My Stand-in is Steve

Chapter 161: Bring freedom to Muspelheim

  Chapter 161 Bring freedom to Muspelheim

   Because Loki's words were too intense.

  Thor eventually gave up taking him to Muspelheim.

   But just like going to Wertheim before, the job of finding the secret passage still has to be done by him.

  There is no way, although Fang Mo has the space gem, he does not have the specific coordinates of the flame kingdom, so he still has to go to familiarize himself with the terrain first.

  Luo basically was afraid of Fang Mo, and now he is even more so after seeing the true strength of the other party.

So he quickly brought the two of them to a hidden space passage, which was also hidden in the stone crevice on the sea surface. When Thor and Fang Mo passed through the stone crevice, they arrived instantly. A world like hell.

   There is hardly any life here.

  There are many rugged black mountains standing on the ground, and there are also many complex rift valleys that criss-cross.

  The lava is galloping here like a river, spewing out of the crater, and then slowly gathering together to form one lava lake after another.

   There is hardly any visible light source in the sky, and the whole world appears dim.

   The only visible light source here is the countless lava on the ground.

  The air composition is also very bad, all kinds of highly toxic gases are mixed together, and the yellowish high-temperature dust that pervades the surroundings, and the unprecedented pungent sulfur smell blows.

   "I'm going, what's this smell like?"

As soon as    arrived in Muspelheim, Fang Mo couldn't help it a little: "Did you use Essence Berry to treat rhinitis? Or did you backstroke outside the aqua toilet? The fourth child's Shushuo tastes so good, right?"

   "Indeed... not a bit disgusting..."

   Thor also held back and pinched his nose: "Yes, after all, it is Muspelheim, the country of flames. Except for the flame giants, it is not suitable for other creatures to live in..."

   After he finished speaking, a strange sound suddenly came from the surrounding ground.

I saw strange-shaped creatures suddenly drilled out of the charred white stone crevices. They looked like monkeys composed of ashes and gravel. They were completely carbon-based creatures. Pounced on the two of them.

   Thor saw this and threw the hammer directly.

  Thor's Hammer slashed an arc in mid-air, smashing a dozen strange creatures in an instant, and then flew back to my hand, a thunderbolt burst out, and the remaining few were also smashed into pieces.

   "So they are also flame giants?"

   Fang Mo glanced at Thor and asked.

   "It's vague, should it be?" Thor scratched his head and said, "Anyway, everything outside is controlled by Surtur, so maybe that thing is my big brother."

   "Does he know where Surter is?"

   Fang Mo asked.

"That's great." Thor shook his head first, then thought for a while, and gave a thought he thought was a brilliant idea: "I'm sure you can make some small noises, Surter. You should be attracted to it."

   "So, apart from Mang Zhizai, does he really know something else?"

   Fang Mo immediately raised his forehead.

   "How can it be reckless?" Thor explained evasively: "That should be called... er... bravery and glory of warriors or something."

   "He can pull it down slowly."

  Fang Mo instantly pierced my cover: "The last time you encountered that thing again, remember to save you a live one, and you can ask us for directions."


   Thor was taken aback: "Those guys are all elemental elves, can he even communicate with that?"

   "Try it."

   Pei Ming spread his hands and said.

   And just then, very slowly and without a small group of strange creatures rushing over.

Their inner surface is completely made of rock, and some orange-red lava light can be vaguely seen in their bodies. However, their body size is only about two meters. .

   "Huh? Little Stupid Malphite?"

   Before seeing the inside view of the group of creatures, Fang Mo suddenly showed a surprised expression.

However, while waiting for me to do it, Thor threw the hammer again. To be honest, I was quite good at dealing with those monsters, especially if the opponent was a stone, and I was carrying the hammer again. It can't be said that it was attribute restraint, and instantly killed a small piece of it. .

   That time Thor remembered Fang Mo's instructions.

   left me a brown stone man.

   "Although you think that thing may have a way to communicate, he can't try it." Before solving the other stone man, Thor pointed to the stone man who was in a daze: "Do you need to cast magic?"

   "Yes, just try it."

   Fang Mo waved his hand and walked over directly.

  The Stone Man seemed to be stunned when he saw Pei Ming approaching, but he raised his hand to attack, but Fang Mo raised his hand a little, and the gravitational rays instantly tore the opponent's arm to pieces.

   "Do you know Pei Minglaner?"

   Looking at the stone man behind him, Fang Mo also asked tentatively.


   The opponent wanted to continue attacking.

   However, before hearing Pei Ming's words, he seemed to hesitate for a while.

   "He... the enemy..."

   Very slowly, the other party quickly said in a very silly voice: "Kill...kill him..."

   "Fang Mo, can that guy communicate?"

Thor, who was on the side, asked a question curiously. As a result, the stone man was suddenly attracted by Thor, and he waved his remaining hand vigorously, and a disc-shaped stone smashed directly at Thor. s face.

   "Good guy, I learned to throw tires."

Seeing this, Pei Ming was delighted, but I moved my mind slightly before, and activated Steve's ability to customize it. Pei Ming instantly turned into a stone man with a height of less than two meters. .


   The stone man on the opposite side was suddenly stunned when he saw that scene.

   "Look, you're also a good kid." Pei Ming spread his hands and said, "Can I tell you now, where is Pei Minglan'er?"

   "The ground...on..."

   The IQ of the stone man seems to be really low. It is estimated that the entire race may share a cerebellum or something. At this moment, he said quickly: "Throne... Surtur villain... Wait..."

   As he spoke, the stone man raised his hand and pointed in one direction.

"Oh well."

   Fang Mo nodded, and instantly changed back to his own body.


   The stone man on the opposite side was stunned again, and even scratched his head humanely at that time, as if he understood that his companion had suddenly become an enemy or something.

  It was because Fang Mo didn't bother to talk to it any more, he just raised his hand and waved, and the gravitational wave threw it close, but it could be regarded as saving its life, and then turned around and walked in one direction.

   "Pei Ming, how did he do it?"

   Thor hurried down when he saw this: "He was talking to the stone just now, isn't there a language he knows in this world?"

   "Does C language count?"

  Fang Mo said as he walked: "If it counts, you can understand this JAVA too. Yes, you can make the mod by yourself, first make a forecourt mod and then come out..."

   "C language? What is this?"

   Thor's knowledge of the earth is obviously very good, and he asked curiously at this moment.


Fang Mo wanted to explain it, but the two of them had just climbed a big hillside when they were suddenly blocked by a huge sea of ​​magma. The hot lava was bursting with bubbles, and the cold waves even baked the air. twisted up.


   Seeing the sea of ​​magma that almost reached its end, Pei Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

   This chapter is 2K, the next chapter is 4K, I'm coding, those who don't stay up late can watch it tomorrow...



   (end of this chapter)

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