My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Eight hundred and ninety-fourth Huaguo speed

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When Xiao Feng woke up, the sun was already high.

It took more than a month to go this time, but he was really exhausted.

Looking at Jesse beside him and the son in the crib on the other side, he couldn't help but think of the two sons from another world.

After returning from the mainland of Mesodis, he stayed with Keira and Vieruodis in Twin Towers City for a while.

Of course, the main thing is to play with his two sons for a while longer, because of the uncertainty of the time conversion between the foreign world and the modern world where he lives.

As a result, when he came back this time, his two sons were already over two years old, and he missed the birth of the children, which made him very regretful.

After resting with the children for a period of time, he took care of the official affairs of the Qing Dynasty, and handed over the country to the cabinet to run it. He only traveled back after he ordered Kaila and Vieruodis to supervise the country.

It took more than a month to leave this time, and Jesse missed him so much.

But she always thought that Xiao Feng was handling 'official affairs' in Colombia.

Looking at his wife and children whom he hadn't seen for more than a month, Xiao Feng also felt guilty. Naturally, he and Jesse enjoyed the family happiness that day.

After a while, his son woke up first, so he carried him out of the room and played on the large terrace on the third floor for a long time.

It took a while to realize that Jesse actually appeared at the door of the terrace.

"Breakfast is ready, come and eat!"

It turned out that not long after Xiao Feng went out, she had already woken up and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Put the son in a cradle aside and let the servants nurse him.

Xiao Feng chatted with Jesse while eating: "How is the development of Southern Cross Bank?"

"Ha, very good. Now our branches have covered all the big cities in the Copper Country, and there are fifteen branches in the Copper Country."

Xiao Feng nodded after listening. The land area of ​​the Copper Country is not large, and there are not many big cities except the capital Santiago.

It is quite good to be able to open fifteen branches here.

"In addition, we have opened branches in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and even Sunan. And recently I am planning to enter the Argentine market."

"Haha, you did a good job. But don't worry, you have to eat every bite."

Xiao Feng laughed. He knew about Jesse's ability, but he didn't expect this woman to be so agile and opened a branch in Argentina so quickly.

But Argentina is not so easy to mess with. The local strength there is very stubborn. Once Argentina is settled, the next step is to enter Brazil.

"Well, don't worry, I know what to do. Southern Cross Bank is very popular among Chinese groups. Before that, many Argentine Chinese came to our bank in Copper Country to open an account. So I thought about it. , let’s start with those Chinese.”

"Well, yes, and don't ignore the local forces. I have a list here. When you open branches in the local area, you can pay attention to these people. If it is suitable, we will choose to cooperate with them in the future to open celebrity chefs in Argentina. Make fast food."

Xiao Feng took out a list that Li Xingkai had prepared for him earlier.

These people are some of his clients in Argentina, some are local businessmen, some are local politicians, and some are local snakes.

More or less, they all control a lot of resources in that country, and these people have more or less laundered money through Li Xingkai.

In Xiao Feng's view, the Celebrity Chef Manufacturing would not want to enter Argentina without the support of these local snakes.

Not to mention other things in Argentina, the price of eight yuan per catty of beef there has already made him salivate.

The World Meat Depot was a place he had coveted for a long time. The Southern Cross's entry this time was just a trial, and when he came next time, it would be the time to truly launch his march.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. With the gold you provided and the gold in Sunanli, we have hard currency that can be easily financed. Recently, the bank's funds are very sufficient, and all the money must be circulated."

Jesse is more proficient in finance than Xiao Feng. In her opinion, only by circulating money can the value of money be maximized.

After eating with Jesse, Xiao Feng came to the pier and went to the north side of the pier first.

A refinery is currently being built there. Recently, Liujin has been continuously transporting heavy oil from Venezuela.

More than half of them were taken away by Tong Guo Petroleum, and they exchanged thick oil from Tong Guo Petroleum for a lot of refined gasoline and diesel oil at a fair price.

At present, most of them are stored in oil storage tanks near the refinery, and it is these oils that support the construction of Ithaca City.

With the construction teams from Huaguo coming in one after another, the construction of Ithaca has also entered the fast lane, and the whole city can be said to be different every day.

The work enthusiasm of many locals has also been mobilized, after all, this is their new home.

After visiting the refinery and learning about the construction of Ithaca with Bella, Xiao Feng went straight to the Kalapago Islands by boat.

After two hours of flying, his yacht appeared near Li's Island.

At present, the entire Kalapago Islands, especially the main island of Plum Blossom Island in the middle, has also become a large construction site.

President Qin of Huayang Petroleum is very helpful. In just over a month, he has recruited more than 10,000 construction workers to the Kalapago Islands.

There are more than a dozen large and small construction teams alone. After these people took over the construction of Plum Blossom Island, the construction of Plum Blossom Island has suddenly accelerated.

Before that, they were also construction teams invited from China, but compared with these construction teams with national prefixes, they were grass-roots teams.

As soon as these construction teams with the prefix of the country came, the situation immediately changed.

The planning drawings were handed over, and then people started construction immediately, and the construction machinery seemed to be free of money, and they were shipped all the way from the sea.

Then there are construction materials, cement and steel bars, which they also purchased from domestic sources in the past.

But after the construction team that Mr. Qin helped find took over, they didn't need these materials at all.

The excess production capacity in the country has been surprisingly released here, and various construction machinery such as cement and steel bars are transported by boats and boats as if they do not cost money.

Many people might think that what Huaguo did was a loss-making business, but this time, it really wasn't.

Because Chen Yonglu and the others are in the north of Kalapag, they rented a few islands to Mr. Qin and Huayang Petroleum to build an oil storage warehouse.

The construction of those islands is also in full swing now. Once those warehouses are completed, Huaguo's oil imports from Venezuela will be guaranteed.

According to Mr. Qin, with this transfer station, the price of Venezuelan oil they transport back to China will be at least five dollars lower per barrel to Hong Kong.

Here is something to earn!

After all, the domestic demand for oil can be described as almost unlimited.

Especially in recent years, the country has been upgrading its energy security.

The more coal burning is banned, the more fuel oil is needed to fill the holes.

This is also the main reason why the country vigorously promotes electric vehicles.

After visiting the construction of the main island and learning about the progress of the project with Chen Yonglu, Xiao Feng returned to his Lijia Island.

After all, here is the cloning expert he cares most about!

When he arrived on the island, he was taken aback. Behind the island, a research institute had already been built.

It's only been over a month, and Xiao Feng felt that it was too sci-fi to build a laboratory so quickly.

Even Helmer and Wesley, experts in cloning medicine, were taken aback by the speed of these Huaguo engineering teams.

On the contrary, Xiao Feng was not too surprised by such a construction speed, after all, the speed of Huaguo is world-renowned these days.

The foreman of the construction team on the island proudly introduced to Xiao Feng that they used the modular construction method.

Because the laboratories requested by Helmer and the others are not high-rise buildings, the rooms of these laboratories are all prefabricated with reinforced concrete in China and have been built long ago.

It can be directly transported to the island by boat and assembled, and then the water and electricity are connected, and the decoration project is waiting.

So the whole project took less than a month, and their medical laboratory was already set up.

On Nantai Island, Antal and Yunduo's agricultural scientific research institute has basically been completed, but because the island used to be a deserted island, it was much slower to build roads.

After Xiao Feng visited the institute, he pulled Helmer and Wesley over.

He took out the jellyfish, coral, and laurel tree he got from the wizard Gran Gail in the other world and handed them to Helmer and the others.

Then he told them about Gran Gail's broken limb regeneration.

Helmer and Wesley were so thick that they seemed to have suddenly opened up, and they exclaimed again and again.

"Wow, this method is really amazing."

"No, it should be these new materials, it's amazing."

Regeneration of severed limbs was not a difficult operation for Helmer and Wesley at the time.

The way they handled it in those days was to place the wounded in a culture kettle, and then soak the wound with nutrient solution.

Use 3D printing technology and stem cells as raw materials to print severed limbs, muscles, blood vessels, and even nerves.

In their day, the use of stem cells was already in full swing.

But these days, on Earth, if you want to use stem cells in large quantities, you have to face cost issues, as well as ethical and moral issues.

And Granger's method provided the two cloning experts with a very good idea.

After the two listened, they immediately waited for a few materials, got into the laboratory, and went to study the characteristics of these materials.

Xiao Feng approached Antar and Yunduo with a smile: "This is the 'JY' of the cow and the 'JY' of the horse I brought back, and the seeds of pasture over there."

In the past, Xiao Feng always wanted to introduce the majestic cattle and horses from other worlds into the modern world.

Needless to say, cows from other worlds are huge, produce more meat, mature faster, and have stronger disease resistance.

There is also the alien alfalfa, if it is introduced, it will definitely revolutionize modern animal husbandry...

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