My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 914: Whoever chooses me

Dad's eldest son is short, so it is natural for the two of them to see each other more happily. If calculated according to the age of the people on earth, people who live to Chen Ze's age basically have great grandchildren.

He has just had a son about three years old, so he can't help but doting more.

Da da da……

Seeing a mountain smashed to pieces by Gatlin braving the blue fire, Hengmu was stunned, "Big nephew, lend this toy to your uncle to play with."

"I don't! Uncle, don't you lose it, you grab all the children's toys." Chen Chen picked up Gatlin and ran to Chen Ze.

Heng Mu scolded angrily: "What a bad boy, I'm not obedient at all. I said that I'm brothers with you, you want to call me uncle!"

"Also! My mother and Aunt Youran are sisters, of course I will call you from there. Right, father." Chen Chen hugged Chen Ze's thigh, very playful.

Of course, Chen Ze didn't refuse, "That is, I don't have much friendship with this person, so I should just discuss it from your mother. Brother-in-law, what's the situation in Chan Yuan?"

"I'll wipe it!" Hengmu was a little hard to fight, "You father and son, you don't have enough advantage."

Today, Lu Qingluan is going to the early dynasty, as the things in the original clan of the Chen Wang only need to be dealt with by the elders. But the Chen clan's loss in the battle four years ago was too great. Eight clan elders died, and the only surviving original clan elder is now under a false name. Only tricky things, Lu Qingluan, dare to disturb him.

As for Hengmu, because he was worried about Chanyuan's enchantment, he had never participated in the handling of government affairs.

"As a big clan elder, when can you make up for the position of the Qi clan elder?" Chen Ze dissatisfied: "I have been back for a month. I only see that the child has been affected by his mother. I always feel distressed."

"This has already started, but I still have some disagreements with the king, and have not been able to reach a reunification." Heng Mu said.

Chen Ze was curious and asked: "Based on the friendship between us, you should be the only one looking after my daughter-in-law. Why are there differences?"

"Fuck, are you talking to me at this time?" Heng Mu curled his lips.

Chen Ze said haha, "Hurry up and say, what is going on."

"Regarding the selection of the clan elders, I mean to choose from the older generations. They originally assisted the clan elders in doing things, and they are also very familiar with the affairs of the clan. The handling of things."

After hearing this, Chen Ze said, "My daughter-in-law does not agree?"

"Yes, she disagrees. I think I am a big clan elder. If I choose the older generation to add in, then I will lose control of the clan elder palace, which is not good for us to be in power." Looking at Hengmu's expression, I don't understand: " I wonder, when did your daughter-in-law love rights so much? Our Chen clan has always been democratic. Even if the clan’s old palace is in power, there has never been any seizure of power."

Chen Ze certainly understood the reason why Lu Qingluan did this. The older generation's thoughts were complacent. This time the eight elders who died in the battle, the Chen clan suffered a great loss, but this is also an opportunity for the Chen clan.

If the Clan Lao Temple can be used by her completely, then it is possible to change some systems and even completely move the Chen Clan out.

To break the stereotypes, even Lu Qingluan, the king of the Chen family, needed help.

"Hengmu, you should know what she meant." Chen Ze said suddenly.

Hengmu said: "Of course I know. But I think this matter needs to be considered for a long time. It can't be done overnight. With the current state of mind of the king, once she is in power, I am afraid that she will order the relocation of the Chen family. Although I have no objection, it needs to be done. a process."

"Perhaps, she is a kind of protection for the child as a mother." Chen Ze glanced at Chen Chen who ran to play in the distance.

Hengmu nodded, it seems that he knew it already. After all, the marks in Chen Chen's body are going to stimulate Su. If he can't completely break the seal in the end, there are only two ways to go. Either blood sacrifice yourself and pass the imprint to the next person, or be absorbed by the imprint and die.

Lu Qingluan wanted to break this ending, only to change the status quo of the Chen clan, push the clansmen out, and step into the big world to fight against the ten thousand clan. When someone continues the cultivation system and breaks the shackles of Heaven, then Chen Chen has a chance to survive.

"You did it right, but it's not impossible to listen to her once." Chen Ze said.

"You also want to save your son, I understand that. But what I think of is the lives of thousands of people in the Chen family." Heng Mu said.

Chen Ze said: "You are an idiot. If she wants to completely control the Chen clan, she has to get the support of your big clan elder for the first time. You can let her have some of her own people in the clan elder hall to promote her to change the Chen clan's status quo. Strategies. Then I secretly control some people without making a clear statement, but at an appropriate time, it can stop her excessive behavior, how good."

"You, you..." Hengmu was so angry that he lit him: "Even his own wife is calculated, it's really hurt."

"I'm resolving the contradiction between you." Chen Ze said: "But no matter what the two of you, you have to accomplish one goal in the end, and that is to let the Chen family go out and change this comfortable status quo. If the time is right When it comes to maturity, I hope you can fully support her."

Hengmu was surprised when he heard this. He glanced at Chen Chen in the distance and said, "You want to leave?"

"I must leave." Chen Ze looked at his son reluctantly, "There are some things that I need to bear as a father. Since I also have that mark in my body now, as his father, I should remove all obstacles for him. , Pave a way."

"Does the king know about this?" Heng Mu said.

Chen Ze said: "I haven't told her yet, but I don't think she will oppose it. If I want to go out, she will definitely oppose it. But for my son, she can't have a reason to oppose, nor can I do it."

"How do I feel that you are going out under the guise of Xiao Chen Chen? Can't you let the one outside?" Heng Mu said.

Chen Ze sighed. Although he looked at his son, his thoughts had already flown out of the Hun River and returned to the Central Continent.

"This is my biggest headache. Fortunately, Qingluan said that she already knew Qingyao's existence. But Qingyao trusts me so much. If I suddenly tell her that I have not only a second wife, but also a rush She gave birth to a son in front of her, and I'm afraid he won't pay attention to me again for ten thousand years." Chen Ze said.

"Wouldn't it be better, you comfortably become the prince of our Chen family, and your son will inherit the throne in the future." Hengmu said.

Chen Ze said: "If I really coveted this, how could I strongly oppose marrying Qingluan at the beginning? My relationship with Qingyao was even more upset and more dramatic. I was lost and recovered in Qingluan's eyes, and Qingyao is the same in my eyes. And... …It's the kind of reunion that is truly resurrected from the dead."

"What's the difference?" Hengmu said, "If this is the case, there shouldn't be any difference in your feelings for the two."

"There is no distinction between high and low for me now. But for Qing Yao, I owe more." Chen Ze looked back melancholy and said: "I come from another world, there are no monks there, everyone is Ordinary mortal life can be considered as long as 80 or 90 years old. Qing Yao died because of me, but I came here to find that she was born again here. This kind of reunion across time and space, that feeling cannot be described in words ."

"Chaos!" Hengmu said, "So how are you going to choose?"

Chen Ze looked back at him in surprise, "Are you an idiot? An idiot will choose, I want it all!"

Hengmu listened to envy, but insincerely scolded, "You are a silly dog."

Lu Qingluan returned to the bedroom near the evening. Chen Ze had already taken Chen Chen to dinner, and the maid took him to the evening class, and then he would rest directly.

"A lot of things today?" Chen Ze asked.

"Worry." Lu Qingluan took off the crown, Chen Ze took off the king's clothes for her, and sat there with a sigh: "Our spies sent back information, and the Youmu Ship of the Human Alliance has been unloaded."

Chen Ze was curious, "They started to take care of us, do you still want to rob? Is it not enough to have me as a husband?"

Lu Qingluan gave him a white look and said, "Do you know why the Youmu Boat can travel safely on the Hun River in most cases?"

"Is it because of our shelter?" Chen Ze guessed.

Lu Qingluan said, "Many of the Mufu and them are muddy corpses secretly tested by the seven tribes. They are very dissatisfied with the seven tribes, so they have been hunting down the adventures of the Human Alliance controlled by them on the Hunhe River. Squad. Of course they will not let go of the voyage across the river once in a hundred years."

"That's the case, so whether they can cross the river safely, the key lies in whether we can stop the Mufu?"

Lu Qingluan said: "After all, the purpose of our Chen family is to resist God, and those who cross the river can be regarded as the hope for the future. Our guardianship is also inevitable, but every time many members of the Chen family die in battle, so I am also hesitating whether or not. continue."

"Naturally, we have to continue." Chen Ze said: "Otherwise, the entire Hun River will be controlled by the Mufu. At that time, the Chen Clan will be in a dilemma. We are not only helping the Human Race Alliance, but also weakening the Mufu. Their strength."

"You are right, but this matter needs to be considered." Lu Qingluan said, "How is Chen'er's homework today?"

Chen Ze smiled and said, "You can rest assured if I have him."

"With you, I am the most worried. You spoiled him too much. Since you came back, his daily homework time is only two hours. If I hadn't forcibly added an evening class, I would really have brought you a plaything. "Lu Qingluan said.

Chen Ze hugged his wife intimately: "Well, he is only three years old and a few months old. You can't let him practice all day. Qingluan, I actually have something to tell you."

"You are leaving now."

Lu Qingluan suddenly spoke, making Chen Ze's smile stiff, "So you know it all."

"You were originally taken by me forcibly. I know there will be such a day." Lu Qingluan said, "When are you going to leave?"

"Don't you ask the reason?" Chen Ze asked.

"I can't ask the real reason. Chen'er is enough anyway." Lu Qingluan turned and looked at him: "I only have one request. Don't forget me so quickly."

"Never." Chen Ze put his eyebrows on her eyebrows: "The reason is all here."

He has no reservations about his wife. Lu Qingluan is the fourth person in this world who knows Chen Ze's details except for Jiang Qinghe, Qiao Yiqiao and Dongfang Yunxiu.

Lu Qingluan stayed up all night after knowing it, and Chen Ze stayed with her all night. Early in the morning, she put on the heavy king's suit again, endured all night and finally said: "I hate myself a little bit and ruined you."

"I have to thank you for allowing me to passively enjoy the blessings of the Qi people." Chen Ze laughed and broke the depression brought by his wife: "There are still a few months away, when I will help You Muchuan leave. During this time, I It will completely perfect the Changyuan enchantment and save you from worries in the future."

"You must protect yourself, you and us." Lu Qingluan said softly.

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