My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 421: French Comprador

Before that, Xiao Feng and Pierre had not learned about Laura in detail. Elmont came back, just listened to Pierre's oral introduction, this woman was born in a French aristocratic family, of course, the title of nobleman has expired in France now.

But her family has a branch in Belgium, which is still very influential, and has their family presence in many economic fields in France.

At this time, this woman actually mentioned to Xiao Feng that she wanted the ninth laboratory product as the exclusive agency in Europe, so Xiao Feng could not help but admire her. This woman is very courageous!

"Miss Laura, I know your family is very strong, but..."

"Don't mention my family to me, I am me, family is family!"

Hearing what Xiao Feng said, this Laura's face changed. She was obviously dissatisfied with Xiao Feng's involvement with her family. Xiao Feng was also taken aback. What do you mean?

He turned his head and glanced at Pierre. Pierre pulled him aside with a bitter smile, and quietly explained to him: "She has never had a very good relationship with her father, so she is a very independent and strong woman, regardless of I don't want to rely on the power of the family for anything."

Xiao Feng's face suddenly became serious: "Pierre, you know that the product of the ninth laboratory is a product that I value very much. Whether this product can succeed in Europe will be my investment in this company. The key to success, so I will be very cautious in choosing an agent. If there is no suitable candidate, we will find a way to open the European market by ourselves."

Isn’t that a fool if you have a family background but don’t want to use it? Xiao Feng had doubts about Laura's energy, and Pierre's expression became serious at this time. He looked at Xiao Feng seriously and explained to him.

"Xiao, I don't think Laura does not have this strength, and I also think that she should be the right person you need most."

"Okay, you explain to me."

"Of course I know why you want to succeed in Europe, or France. France can be said to be the birthplace of the modern cosmetics industry and the gathering place of high-end luxury makeup brands. If your cosmetics can open the French market and gain French consumers Recognition, then it can be said that you have opened the world market and will be recognized by consumers all over the world. This is the rule of the fashion industry. Any brand that wants to make a difference in this field cannot bypass Paris."

Pierre said this with confidence, and Xiao Feng did not object. It is indeed the truth. No matter how France is now declining, Paris still holds the title of fashion capital of the world. This is why the fashion week held here every year, The main reason why the annual international cosmetics exhibition will be held in Paris.

As long as you can succeed here, then you are equivalent to gaining a firm foothold in the cosmetics industry and gaining recognition.

This is also the main reason why Xiao Feng attaches so much importance to this market!

As long as the French market is opened, it is equivalent to opening the European market, and thus the international market. Paris can definitely be said to be the vane of world fashion, whether it is fashion or cosmetics.

Pierre saw that Xiao Feng had no objection, and continued: "I am French. I understand the character of the French. In the field of fashion, we French can be said to be very proud. In other words, only a few brands under the American daily-use giants and a Japanese brand can enter the field of high-end cosmetics. This is because of their strong economic strength. As for the other latecomers, they have basically been stifled. What you want to make a **** road in this field, how easy is it to talk about?"

Pierre’s words are sincere and true. The products of Xiao Feng’s ninth laboratory are good, but if you really want to enter the cosmetics field, then you are equivalent to grabbing from other big men’s plates. Can someone tolerate you with food?

"So if you go to France by yourself and want to open up the market, in my opinion, that is definitely a fantasy. Even if you succeed at the beginning, you will eventually be strangled by the big guys. But if you leave it to Laura It’s the same. Although she has never worked in cosmetics, as a person in the fashion industry, she is very familiar with this field. The most important thing is that she has a team first, and there are many influential teams in the team. Model."

Xiao Feng had to admit that Pierre was right. The cosmetics market in France does seem to be very profitable, but how difficult is it for him to be a Chinese who wants to open a world there?

But if there are French people like Laura and Pierre to help, it is indeed much simpler. At this time, he looked at Pierre and Laura and suddenly felt that these two were much more cute.

Isn't this a French lead party similar to Helen? Helen used to be the lead party of the United States. Now these two are determined to be French foreign compradors. This is a good thing!

But even though it is a good thing, one has to look at their abilities, otherwise it is easy to mess things up.

"It seems that you should have any ideas and plans, right? Let's just talk and listen."

This Pierre worked so hard to help Laura persuade himself, if there was no deal between him and Laura, Xiao Feng would not believe it.

But then Laura and Pierre exchanged glances, this time it was Laura who stood up.

"Xiao, this is actually the case. Although I no longer model, I have a model team with three active Victoria’s Secret angels. I have already received an invitation. At the Paris Fashion Week early next year, my The team will appear on behalf of a certain brand."

Hearing this, Xiao Feng felt that there really was something going on in this matter. Laura was not talking about it.

"In my model group, there are a few very distinctive models, such as a South African girl named Heidi. She actually doesn't look good and doesn't fit the aesthetics of normal people..."

Xiao Feng was very surprised when he heard it. In his impression, it seemed that those who could serve as supermodels were not ordinary girls. She was beautiful and conformed to the public's aesthetics. That should be a basic requirement.

But what does Laura mean by that?

Of course Laura also noticed Xiao Feng's expression, so she took out her mobile phone and found a photo for Xiao Feng to come over. Xiao Feng took a look and almost didn't vomit it out on the spot.

I saw on the phone screen, a confident supermodel was walking on the catwalk, but her face was exceptionally scary, and her facial features were pretty pretty, but she stretched from her forehead down to her neck and chest, all densely packed. Freckles, basically every place that can be seen normally, not only looks scary, but also very uncomfortable.

What's wrong with this Nima, foreigners? What kind of aesthetic is this? If you grow up to be like this, if you don't come out to scare people, you are considered to have accumulated virtue. Are you special?

I really don't know what these foreigners think!

Laura smiled. Xiao Feng's reaction was normal: "Xiao, you have to know that in recent years, various supermodel contests and world beauty pageants have emerged one after another, which has caused serious aesthetic fatigue to many viewers. Such a model is also inevitable. It is to create that kind of visual gap and arouse the interest of the audience. Coupled with the factor of political correctness, France is the main gathering place for what you Chinese call Baizuo. So It’s normal for a girl like this to be a supermodel. Don’t underestimate her. In fact, she is now a hot star in the modeling industry."

"Big stars? Big comedians, right? Such a model who relies on weirdness to win, I guess it will not be long before the audience will get tired of her. After all, there will be more girls who rely on weirdness to gain attention, and Maybe uglier and more characteristic than her."

Xiao Feng said casually, and Laura took a surprised look at him: "I didn't expect you to have such sensitivity to fashion. That's right, this is also the reason that Heidi and I have been discussing how to transform recently. The main reason. And your Ninth Lab's product gave me hope..."

Xiao Feng probably understands Laura's routine: "So, you want Heidi to use the products of our ninth laboratory, after it has an effect, and then appear in that fashion week?"

"Yes, we need such a strong visual contrast to shock the audience, so that not only can Heidi get a new life, but also your cosmetics can become popular! In addition, according to your cosmetics, wrinkle removal is particularly strong. Characteristics, I also plan to plan a large-scale show..."

At this time Laura had completely aroused Xiao Feng's interest, and he felt that this woman was indeed very predictable.

If you follow her ideas, maybe the products of their ninth laboratory will really be an instant hit.

"I plan to invite some famous seniors in the modeling industry to help such as Daphne. Shafir, Amina. Rossi, Tess. Holliday, etc..."

Laura reported a list of names, but Xiao Feng had never heard of these people, after all, he was not a person in the fashion circle.

Even the famous Victoria's Secret model, he knows a few of the most influential internationally.

Laura was not in a hurry when he saw Xiao Feng's confused look. Instead, she took out the tablet, adjusted the information of these people one by one, and then pushed the tablet in front of Xiao Feng, and Xiao Fengyi Looking at the information of these models, he almost didn't jump up and threw the computer directly onto Laura's face.

What do you mean by this? I asked you to promote my cosmetics. If you don't find me those Victoria Secret angels, what do you mean by finding me a pair of old men and old ladies?

Do you want to smash my place?

Of course, Laura and Pierre also noticed the expression on Xiao Feng's face at this time. They looked at each other, then laughed, Laura began to explain to Xiao Feng. . .

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