My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

One thousand and seventy-three unspeakable secrets

After hanging up the phone, Jurado sighed. He reached out and took out a cigarette to light himself, then took a deep puff.

Stimulated by the thick smoke, his throat constricted sharply, and he coughed violently. After a while, he gradually calmed down.

Today is really a bad day, and he just wants to pass it by as soon as possible.

Looking back at the living room, the policemen seemed to have no intention of doing things at this time.

Instead, they all sat there whispering about something, and Jurado knew what they were guessing.

The police officer in charge of the case, who was still very enthusiastic before, came to the garden from the room with a gloomy face at this time.

He came to Jurado's side and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Mr. Congressman, may I ask you a question? What was your original name?"

"Ah! My surname is Pacquiao, didn't you all know it a long time ago?"

"What about your parents, what did they do before they immigrated to Spain?"

Jurado fell silent immediately, and he looked up at Zamora. The inspector's eyes were cold, like a poisonous snake.

Jurado knew that he could not be weak at this time, because if he lost his timidity, he would definitely not be able to hide it from the detective.

"Well, although I don't need to answer your question, in order to let you and your subordinates work with peace of mind, I will tell you once again."

"Our hometown is in the Maule district, and our family runs a farm in Talca."

"In addition, I hope you can put your mind on your work, detective. If there is any accident with my wife and my child today."

"I'll call your Chief O'Higgins immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Jurado didn't care about Zamora's reaction, and went directly to the bedroom upstairs in the house.

After returning to the bedroom, he lay down on the bed with his head in his arms.

Damn it, how did those guys find it on their heads!

Wouldn't it be bad if they knew who they really were?

Thinking of these, Jurado couldn't help feeling distraught.

How could the other party know that his grandfather had money in the secret account of the Swiss bank?

Could it be that he knew the secret of his family? The more Jurado thought about it, the colder he felt, the more worried he became.

In fact, his surname is not Pacquiao, his original name is Jurado. Eagles. Contras.

That's right, he was actually the grandson of Minister Contreras who was the number one confidant of Pi's sect and was in charge of forming the Bronze Nation's National Intelligence Agency.

Back then, Contreras followed Pi's all the way to the dark, but he was lucky.

Before Peet stepped down, he had retired for health reasons, and after Peet went into exile, he had died of illness.

That's why he was not liquidated, but this old man is also very shrewd.

He is well aware of the sins he has done back then, which can be said to be too numerous to write down.

Once he hangs up, he will definitely not be able to deter those enemies.

So I let my children immigrate to the sea early to seek refuge.

As for his descendants, they went everywhere, and some went to the United States.

Some went to Europe, and Jurado's father went to Spain.

After living in Spain for ten years, he went to the United States.

When Jurado became an adult, they saw that the limelight of the year was almost over.

So he simply returned from the country of rice to the country of copper, and Jurado still relied on the wealth "accumulated" by his family many years ago.

As well as the personal connections left by his grandfather back then, he entered the political arena again.

But considering their family's previous reputation, he still chose to change his name and surname.

Although decades have passed, the surname Contreras is still quite sensitive in the Copper Country.

Originally, his path was going smoothly, and he also thought that no one would know the unspeakable secrets of his family's past.

But who would have thought that it would be turned out by the guys from the Rodriguez Front Alliance now?

Those guys are tough gummies, once they stick,

It's hard to get rid of.

It would be a disaster if they revealed the truth.

Not to mention that my political career is about to come to an abrupt end, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to find a place in the Tong Kingdom in the future.

Even if you want to escape overseas, I'm afraid it's just a dream.

Thinking of such a scene, Jurado felt chills in his heart.

No, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but took out his phone and called his good friend Franco.

Speaking of Franco, the two were very good friends when they were studying in the United States.

And the most important thing is that Franco's family was the dark thread left by his grandfather back then.

So the two actually had a small relationship.

After Franco heard Jurado's words, he immediately became serious.

This is not a trivial matter, although Jurado is still not sure whether the other party knows his true identity.

But Franco felt that this matter must not be taken lightly.

Because if the other party really knew Jurado's identity, then he would definitely be able to find out his own.

And when it comes to the Conti family behind Franco, it's not at all cleaner than the Contreras family who spent a lot of money.

Even what they did was dirtier than the Contreras family.

Back then, his grandfather was the one who worked under Grandpa Jurado's staff to do dirty work.

Like the famous Bianchi family in Argentina back then, it has nothing to do with the government in name.

But in fact, it is a vicious dog raised by a secret organization under the government. It usually does the dirty work that the government is inconvenient to do.

Back then, their Conte family played such a role.

Although the National Intelligence Agency under Pi's is very powerful, there are some things that need to be estimated by the American people.

After all, the slogans of the Americans are not empty.

And in the United States, there is also a vote of people who specifically oppose Pi's regime, although Pi's came to power in the past, in order to please the United States.

He also specially invited the famous economics master Friedman from the University of Chicago to guide the economic development of the copper country.

Let the Americans wantonly profit from the copper country, but many Americans don't sell their accounts at all.

For example, there were many independent journalists in the United States at that time, equivalent to today's self-media people, in order to expose the horrible situation in the copper country.

Came to Copper Kingdom alone to expose the truth.

The most famous of these is that Charles. Homan.

This dude contributes articles to several major newspapers in the United States every day, all of which are rumors about the explosive Pi regime.

Many of their atrocities were exposed, and naturally they were hated by the Pi regime.

But they didn't dare to touch him, even though the national intelligence situation was strong, but considering his identity as an American.

The Pi regime also has nothing to do with him, and at this time, a family like Conte will come forward.

This last Charles. Homan naturally disappeared without a trace, and never came out to add obstacles to Pi's regime.

And later, why did this dude become famous all over the world?

That's because his story was made into the movie "The Great Disappearance" by the famous director Garrafs.

The film not only won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, but also received two Oscar nominations that year.

Later, Pi's regime fell, Pi's went into exile, and Contreras died of illness.

The Conte family also kept their anonymity and went to the countryside to buy land and became a local rich man.

Fortunately, the No. 1 who came to power that year announced the theory of innocence, and the Conte family basically did not leave anyone alive when they were doing things.

That's why their family was not found out, and they settled accounts after the fall.

And after the younger generation of the two families grew up, the two families supported each other.

As a result, one of the two joined politics and the other joined the army. They thought they could restore the family's glory.

But who would have thought that the secret that the two families are most afraid of revealing now seems to be known by others.

Do you think Franco is in a panic?

So less than twenty minutes after Jurado made this call, the people sent by Franco arrived.

A man knocked on the door and came in, bringing Jurado a suitcase of money, a million dollars in all.

The detectives weren't too surprised by Jurado's ability to raise money.

Anyway, everyone knows these politicians, few of them have clean asses.

But at this moment, Jurado's phone rang, which happened to be from the robbers.

As soon as the other party came up, he got straight to the point.

"Money, have you raised it?"

"Well, it's all set."

"That's right, you take the money now, get in the car and go out to the left..."

Just like in the movie, the other party set up a route for Jurado to send money.

Jurado didn't talk nonsense, and got into the car as soon as he went out.

The detectives immediately arranged for vehicles to follow, but they didn't notice.

Behind their convoy, two large black vans also started quietly and followed behind their convoy.

And those people are more efficient than them.

The man in black who gave money to Jurado was sitting in the back of one of the vans.

At this time, there were not only seven or eight special forces soldiers with live ammunition, armed to the teeth, beside him.

There are also various electronic warfare equipment, and one of the technicians is closely following the vehicle in front according to the signal sent back from the tracker in Jurado's suitcase.

Soon Jurado received another call from the robber, according to the request of the other party.

He circled the city a few times, then turned his head and headed east all the way to the foothills on the west side of San Diego.

The police detectives and the special operations team behind also followed along.

But when they crossed a railway bridge, an accident happened.

Jurado's car passed the railway bridge first, but just when they were about to follow.

But suddenly a large truck rushed out from the opposite side and got stuck on the railway bridge.

When police detective Mo La saw this situation, she was furious.

He immediately got out of the car and asked the driver to back up quickly to make way.

But at this time, there was the rumble of a truck in the distance, and a freight truck was slowly approaching from a distance.

Seeing this situation, all the police detectives present were stunned.

At this time, everyone couldn't care less about talking to Jurado, and Zamora immediately organized people to call the police on the truck.

In addition, they also arranged for other people to quickly run to the truck stuck on the railway...

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