My Side Job is a Trader

Chapter 338 First Commercial Launch

A group of melon eaters on the Internet are waiting for Wang Nuo's counterattack. After all, Wang Nuo has often spoken in public in the past two years.

In the end, after waiting for a long time, Wang Nuo didn't reply. Everyone was a little disappointed, but they also came to a conclusion, that is, although Zhang Xin, the boss behind the matrix group, was usually quiet and kept a low profile in his life, but this It doesn't mean that he has no strength, at least now Wang Nuo needs to give in to him.

Zhang Xin saw that everyone was paying attention to him, so he simply advertised his Chaos Space Exploration Company in a joking manner: "Undertaking satellite launches, please come to the company to discuss specific cooperation matters."

Although the number of words is small, it reveals some information, that is, the current Chaos Space Exploration Company has mastered the rocket launch technology. Although it is only a one-time rocket launch technology, it is the only one in the entire Chinese private enterprise, even Ali and Penguin. The two Internet giants also do not have this ability.

The reason why Zhang Xin is so confident is that the company has actually completed two test launches, and there is already an artificial satellite completely belonging to the Matrix Group above the earth orbit. Although this satellite has no real purpose, it is after all It is the first commercial satellite launched by Huaxia as a private commercial company. To some extent, this is a precedent.

Just when Zhang Xin felt that no one would take it seriously, someone really sent him a private message to find out.

Zhang Xin made an appointment with him at a time and place to meet and discuss the specific situation in detail.

Then he called Yu Hanrong who was far away in the northwest, claiming that someone wanted to discuss cooperation with Chaos Space Exploration Company. Yu Hanrong is an expert in this field. Xin himself is very knowledgeable in aerospace, but it is only limited to theory.

Three days later, Zhang Xin and Yu Hanrong finally met Cai Bo from a certain station who came to discuss cooperation.

Cai Bo also wanted to make a commercial gimmick. He happened to see Zhang Xin’s Weibo, and felt that sending a satellite into space under the company’s name would indeed attract attention. He also inquired about it and bought a ready-made commercial satellite. The number of satellites is only a few million, which is completely acceptable. The next step is to negotiate the launch cost with Chaos Space Exploration Company.

Of course, it’s not that Cai Bo has never thought of cooperating with the National Aviation Center, but he sent someone to understand that the current focus of the National Aviation Center’s work is on the space station, and there are currently no launch missions, so he has few choices, only Zhang Xin’s. Chaos Space Exploration Corporation.

With Yu Hanrong, a national treasure-level expert, in charge, Cai Bo was naturally taken aback by a lot of technical jargon. In the end, Chaos Space Exploration Company only charged a symbolic three million launch fee.

You must know that the cost of launching a rocket is not low. The rocket itself needs at least 20 million yuan, and the launch cost is about the same. This is the situation where Chaos Space Exploration Company has kept various costs to a minimum, so it only charges beeps. The launch fee of 3 million yuan is purely for fun, and it is considered a lottery.

Soon, it was reported on the Internet that a certain station will entrust Chaos Space Exploration Company to launch an image processing satellite, and the specific launch date has been set.

Soon some journalists came to interview and confirmed that Huaxia used a private commercial aerospace airline to complete a commercial satellite launch mission for the first time. Once it succeeds, almost all satellite launch missions in the future can be handed over to Chaos Space Exploration Company. The aviation center can focus on some key projects.

After some time, the satellites prepared by Beep Station have been shipped to Chaos Space Exploration Corporation, and have been loaded on the rocket.

This scene that can be recorded in the history of commercial aviation is naturally indispensable to the boss Zhang Xin. He brought his wife and children to witness this historic moment.

At the launch site, there were several government officials and more than a dozen media reporters. Of course, Cai Bo, the client, was also present.

Half an hour before the launch, the staff in charge of the inspection checked carefully several times and came back to report that the inspection had been completed and the launch could be launched at any time.

As the general manager of the company, Yu Hanrong was in charge of the launch mission.

When entering the countdown for one minute, everyone in the command hall almost gave up breathing.

Naturally, Zhang Xin also felt very nervous. He held Zhang Ruoyu in one hand and Li Xueer's free hand in the other, his palms were sweating.

Although Zhang Xin has the ability to know the result in advance, he still enjoys the tension and excitement of the scene very much.








"Ignite and launch!"

Yu Hanrong directly pressed the red launch button on the console.

For a moment, hot flames spewed out from the tail of the rocket on the launch site, and then the rocket began to slowly accelerate upward until it finally rushed into the blue sky and was blocked by white clouds.

The staff in charge of tracking quickly reported: "The rocket is normal!"

"Fuel normal!"

About a minute later, someone broadcast a report: "The first-stage booster has fallen off, and the second-stage engine is igniting normally."

Ten minutes later, the announcer announced again: "The rocket has reached the designated orbital position, and the satellite has been successfully released!"

Everyone in the command room cheered. After all, the risk of launching a satellite is not small, and every success is worth celebrating.

An hour later, news of the success of Chaos Space Exploration's first commercial launch mission appeared on major news media and online platforms, and soon someone left a message below the article to express their blessings and hope that Chaos Space Exploration can keep up with the progress of foreign players pace.

Zhang Xin immediately posted a message on Weibo: "Currently the company is already developing recyclable rockets."

This news also made the majority of netizens feel proud.

According to Zhang Xin's disclosure, although Chaos Space Exploration Company was established a few years later than SpaceX, the gap in the technical field is not very big.

It is said that spaceX's current research and development of recyclable rockets has come to an end, and it will not be long before the experimental demonstration stage can be carried out.

The news disclosed by Zhang Xin is that Chaos is also developing related technologies, and has already made some progress.

In the past two days, people everywhere on the Internet are comparing Zhang Xin and Musk. They even call Zhang Xin China's Musk, and Chaos Space Exploration Company is China's spaceX.

As his reputation grew, Zhang Xin even became an idol in the minds of many young people.

Compared with Ma Yun who is "not interested in money", Zhang Xin not only has money, but also has dreams and a heart.

If we classify the rich according to their personal feelings, Zhang Xin will undoubtedly surpass Jack Ma.

The realms of the two are already at different levels. Zhang Xin is not limited to mundane matters such as whether the company can make money, but wants to contribute to the advancement and development of human science and technology.

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