My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1467: Four basic forces

Chen Ze intends to start retreating and stop looking for the two seniors. According to what the Doomsday generations said, these two men are looking for the secrets left by their predecessors, and maybe they have already left the continent of origin.

He didn't want to travel, because he wanted to replenish his own world law, and he wanted to put aside the limit of becoming a detached person and not becoming a puppet of heaven.

So at this moment, what he has to do is not to perceive any great road, but to create his own.

But this is so difficult.

Moreover, what he wants to walk is the infinite road based on gravity, and in essence it is still subject to the restriction of heaven.

In the ancient rock cave, Chen Ze began his penance career.

As for revenge, let's stay behind for the time being.

Because even if he destroyed the Qilan Era, it was nothing more than killing a few people, and he still couldn't change his fear of being dominated by the detached.

However, he had a faint thought in his heart when he talked to the Doomsday Generation, but now that when he thinks about it, he doesn't know how to take this step. He didn't know exactly what that vague and chaotic idea was.

It took Chen Ze ten years to sit.

He hasn't moved at all in these ten years, like a sculpture. The dust covered him, Chen Ze seemed to be dead, and even his breath disappeared completely.

There was only a faint brilliance left in his heart, only the Nebula Realm circling above his head was still slowly rotating.

Chen Ze's spiritual consciousness was completely immersed in it, and he started his own path of creation.

However, the effect is minimal.

In the past ten years, he has hardly made any progress, and the incomplete world law is still incomplete.

The fusion of water and fire?


Can't get through.

The fusion of fire and earth?


Still can't get through.

The combination of time and space?

No, the two are complementary. It can be peeled off, but not merged.

In some spaces, time can forbid or even return, but it cannot merge at all.

Relying on gravity to control other avenues can work, but this is just a general integration, I can do it long ago.

So hard!


At this moment, Chen Zeluo's dusty body moved a bit, and his heart was a lot more intense. He was about to wake up.

This is a sign of giving up.

In another five years, Chen Ze finally opened his eyes, still the same in the dim ancient cave.

Fifteen years have been wasted.

Chen Ze shook, and all the dust on his body was scattered. He also stood up, planning to end the retreat and look outside to find new opportunities.


Two steps...

In fifteen years, the ground had been covered with dust and dust, and Chen Ze's footsteps were clearly visible on it. Soon he came to the entrance of the cave and raised his hand to break the blocked stone wall.

He looked back, which was the last look back at this period of time.

When I saw the clear row of footprints, I was stunned.

There is no road in this world, and when there are more people walking, it becomes a road.

At this time, many people in China on earth knew what Lu Xun said.

There is another sentence before Yuan Wen.

Hope is that it doesn't matter if there is, it doesn't matter if there is nothing.

There are many explanations of these words, and personal understanding is different.

But Chen Ze had only one thought at this moment. Does the road he walked out really didn't exist?

At this moment, he remembered another sculptor's explicit statement.

The statue was originally in the stone, I just removed the unnecessary parts.

With this sentence, he has a new understanding of the way of Master Lu Xun.

The road was there, because someone went to walk, it became the road.

Opening up is not necessarily creating something that has never existed.

Therefore, his way is not self-created.

Because of Tao, it is an illusory concept. If you think it is Tao, then it is Tao.


Chen Ze took the hand that was about to push away the stone wall, and stepped back to sit on the boulder, staring at the row of footprints, but his thoughts were already moving.

This time he didn't bother with the Nebula Realm Tool anymore, because it was something he already knew, so it didn't matter to go deep into what he didn't find.

"This is a material world."

He opened his mouth suddenly, his eyes blooming.

"I'm so stupid, I forgot my roots, I am a human being on earth! We do not cultivate immortality, we are not theology. We believe in science!"

Chen Ze became more and more excited, and continued to mutter to himself: "We do not perceive the way of heaven, we pursue the limit of matter. It is as large as everything in the universe, as small as atomic quarks. Physics is a snake that holds its own tail. A cycle! The universe contains all microscopic particles. On the contrary, microscopic particles also make up the universe. The cycle of the material world!"

Four basic forces, I only control gravity!

What if I see through the other three?

Chen Ze wanted to stop raising his hand, and countless gravitational pulls frightened a mass of dust in the palm of his hand, and then he moved his heart to bombard the mass of dust with powerful gravity.

In an instant, countless elements burst out, covering the entire periodic table.

At that moment, Chen Ze felt an unprecedented power.

Strong interaction force!

Chen Ze savored it carefully, and constantly grabbed the dust and bombarded with his powerful power to create countless elements.

It was ten years in the blink of an eye, and Chen Ze grabbed it at this moment, as if he had changed things out of thin air. In fact, he was shredding the air molecules to make the elements he wanted at will.

At this time, he no longer needs to use his powerful power to bombard arbitrarily, just as he wants.

Finally mastered it.

A smile appeared on Chen Ze's face, and he took this step.

But this is far from enough.

There are two basic forces he does not control.

Electromagnetic interaction force, this should not be difficult.

Chen Ze's spiritual consciousness is immersed in the micro world, capturing the elusive power in the movement of countless particles.

Finally he caught the traces and began to comprehend.

This is not difficult, but it is not easy to control it. After more than ten years, Chen Ze took control again.

With the three basic powers in hand, although Chen Ze has not made a big breakthrough in the realm of cultivation, he has the feeling that he can achieve instant kills against the powers of the Era level, and even a single thought can completely disintegrate the opponent. .

But this is not enough.

There is also a power he needs to control!

But this is also the most difficult.

Because this is to analyze protons and neutrons.

Chen Ze began to comprehend, using scientific means to continuously create phenomena.

In the past, monks enlightened, or based on the experience of the ancients, or visualized the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

And Chen Ze intuitively comprehend through scientific experiment methods.

It was the passage of decades, and when Chen Ze took control of the last basic power, he fell into confusion again.

The basic power is in control, and what he has to do is to find out the root cause of the existence of these powers.

This is difficult.

He can now create any object between his hands and feet, including black holes. However, this was not what he expected.

What he has to do is to fuse these four basic forces together, and the stronger forces will do.

But how can these four forces be combined?

Chen Zeming thought hard, but it was hard to understand.

It was a long time later, one hundred and fifty years have passed since his retreat.

Without diligence, we will not continue.

Anyway, his current combat power has far surpassed that of the Era-level powerhouse, so let's go out and see the changes outside.

Immediately, Chen Ze broke through.

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