My Side Job is a Trader

Chapter 436: Arrival from the Space Agency

Due to the importance of the Internet of Things system created by the imaginary number space, the government specially set up a supervision team inside the imaginary number space, and all projects related to the government must strictly pass random inspections by special government personnel before they can be delivered and used .

Of course, these government personnel will not interfere with the work of the programmers in the imaginary number space.

With the presence of outsiders, the outside world finally has some understanding of the working environment and company atmosphere inside the imaginary number space.

Many Internet companies have no choice but to know about it. After all, the two are completely different management models, and it is impossible to change the company system at will.

And some entrepreneurial small businesses have a new example.

In the past, these start-ups could only imitate major Internet companies such as Ali or Penguin, and even the bosses of most companies had the dream of making the company the next Ali or Penguin.

Now the Internet industry has another learning object, a completely relaxed company management model, all employees are completely equal, and there is no so-called distinction between superiors and subordinates.

There will be a task reward list within the company, and employees will pick up the task by themselves, and then choose to fight alone or find someone to form a temporary team to complete the task according to the needs of the task.

This model may cause confusion in other companies. After all, everyone has a different style of writing code, but with Zhang Xin, an almost all-rounder, there is basically no need to worry too much about this issue.

Zhang Xin has long stipulated code specification issues in the company, and each project will have a supporting documentation, which will indicate some key things, including the general idea and thinking when doing the project, for programs in the imaginary number space At the personnel level, with these explanatory documents, it will only take a few months to overthrow the entire project and start over, not to mention that it is not difficult for these experts to look at other people's projects.

Just as Song Ming and others were busy connecting and training with the information technology department of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, a group of people came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange from the aviation base in the Northwest.

Looking at the huge study group of twenty or thirty people in front of him, Zhang Xin couldn't figure out what the hell the National Aviation Center was doing.

Zhou Baiqing, as the leader of the team, saw Zhang Xinzheng's bewildered expression, so he explained: "Mr. Zhang, we came here specially to learn techniques, and we hope you can teach us everything."

Zhang Xin hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhou, what you said is out of the question. The relationship between our two families is a well-known thing in the world. It is said that we are two families, but they are actually a big family. They are connected with each other. None, help each other, not to mention guidance, we all learn together and make progress together.”

Just seeing that the cooperation of the imaginary number space on the Shanghai stock market is proceeding in an orderly manner, Zhang Xin simply took everyone back to Yingzhou Island.

Coincidentally, as soon as I landed on Yingzhou Island, I saw Chaos Space Exploration Company dragging the launch site out, and the lunar exploration vehicle on the launch pad was ready.

"Mr. Zhang, do you have a launch mission?"

A technician about forty years old asked curiously.

Zhang Xin glanced at the launch pad, and replied casually: "There is indeed a mission. I heard that they are ready. I didn't expect it to be launched today. We just happened to be there."

Zhou Baiqing also knew that most of Chaos Space Exploration Company's aviation technology was inherited from the National Aviation Center. Later, Sun Shu went back for inspection some time ago and told everyone about Chaos Space Exploration Company's situation, especially the reusable spaceship Flying Dragon. , much more advanced than the disposable aircraft used by the National Aviation Center.

Although Chaos Space Exploration Company did not keep the National Aviation Center secret, some of the key technologies are still uncertain. If you try to find out by yourself, it will not only take time, but also have the possibility of failure, so the upper management decided to send a technology The learning team composed of backbones specially came to Chaos Space Exploration Company to study.

Chaos Space Exploration Company and the National Aeronautics Center are like the relationship between master and apprentice. Chaos Space Exploration Company has learned technology and experience from the National Aviation Center. After nearly ten years of development, it has become better than blue in some fields.

The person in charge of the National Aviation Center has no negative thoughts about the fact that the apprentice is better than the master. Instead, he thinks it is a good thing. After all, the Chaos Space Exploration Company is also a Chinese company. Without technological progress, it also means China's overall progress in aerospace. The meat is still rotten in the pot, and you can use it anytime you want.

In order to enable these senior technical experts to observe more clearly, Zhang Xin took them to the floating island of the launch site.

"Wow, this floating island is not small!"

Sha Wenbo, the person in charge of various things in the launch site, explained: "We currently have two sea launch methods. If we only need to transport some satellites and other tasks, we only need to use a launch ship, but launching a lunar rover It is not an easy task. The rocket used is a heavy-duty launch vehicle, which is not light in weight, and the reaction force after launch is not small. It cannot use cold launch technology, and can only use conventional ignition and take-off methods. A floating island launch site can perform such a mission."

The entire floating island is as big as seven or eight football fields, with a draft of more than 100,000 tons, which is larger than an aircraft carrier, so it can naturally carry heavy launch vehicles.

After the staff on the launch pad made a final and meticulous inspection of the rocket and lunar rover, they issued a signal to allow the launch.

Then the launcher was removed. At this time, a countdown command from the central control hall came from the headset. After the timer ended, an orange-red high-temperature flame was ejected from the tail of the heavy-duty launch vehicle independently developed by Chaos Space Exploration Company. The flames came into contact with the water surface, producing a large amount of mist, and then the heavy launch vehicle began to rise slowly. Although the speed was not fast, it was very firm and powerful.

After dozens of seconds, the rocket disappeared within the range visible to the naked eye.

After about two hundred seconds, a message came from the headset that the rocket had separated and started to return.

Ten minutes later, the heavy-duty launch vehicle landed safely at the northern landing site. Not long after, the staff in charge of recovery reported that the rocket had landed and had found the landing site. The rocket would be transported back to Yingzhou Island in a few days.

Zhou Baiqing took the lead in applauding. This launch mission can be said to be flawless by Chaos Space Exploration Company, which shows how proficient Chaos Space Exploration Company is in aviation technology, basically comparable to the National Aviation Center.

"Look, this is a private commercial space exploration company. It can be said that the launch cost has been controlled to the limit. In order to save money, the rocket recovery technology has been used very well. We are far behind in this respect, so don't underestimate it. For any company, a commercial company does not mean that the technology is not advanced enough, sometimes on the contrary, a commercial company will continue to improve in all aspects, which is also a manifestation of progress.”

Of course, some of the more than 30 people in the team look down on commercial companies like Chaos Space Exploration Company. After all, this is an inherent impression that has been formed for a long time.

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