at least be seriously ill by then.”

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