In the bathroom, in a closed space, the violent smell was almost life-threatening. Ye Fan looked at the dark liquid medicine and diluted it with warm water at a ratio of six to one.

However, even after being diluted with water, the dark color has weakened, but it still looks like a horrible batch, like a stinking ditch, and TM is the kind of steaming hot.

Ye Fan didn't think too much. He took off his clothes and soaked his whole body in the bathtub.

Soaking in the bathtub, Ye Fan's first feeling was hot!

Really hot!

But before I took a bath, I tested the temperature with my hands. It was obviously the normal bath water temperature. It was not hot, hot, or cold. Everything was just right.

But the feeling for Ye Fan now was like someone pouring 80 degrees of boiling water on his body, Ye Fan felt that his skin was about to be scalded off.

Ye Fan's skin was already flushed under the action of the medicinal liquid, and all the parts that touched the medicinal liquid were flushed, as if poking out blood with a light needle.

"Hiss..." Ye Fan suddenly took a breath, this feeling is really sour and refreshing.

It is estimated that Xiao Yan in the sky of Doupo, when taking a bath with the old medicine foundation building spirit, is afraid that this is the same feeling.

In addition to being hot and painful, this thing also smells TM. It really smells worse than shi.

You must know that the medicinal solution made of 1018 kinds of medicinal materials is not a joke. The violent herbal smell, if you don't pinch your nose, I guess you can't stand it.

But anyway, if the scientific regimen 1.0 given by the system can enhance his own physique, he can resist it even if it gets a little hotter.

After all, he now has a force field shield in his hand, which can offset the attacks of kinetic energy weapons that attack him in any way. That is to say, ordinary thermal weapons are useless to him, and it is useless to hit him with a car, even if the crazy guy uses electromagnetic Shelling him can also be instantly offset by the force field shield.

It can be said that in the long-range attack, no one can hurt him, but Ye Fan has a big shortcoming in the melee attack.

Although he used to go to fitness, learned a lot of martial arts and other knowledge, and now he still has steel gloves in his hand, there is no problem with dealing with ordinary punks, rascals and the like.

If someone has a crooked mind, like a professionally trained agent who is proficient in various assassination methods, if he runs into it, let God bless him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let Zhao Guo and Chen Jia protect him in secret. It would be difficult to not be noticed if he knew that he had made such a big movement now.

Maybe the military is paying attention to themselves. After all, the goal of summoning three thousand veterans in three days is too obvious.

Ye Fan here is different from other factories. Other factories may have a large number of veterans going to work, but in any case, they are only going to work, and the country knows the basics of some foundries.

But Ye Fan bought Lin's Heavy Industry in his forefront, and disbanded almost all the original 4,000 workers, leaving only more than 500 experienced teachers and technicians. The security guard took 3,000 people at once. And the filing at the town hall is only for the most common industrial products.

To make the most common industrial products, three thousand security guards should be collected in just a few days?

Moreover, there are more security guards than workers, and three large factories are still being built secretly. The military and the people in the town are not fools, they are not so foolish.

Although the weight of the construction company has already patted his chest to ensure that the news will never be leaked, such words can only be listened to.

Before all of my industrial plans are completed, and before artificial intelligence is available, it is absolutely impossible to rely on people to guard the secrets. It is only a matter of time before the information is leaked, but the confidentiality measures are well done, and the time of disclosure will be later. .

Ye Fan soaked his whole body in the bathtub, his eyes closed tightly, feeling a different feeling coming from all over his body.

This feeling is completely different from the piping hot at the beginning. It is a peculiar feeling, like something is constantly infiltrating into the skin.

In this moment, the hotness on the outside of the skin gradually weakened, and it was replaced by a kind of warmth, as if the whole body was bathed in the hot spring, and even the inside of the body was warm and comfortable.

"It's really comfortable." Ye Fan sighed. Suddenly, he found that the odor that squeezed his nose into death had completely disappeared, replaced by a fragrance.

It is a fragrance completely released by herbs. Under this fragrance, it seems that even the cells of the whole body are activated, and every cell in and under the body is beating, all in a passionate carnival!

This is a feast!

He removed the big hairpin from his nose and took a deep breath. Sure enough, the stench that had filled the bathroom before had completely disappeared.

With such a comfortable feeling, Ye Fan leaned his head on the wall, closed his eyes, and began to enjoy this comfortable feeling, and fell asleep.



Dark night, long night, endless darkness.

A black figure is faintly visible in the dark night, as if it is as large as the sky. Under that figure, it seems that all living beings are ants, and there is another young man standing under that figure, standing with his hand, looking up at the darkness.

"You have failed 1017 times. This time you will die." The voice of the huge figure talking, like a thunder, exploded in the sky.

"What's wrong with failing ten thousand times? Although I am dead this time, my spirit will be passed down forever, my deeds will be eulogized forever, and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame by history, and be cast aside forever!" The figure stood proudly, without any fear.


Everything is broken like a The dark sky, the endless darkness, the long night, cracked like glass, falling into slag.

Falling, everything is falling.

The earth shattered into ice **** and fell into the endless abyss. Everything was falling, all falling, and countless pieces of glass fell into the darkness.

Ye Fan also fell, like dust scattered in a firework.

He saw familiar people, he saw Ye Qingcheng, he saw Jiang Lang, he saw his friends, he saw many strangers.

They were all expressionless and bloodless, falling into the abyss like puppets. They wanted to reach out to hold them, but their palms penetrated the void, and they accelerated their fall towards the abyss.


Countless people are screaming, like **** on earth.

"If the times create heroes, are you willing to become the times?"_

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