My Side Job is a Trader

Chapter 304 The Guest of Honor

"Oh, Mr. Jane, Boss Jane, you can't blame me for this. I helped the Huo family in Xiangjiang some time ago, and now I basically have to accompany my wife. How can I think of another project in Hanyue? I haven’t even paid much attention to my main business, financial trading.”

"Hahaha, okay, I'm just talking, by the way, how long are you going to stay this time?"

Hearing Jian Huaxing's question, Zhang Xin thought for a while, and said, "It's just a day or two, I have to go back and take care of the children."

Song Wenbing asked, "Where is Mrs. Zhang? She can take care of the children."

"Hey, she's busy filming right now. She's just entered the industry, so she has to participate in filming at least a few acceptable works in order to become a qualified actress."

"Huh? With your conditions, she still needs to work hard outside filming?"

"Yeah, I said that too, but she said that being an actress is just to fulfill her dream, and she may quit when she gets tired. Although filming is hard work, as long as she is happy, all I can do is to solve her worries. She just needs to feel at ease filming."

Song Wenbing said: "You and your wife are really strange. Those celebrities who marry into wealthy families will choose to quit the entertainment industry, but your wife is actually willing to work hard on filming."

Zhang Xin curled his lips helplessly, agreeing with Song Wenbing's statement very much.

Jian Huaxing said at this time: "Xiao Song, I still have business to do. Please entertain Mr. Zhang for me. After I finish dealing with it, let's go to the restaurant to have dinner together. It can be regarded as cleaning up for Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Xin said: "Mr. Jian, you are busy first, business is important."

Zhang Xin was not used to dealing with high-level government officials, so he felt that the chief of a city was not going to deal with official duties, but was just accompanying him, and he felt a little sorry.

Song Wenbing seemed to see Zhang Xin's awkwardness, and said, "Mr. Zhang seldom deals with our government?"

Zhang Xin said: "That's right, I've been doing financial business all the time, and the people I deal with the most are officials from the China Securities Regulatory Commission. I haven't had much contact with other government officials. To be honest, I'm still not used to it."

Song Wenbing called a staff member and explained a few words in a low voice. When the staff member left, he said, "Looking at you, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that you seldom deal with the government. Do you know why?"

Zhang Xin shook his head, and Song Wenbing said: "I may not be able to make money, but to observe words and demeanor, that is a necessary skill for people like us who work in the system. In the future, Mr. Zhang, when you deal with officials, you can let go of it." Take it easy, you know, in terms of social influence, even Mr. Jian cannot compare with you. You know, when Wang Lin and Ma Yun go to some relatively backward places, even the top leaders in the province Going to receive them in person, one can imagine how much influence you rich people have."

Zhang Xin is thoughtful. He has indeed heard that when a certain rich man went to a certain place for inspection, he was warmly received by local officials, hoping to obtain investment, create jobs, and stimulate economic development.

Song Wenbing said: "We officials, in the eyes of ordinary people, are indeed very beautiful, but how do ordinary people know the pain in our hearts? The party in charge needs to make some achievements in order to be able to rise. What is it? It’s GDP, it’s employment. So we are eager to get to know more rich people and persuade them to invest, but you know the situation in Hanyue City, so there is no one who will look up to you.”

Zhang Xin didn't speak, and only focused on drinking tea. As an authentic Hanyue person, Zhang Xin knew that Hanyue was embarrassed.

None of the planned high-speed railways pass through Hanyue, and people usually only travel by bus.

There are no well-known large companies in the territory, so the economic development has always been at the bottom of the province. Every governor in the city will find ways to develop the economy. Unfortunately, because the infrastructure is not complete, and the business environment is indeed not as good as those in big cities. So no one would come and start a company at all.

Jian Huaxing from Hanyue was also envious when he saw Liu Dongqiang from the next-door prime minister. Although he had personally gone to the prime minister to learn from him and solicit investment, Liu Dongqiang only expressed his willingness to come and set up a customer service branch in symbolic form. When it came to investment, it was far from Jian Huaxing's goal.

Although he is dissatisfied, there is nothing he can do about it. Liu Dongqiang's hometown is a sham, and it is only natural to invest in the construction of his hometown. Why would he spend a large amount of real money to invest in Hanyue?

It’s not that the city’s leading group has no development plan. After several years of investigation and investigation, they feel that compared with e-commerce, it is more suitable to develop the cultural tourism industry in Hanyue. For this reason, they have also formulated relevant plans, but in the end there is still a The difficulty is in front of everyone's eyes, that is, lack of money.

Hanyue City only gets so much money from the province every year, and it still needs to rebuild the old city, build infrastructure, and even join forces with several brother cities in the central part to build an interconnected high-speed rail, which can be used for cultural tourism There is not much investment in the industry. Take the planned film and television city as an example, even the construction of surrounding facilities is not enough, so everyone is at a loss for a while.

At this moment, one of Jian Huaxing's old classmates learned that he was soliciting investment, so he told him about Zhang Xin's situation in private, especially when he heard that Zhang Xin's net worth was so rich, he immediately beamed with joy. He didn't even care about it, and brought a few assistants to Zhang Xin's hometown, Xinlong Village. Only then did Zhang Xin invest more than one billion yuan to build a film and television city.

Zhang Xin only realized how important he was to Hanyue City when he heard Song Wenbing talk about these unknown inside information, and it was no wonder that Jian Huaxing treated him so politely.

"Contribute my part to the development of my hometown. After all, I am also from Hanyue, and I grew up studying in Hanyue since I was a child."

Although Zhang Xin knows that he is very important to the local government, his mentality is still as calm as ever. target words.

"Well said! Hanyue is really lucky to be able to raise a rich man like you who never forgets his roots. Let me just say, Hanyue has been the most prosperous place in the world since ancient times, even if it has fallen into poverty now. It is a small city in the third and fourth tiers, and it can't change its outstanding people. Even the next door has a Liu Dongqiang. Why can't Hanyue, which is famous for its business, not produce rich people? Now it has finally figured out a man who is not inferior to Liu Dongqiang character."

Jian Huaxing just walked to the door after finishing his urgent business, when he happened to hear Zhang Xin's words, so he expressed his feelings.

"Come on, let's have a Linglong banquet. This is the place where the big salt merchants in Hanyue entertained distinguished guests in ancient times. It is said that it has a history of more than hundreds of years. The cooking skills have been passed down from generation to generation. Today we finally got a taste of it." Mr. Zhang is all gone, normally, I can't afford such a luxurious banquet."

Jian Huaxing asked someone to lead the way, and took the government bus directly to the Linglong Banquet Restaurant in a garden in the city center.

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