My Stand-in is Steve

Chapter 166: Nidavi, another modding paradise!

   Chapter 166 Nidavi, another modding paradise!

  【System prompt: New module features detected, download permission can be obtained after research. 】


   Fang Mo was also stunned when he heard the system prompt.

   Then he stopped immediately and began to observe the things around him.

   Fang Mo is currently in a square, but due to the construction, not many civilians pass by here, except for some construction materials, only a few craftsmen are left busy.

   Fang Mo saw this and walked over curiously.

   He first looked at the construction materials, and felt that they were all very ordinary stones, bricks and the like, but when he reached out and touched the system, there was no response.

   And after that, Fang Mo walked over to observe these craftsmen.

Because Fang Mo has helped Asgard twice, the God King Odin also gave him the green light. At present, the commoners in Asgard basically know Fang Mo and know that the other party is the VIP of God's Domain, so they treat him Very friendly.

   Seeing Fang Mo approaching, several craftsmen smiled and nodded to him before continuing to work.

   They seem to be making a statue of Odin. At this moment, they are constantly moving stones, stacking these stones together, and finally carving out a rough shape with a chisel.

  Fang Mo just glanced at it for a while, and the system prompt popped up immediately.

  【System prompt: The 'Carving' behavior has been studied, and you have obtained the download permission for a new mod. 】

  【System prompt: Chisel mod starts to download. 】

  【System prompt: The chisel module has been uploaded, do you want to load it? 】

  Before hearing the series of system beeps, to be honest, Fang Mo couldn't help being stunned, thinking that it was actually that module, and it was too slow, so I recited a confirmation in my heart.

   Then the system prompt sounded again.

  【System prompt: Chisel module loaded successfully. 】

  【System Tip: Because he uploaded and ran a brand new mod, he got a lucky block that randomly draws an item from any known mod. 】

   Accompanied by the system prompt sound, there was a one-color lucky block missing from Steve's inventory.

   "A chisel..."

   Looking at the lucky block outside Steve's inventory, Fang Mo consciously thought about the details of that module.

   Chisel, as the name suggests.

   That mod adds chisels to the MC world.


   Well, you are talking nonsense.

   In short, it is a small decorative mod.

Although that mod only added a tool called 'chisel' to the MC world, but through that tool, players can chisel all kinds of vanilla blocks, and more than 2,000 kinds of decorations that are completely the same are derived. square.

   is just a diorite block.

  The chisel module can carve eighty different crafts.

  The items in that mod are very complicated to synthesize, the so-called chisel can be made with only one iron and one stick.

   So that is another mod that is very friendly to Changping.

   It’s just that because it’s a decorative mod, that mod doesn’t improve Fang Mo’s strength.

   But even so, Fang Mo was also very depressed.

   "It's really a mod heaven..."

  Fang Mo looked around, and restrained himself and let out a sigh. Wasn't that the first mod that he unlocked in Nidavid? That place is really like a paradise for me.

  Seriously, if anyone wants to destroy Nidavid, Fang Mo promises that he will be tortured to death.

   But just when Fang Mo was going to wander around again to see if he could unlock a few less modules, a maid suddenly came over.

   "Mage villain."

  The maid respectfully greeted Chang with a courtesy: "Please come over before God."


   Hearing Asgar looking for him, Fang Mo immediately stopped to hang out.

   Fang Mo asked the other party to help deal with the ether particles, and tried to re-dissolve them into reality gems. Now that the maid came over to look for him, it is estimated that it should be done without results.

  Thinking of that, Fang Mo also immediately walked to the side hall in front of the gods.

   After all, I'm still very interested in limited gems, which can only be used to snap your fingers, and it doesn't seem to be able to unlock some new mods.

   In short, it was very slow, Fang Mo saw Asgar frowning in the side hall.

   And near you, there is a container.

   "Sorry, you haven't tried your best yet."

   Before seeing Fang Mo, Chang Pingyuan said directly: "That thing has been transformed by the ancestors of the white and dark elves for too long. You have tried magic, but you can see the facts. You can do something about it."

   "Oh, that."

   Fang Mo nodded.

   Although it is true that I am not depressed, I have also said something less.

   After all, Asgar hadn’t done his best in front of the gods, and his attitude was fine, so how could he blame others.

   But Fang Mo really needs the reality gem.

   So I still have to figure out a way.

  The original book did not show how the ether particles became real gems. When Thanos appeared in the virtual land, there were still eight gems under his command, so Fang Mo also roughly guessed two possibilities.

  Either the limited glove belt does not have some function of attracting limited gems, the ether particles are automatically sucked down and become gems.

Either the cosmic collector Di Fan himself knows very well how to restore the ether particles into reality gems. After all, in the original work of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the other party used some technological means to open the cosmic spirit ball and showed everyone a Go to the power gem outside.

   It's a pity that the universe collector Di Fan was cut down in the movie universe and killed by Thanos, which caused the reality gem to fall out of the opponent's hands.

   "Looks like it's time to take a tour of the universe."

  Thinking of that, Chang Ping also planned his previous direction of action.

   "Where does he want to go?"

  Chang Pingyuan said curiously: "Nidavid has no relationship with very few planets, and he doesn't have his own ships. I'm sure he can't use it if he needs it."

   "Oh, you probably made a trip to the Void Land earlier."

   Fang Mo said: "Whether it's time for now or slow down, you are going to go to Changping Garden through the Rainbow Bridge first."

   "He'd better bring some wine as a present."

  Asgar smiled: "Nidavid doesn't have a lot of fine wine, he can't bring a little, these dwarves generally hate drinking strong wine."

   "Understood, then go to Earth and get some water of life."

   Fang Mo nodded, then turned and left the side hall of Changping Garden.

  Because he didn’t have the space gem, Changping felt that it was a hassle to travel. After all, even between Nidavid and the Earth, it was just a matter of snapping fingers for me.

   But if you want to go to Changping Garden, it will be no trouble.

   After all, Fang Mo doesn’t have the exact coordinates of Frigga, so if he wants to get there, he has to pass the Rainbow Bridge.

Fortunately, Heimdall's attitude towards Chang Ping was also wrong. Before hearing that I wanted to go to Chang Ping Garden, the seven words said that he directly inserted his sword into the ground, and a colorful light flashed, and Fang Mo's eyes instantly There is a more magnificent landscape.

   This is a neutron star that is emitting a full halo.

The neutron star did not have a metal inner shell. At this moment, the armor plates of those inner shells were all activated. The light and cold from the dying star were all gathered by the weak line somewhere under the inner shell, and then It turned into a blazing cosmic ray that accurately bombarded an artificial star track of the neutron star.

   Under that artificial star trail, there are several dwarves who are busy forging weapons, doing this is called a cold fire.

   As for Changping.

   I didn't even descend under that star ring.

   Just seeing that scene, I haven't heard a series of system prompts in my mind.

  【System prompt: New module features are detected, you can get upload permission before researching. 】

I heard that you need to be sincere in asking for a monthly ticket. I will give you 5K later, but it may be really late. Good children, don’t stay up late and wait. Just vote and sleep in peace, you can see it in the morning. .



   (end of this chapter)

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