My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 430: The bottom layer of the new 1st generation operating system

"A profiteer, 998 sells goods for 8000+? This is really under the banner of holographic projection, harvesting IQ taxes wanton, do you care about Datang Technology?"

Xiao Marco was not calm at once. After all, the net profit is too high to be terrifying. Nearly 1,000% of the profit, this is more money than they used to make games.

"What's the matter, now it's a free market economy. The final pricing power is still in their hands. We just sell the originals, as if they were priced at 8,000 yuan.

It’s their ability to be able to pay for their price. Even if they sell for a hundred yuan, they lose money and make a scream.

That is their own choice. As a source supplier, I will not ask the next-level sellers' own choice. "

Ye Fan shook his head, saying that he was too lazy to take care of this matter. Even if they sell for 88,800, it has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, when they took the goods, 998 had already made a profit. If you see how much the other party earns, you can take the opportunity to increase the price, or restrict the other party's free pricing, which is a bit unkind.

"Now consumers feel like a mirror. How can they be so easy to swindle? I think it is this group of computer manufacturers who take all the players as the heads.

No, since they launched it half a month ago, their total sales volume has only been less than 1,000. "Yu Chengdong checked their sales on the phone and said.

"Yes, now consumers are waiting for your phone to go on sale. If the price of your phone is cheaper than their single holographic projection module,

Then consumers naturally choose mobile phones. After all, with similar functions, not only the price is cheaper, but also so many more functions. If you give it to me, I will choose it myself. "

"So I think we can label your phone as a gaming phone. In this way, a large number of game lovers will pay for it. This is a win-win choice."

"Yes, let the people below handle the more detailed matters. Anyway, there is still a month before the launch of the new machine. Don't worry about these software matters."

Yu Chengdong readily agreed, after all, why not do this kind of win-win thing?

"Also, here I have newly developed a set of next-generation operating system bottom layers, based on the bottom layer I gave you before, and performed another update and optimization.

In addition to maintaining the original advantages of easy programming, it has also become more intelligent. Your new machine is equipped with a new bottom layer. It is not icing on the cake. It is for sure. "

Ye Fan took out a U disk and put it on the table.

"The new bottom layer?" Yu Chengdong was also taken aback. After all, after they got the new bottom layer system from Datang Technology last time, within four months, the bottom layer was updated again?

"Well, yes, the new underlying system. I promised you that the system update is free during the authorization period, so you can take it back and try it." Ye Fan pointed to the USB flash drive on the table. I took it unceremoniously.

"In that case, I will show the technicians after I go back. If possible, I will make a small update on the original bottom layer. Time allows."

Ye Fan nodded and clinked glasses with the two again.

In fact, this is also a win-win choice. After all, what Ye Fan wants is to allow artificial intelligence to gradually take over the current Internet, while also affecting all aspects of humanity.

This is also a strategic step to completely upgrade artificial intelligence to "Gaia consciousness."

In fact, Ye Fan and Huawei's ongoing strategy, that is, the "1+8+N" strategy, is largely the same.

That is, the mobile phone is the core entrance, and the eight major products of PC, Pad, smart TV, speakers, watches, earphones, glasses, and car machines are the auxiliary entrances for the whole scene. N refers to mobile office, smart home, sports and health. Countless IOT products in various scenarios of audio-visual entertainment and smart travel.

What Huawei wants to seize is the ecology of these fields and the huge cakes derived from it, while what Ye Fan wants is to gradually take over the human Internet and various small devices in order to integrate the world’s resources in the future. ready.

If mankind is going to the universe in the future, building a unified alliance is something that must be done. Otherwise, the front foot expedition team will set off, and the back foot will fight at home. This is not what Ye Fan would like to see.

Therefore, a unified alliance is a must, and it is bound to happen. Even if Ye Fan doesn't do this thing, someone will always do it.

Therefore, the Internet dominated by artificial intelligence will play a more powerful role than military power ~ If the military is the driving force, then the Internet and artificial intelligence are a strong glue.

The bottom layer that Ye Fan updated this time is the super bottom layer of the distributed operating system built for the full-scene era. Based on distributed, it creates a full-scene smart experience and reshapes the relationship between people, equipment and scenes. .

What Ye Fan wants is not the market, but the scale.

When the world's tens of billions of devices connected to the Internet are connected through his underlying operating system, then it is not his, and it is no different from his.

The core of this next-generation underlying system is to use flowers as the company's own products, and then combine N devices from other partners to integrate all of these devices.

For example, in the home scenario, mobile phones and various household appliances can be integrated into a super terminal for use at home. For example, in the field of travel, mobile phones, watches, and cars can be combined into a super terminal during travel.

In different scenarios, all the devices and flowers are the company's own products, especially integrated with mobile phones. Not to mention Ye Fan's plan, the consumer experience alone will definitely be full of praise.

Imagine if there are many kinds of equipment in the home, such as Midea washing machines, Gree air conditioners, Haier refrigerators, etc., most people turn on and use them, but they do not know the current working status of this equipment.

For example, what is the current state of the washing machine? It will take a few minutes to wash the clothes, how long does it take to spin dry, and what is the current state of the clothes in the drum?

These consumers all want to be able to visualize it, and they also want to be able to achieve complete control and adjustment, and this next era of the underlying operating system solves this problem.

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