My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 45: Celebrity chef manufacturing

   Xiaolin used to work as a real estate agency. Although he did not build a house, he also knows many decoration companies. After all, he has often sold his client list to the decoration company.

   Otherwise, many homeowners who have just bought a house will immediately receive a call from the decoration company, where the phone information is leaked, of course, it is a real estate agency like Kobayashi.

Early the next morning, Xiao Lin brought Xiao Feng a designer from a decoration company. Before coming, Xiao Lin and Xiao Feng talked through the phone. This designer was carefully selected from the decoration companies he had contacted before. Come out, a very reliable designer.

Although Xiaolin has never done renovations before, he has never dealt with people from renovation companies. Many of his clients even look for houses decorated by renovation companies. So which renovation company is reliable, and which one is not. He is very clear.

   There are a few large-scale decoration companies in Bincheng City. They seem to be quite formal, but the prices are not generally expensive. Although they call out the drawings and don’t need money, they are actually deducted from the final decoration.

   such a decoration company is generally only responsible for drawing up the drawings, and the later decoration work is usually subcontracted to the decoration guerrillas. They are only responsible for the supervision of the work.

   For example, a designer says that when decorating a certain place, a certain material should be used, and the customer doesn't understand. When the decoration team goes to purchase, they will often purchase the inferior and high-priced materials to make the difference.

Either it’s halfway through the decoration and the drawing is changed for you, or the budget is not enough, and the budget is requested to be increased. Anyway, it is both annoying and frustrating to make the customer feel helpless. In the end, in order to move into the new home earlier, Able to accept their rogue clause.

   In order to show his value, Xiao Lin certainly would not lead Xiao Feng to such a fire pit. So after returning to resign yesterday, he kept thinking about the decoration companies he had contacted at home, and finally chose this one.

This decoration company is not a large-scale decoration company located in the main urban area of ​​Bincheng, but a small decoration design company in Jincheng District. The designer came home from a professional design company in Beijing to start his own business. The design ability is very strong and the decoration is very good. Attentively, his reputation in the industry is quite good, and he rarely heard of his behavior of cheating on customers.

So I brought it to Xiao Feng early in the morning. Fortunately, the attic on the top floor of the facade now has several offices available. Xiao Feng is here and met with the designer and owner of the famous city design company, Li Famous city.

After a few simple conversations with this Li Mingcheng, Xiao Feng can feel that this designer is a sincere person, because he is also afraid of being pitted, and has been in several large professional decoration forums. Soak for a while.

I have seen many people’s posts suggesting that the decoration is the easiest to be deceived. Then when we talked to this Li Mingcheng today, I deliberately pretended not to understand it. If this Li Mingcheng deliberately cheated him, he would definitely talk to him. Full of nonsense, he jumped into the pit by bluffing.

But after some conversation, this Li Mingcheng not only explained the problem he raised in detail, but also proposed a lot of solutions to him, such as using a certain material in a certain place, etc., all of which were related to the professionalism in the hot posts on the forum. The answer was similar, it was true that he did not cheat him, which gave him confidence in this Li Mingcheng.

   "Okay, I am very satisfied with designer Li's professionalism. Let's talk about the effect I expect from the decoration of this hotel."

Xiao Feng opened his mouth and expressed satisfaction. Not only was Lin Zhengguo very proud, Li Mingcheng also raised the spirit of 120,000 points at this time. This is a big customer. He just took a look at this store and roughly estimated the area. To win, it is a big job, you must satisfy the customer.

"My shop, on the first and second floors, intends to be a fast food chain, not to join other domestic brands, but to create a new brand of Chinese-style fast food myself. The name is Celebrity Chef Manufacturing! The first floor is , You plan for me an operating room of 50 to 100 square meters, an open kitchen, so that customers can see the process of our food making, and not the covert back kitchen mode of other Chinese fast food in China, so oily smoke Handling is very important. There is also a barbecue shabu buffet restaurant on the third floor. You can make me a cold storage on the second floor of the basement. Because the restaurant is not small, the inventory is relatively large. I want to make a self-service barbecue shabu shabu restaurant on the basement floor. In the barbecue area, ventilation and oil fume removal must be done well, and then design an elevator for me to go directly to the third floor. As for the attic side..."

Xiao Feng shared his thoughts with the designer. Li Mingcheng took a small notebook and recorded all Xiao Feng's thoughts seriously, and then under the leadership of Xiao Feng, he ran upstairs and downstairs several times. Trip, specially measured data.

After working all morning, Xiao Feng insisted to invite him to lunch. Li Mingcheng went back after eating. Before leaving, he said to Xiao Feng, "Don’t worry, Mr. Xiao, I recently transferred other work to other people. , And then organize a small team to design for your shop. It will definitely follow your requirements. You will give me a week’s time, and then I will give you some drawings. You can choose by yourself.”

   Xiao Feng waved his hand in satisfaction and motioned him to go busy.

Li Mingcheng left the hotel with a heavy sense of mission. He estimated that this business would be several million, if the standard was higher, it might even exceed 10 million. This was definitely the biggest he took over after returning to Bencheng. A single business.

   Besides, Mr. Xiao said that he opened a fast-food restaurant. If he does well in the future, he will open branches and even invite merchants all over the country. What does this mean?

   This means that the decoration standards of at least a few and at most hundreds of fast-food restaurants are all from his hand. If the fast-food restaurant is done well and wants to open a branch, then his business can be less?

So on the way back, he drove a conference call all the way back, handing over all the work he had at hand to other designers in the company, and then he also made appointments with a few old friends in Beijing. This kind of design work, Relying on the staff of his company, it is certainly impossible to complete it within a week, and his old friends in Beijing, although they also have their own jobs, can make some extra money in private work, they are not rejected. These talents are real masters.

In the afternoon, Xiao Feng and Xiao Lin returned to the company, and Xiao Feng took out the design trademark of the fast food restaurant. This trademark is made up of four small seal Chinese characters made by famous chefs, arranged up and down. Fang Fangzheng looks a bit like a seal, but it is kind of The strange beauty, Xiao Feng racked his brains to come up with it.

After taking out the trademark, Xiao Feng explained Xiaolin’s next work. First, he went to the industrial and commercial registration. In recent years, the Bincheng government has increased its efforts to clean up the officialdom and improve the business environment. It has also set up a government affairs hall. All things can be handled in one stop.

   Xiao Feng asked Xiao Lin to do these trivial things, and tried to register the company as soon as possible. Xiao Lin took the task and went to work, and he registered the users of several recruitment websites on the Internet and released some recruitment information.

   The content of recruitment is very simple, one lobby manager, three business managers, several chefs, and several waiters.

Although the restaurant has not officially opened yet, the staff must be matched first. What he wants to do is not a small business. The investment must be tens of millions. It is not bad for one day or two. People first find them and train first. Get up and get familiar with the technology.

   Spring was just in Bincheng at this time. It was when the talent market was most active, and not long after the recruitment advertisement was released, Xiao Feng received a telephone consultation.

In the next few days, Xiao Feng has been interviewing all kinds of applicants. The chef is very easy to find. He runs a fast food restaurant, not a five-star hotel. Besides, he also has a seasoning secret like mushroom powder. You don’t need a highly skilled chef, just an average chef.

   So his criteria for choosing a does not depend on how high your skill is, but on your speed and hard work, and also on whether you are loyal and honest.

Because he doesn’t need a chef with particularly good skills, Xiao Feng’s salary is not high, so the applicants are usually young chefs. There are some who are diligent and honest, but there are always one or two shortcomings, let Xiao Feng Not so satisfied.

   Waiter or something is relatively simple, Xiao Feng later stopped this piece altogether, mainly interviews the chef and the lobby manager, these two are the most difficult to find.

   The chefs who have applied in the past few days are young and have average skills, but some are more sophisticated and like to be lazy, or the cooking skills are so bad that Xiao Feng can't stand it.

After hiring for half a month, Xiao Feng only hired a middle-aged chef named Shang. He used to work as a chef in a three-star hotel, and later went to the sea to open a shop. In the end, he lost a lot of money and could only work again. The craftsmanship is good, the asking price is not high, the key is to be honest, there are old and young people in the family to support, and the mortgage is also repaid, not easy to change jobs, and dare not sneak in. These characteristics make Xiao Feng very satisfied.

However, this lobby manager has never found a suitable candidate. In this market, truly capable hotel managers are generally more willing to work in large hotels. After all, such a place is formal and there is still room for improvement. This newly opened fast food restaurant hires a lobby manager, and the salary is not high, not many people are willing to come.

  The people who came here either didn't have enough experience, or the salary they wanted was higher, and Xiao Feng was not satisfied.

Recruitment is progressing slowly, but Li Mingcheng’s design drawings came out very quickly. On this day, he sent some drawings to Xiao Feng and asked Xiao Feng to make a choice. Xiao Feng turned on the computer and saw, um, what he did was really modest. Yes.

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