My Side Job is a Trader

Chapter 410: Trader's Life

Not long after, Zhou Chaodong said: "Brother Zhang, I called you here today for no other purpose, just to chat with you and give you some advice by the way, but I don't know if you would like to listen to the nagging of a loser like me." gone?"

Zhang Xin said: "Brother Zhou, tell me, I will listen to it, but in the end I have to distinguish whether it is useful to me."

"Of course. After all, to get to where we are today, we basically have our own unique methodology. It is impossible to absorb all other people's ideas. We will definitely absorb useful things selectively."

Zhou Chaodong took a sip of tea, and then said: "I, Zhou Chaodong, can be regarded as one of the earliest stock investors in China. In the 1990s, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange was just established, there were only a few company stocks that could be traded. At that time, I I just started working, and out of curiosity, I spent a month's wages on buying some stocks. I thought the money would be wasted, but half a year later, the stocks in my hand actually rose five times. So I made a lot of money and have been obsessed with stock research ever since.”

"China's securities market, I have watched it go from unregulated to standardized, never immature, and gradually mature step by step. I have seen countless people go bankrupt or even have their families ruined because of it, and I have also seen some people get rich overnight because of it. No worries about food and clothing."

"Even if it's me, I have gone through bankruptcy three times, and then made a comeback three times before I got to where I am today. I never thought that I would still be unable to escape the end of most people's stock trading. This is life."

Suddenly, Zhou Chaodong asked Zhang Xin: "Brother Zhang, do you know the realm of trading?"

There is still a boundary division in trading?

Zhang Xin has never thought about this issue. For him, trading does not require any skills at all, just follow the feeling, and he will definitely make money in the end anyway.

Zhou Chaodong said: "Any trader starts by studying various technical indicators. Generally, he can understand K-line charts and know some common technical indicators as references, so this person can be regarded as a beginner."

Zhang Xin nodded. When he participated in the trading training, the instructors who trained them did this. They first taught everyone simple technical indicators, and then let everyone look at the market.

"The vast majority of people in the market are at this stage. After a first glance, it means that this person is already able to participate in the game, but at this time he can only make money occasionally, because these known technical indicators are well known. Knowing others also understands, so it is very difficult to make money from the capital market just by relying on these.”

"So some people turn to research and sum up, and come up with technical indicators that only they know. With this unique skill, they can quickly make a lot of money from the market, but because of this, this person will become more and more inflated, and firmly believe that he has found However, this set of technical indicators will always fail one day, so this person will bet all his wealth to fight one day in the future, and the result will naturally be nothing."

The more Zhang Xin listened, the more he felt that Zhou Chaodong was talking about his own personal experience, but since he had never experienced these experiences, he was very patient and interested in listening to others, especially the past experience of a big trader in the financial world.

Zhou Chaodong said to himself: "At this point, you can tell whether a person can eat this kind of food.

Some idiots will question themselves, or feel that God is unfair, because they firmly believe that their unique technical indicators are correct, and after experiencing several failures, they will quit and bid farewell to the capital market.

And some people will wake up like a dream, they will wake up, no matter how powerful the technical indicators will fail sometimes, so the technical indicators can be used as a reference, but we must control the profit and loss, and at the same time be strict with self-discipline. Soon there will be a comeback. "

"But you can only make a small amount of money in this way. If you want to trade hundreds of millions of funds, you must study the macro aspects, and you can't be too concerned about the gains and losses in a short period of time. I am probably at this level now."

Having said so much in one breath, Zhou Chaodong finally sighed and said: "These are just the words of the family, brother Zhang can just listen to it as a joke. After all, I am still a loser in the end. This is the cruelty of reality. People don’t look at your previous achievements and brilliance, and when evaluating a person, they always judge success or failure based on their final achievements. From this point of view, I am indeed a loser.”

"Brother Zhou, don't belittle yourself. After all, you didn't lose on the battlefield. This is not a crime of war. In terms of trading, Brother Zhou is still much more successful than ordinary people."

Zhou Chaodong said: "Okay, you don't have to comfort me anymore. After I decided to quit, I finally saw where I lost. As the saying goes, 'Those who are obsessed with the authorities, but those who are bystanders are clear'. Small and pathetic."

Zhang Xin said: "How do you say that?"

"Before, I only focused on trading. Even if I read Taoism and Buddhist scriptures, it was just to find the magic weapon that would keep me victorious. After I suddenly put down trading, I realized that I was fooling around. Those Taoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures said It is the way of heaven and man, but I use it in trading, it is like picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons, and blaspheming the thoughts of sages."

Zhang Xin said: "However, there are some ideas that are still very useful. For example, whether it is extremely prosperous or not, it is indeed the same reason to put it in the stock market. Every time the stock market falls to a low point and people are full of pessimism, it often means a new round. The bull market is about to start."

Zhou Chaodong said: "But who can do it? Let's not talk about other things, let's just talk about the lowest point. Who can guarantee that this point is the lowest point? Many people who like to buy bottoms also hold this idea, but what is the final result? You know it without saying it.”

Zhang Xin argued: "This kind of thinking is originally reserved for those who are long-term. Although I don't know the lowest point, I know that the market has fallen here, and the turning point is not far away. I just need to persist until that moment." That's it."

"So the most important thing here is not direction, but discipline, but being able to hold your breath, which often represents the level of a trader."

Zhang Xin nodded and agreed with this point of view, because sometimes Sun Qiang of Matrix Fund would also have such anxiety, and in the end he would always ask Zhang Xin to confirm whether to continue to hold or close the position quickly.

Zhang Xin is naturally aware of the market, so he will tell Sun Qiang the approximate closing signal.

Later, Zhang Xin also realized this, and began to deliberately ignore Sun Qiang, just to cultivate his concentration. Now that he has formulated a trading plan, he must strictly implement it.

Finally, Zhou Chaodong said: "Brother Zhang, I actually envy you. It doesn't mean that your level of trader is higher than mine, but that you have already jumped out of the circle of trader. You see, the career you are doing now is all different. This kind of high-tech, you just use trading as a means, but those of us who are self-righteous take trading as everything, and the size of the structure is clear at a glance."

"You are the real great manipulator, because you are already manipulating your own life, and people like me have been troubled by manipulating all their lives, and have never been able to control their own life."

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