My Super God QQ

Chapter 1308: The world collapses and escapes

"Miao Ye, how can I become the strong man of Six-color God Light?"

"Miaoye, can this wild land be charged? If it can't be collected, wouldn't a waste of a god's place be wasted?" Guo Jia thought deeply and actually got the idea of ​​this place.

"If we charge your master's treasure, will there be any changes in this place that will pose a danger to us?" Jia Xu is for himself, no, for everyone's life, and consider the following things.

"Why do you have to have a world to be promoted to a god?" Zhao Yun asked puzzled.


A large number of people started to have a lot of questions and asked Meow Lord.

Meow Lord was originally a rogue personality, and kindly reminding Li Qing does not mean that it is easy to get along with. So, everyone's problems, it ignores everything, just holding the iPad in his hand, playing around intently, what is the ear of wind.

It was not until Li Qing, symbolically, summed up all the questions into one sentence that he could get answers from it.

It doesn’t know about cultivation, and then, the wild ancient land can’t be charged, because this world is about to collapse, unable to return to heaven, this world will send everyone out before the world collapses...


Suddenly, there was a tremendous loud noise in the distance, accompanied by the end-of-the-world scene, with smoke rising from the sky, and countless rubble splashing around.

No, it wasn't turbulent rock. It was clearly huge blocks of rock, some of which were like a hill.

"Did someone fight with Ji Cai Cai Bao?"

Everyone has such a thought, and only the treasure that exudes nine colors of divine light can create that kind of power.

"No!" Meow Lord answered them: "As I said, when the baby is almost searched, the world will collapse, and my master's lingering ghost image is watching this all."

"It turns out that he came down just for this!"

Li Qing thoughtfully.

Just thinking about it all, on the other side, there was also an explosion, and then they saw that a large area of ​​land was collapsing, and then, the original location of the disappeared land, even the void was annihilated, as if to completely change the world Into nothingness.

"Let's hurry up! Hurry up! Don't be sent out before the end!"

Li Qing was anxious.

Others are also anxious!

This is obviously driving people to the center!

In addition to running out of time, it may be blown into the void or sent out, which also proves another thing, that is, other aliens will also be rushed to the place where the treasure is stored by such "destruction".


Countless wild beasts are running, running desperately, gathering from all directions into a huge torrent of tsunami, rushing to the center of this wild ancient land.

Wherever we passed, there was no grass, no matter whether it was the small grass roots sticking out of the stone, or the towering trees covering the sky, they were all crushed into pieces.

This is a terrible destruction than war!

Wanma Pentium?

No, this idiom can hardly describe one percent of this spectacular scene.

Some of these wild beasts are used to fly, and some are used to run. All of them have crazy escape thoughts in their eyes. There is only one word in their minds, that is, running, or running or dying, and no matter what they are in front of them, they cannot stop their footsteps. .

An emerald green bird, dragging its long tail with six-colored divine light, flew in a hurry...

Suddenly, it felt a collision force, hitting it above it, a more powerful beast exuding colorful divine light.

It was knocked down into the air, and when it looked angrily at the beast that surpassed itself, when it was black, it lost consciousness. It turned out that it was hit by a bigger beast directly. Extremely, it was crushed directly.

There are birds and animals.

The walking beast is even worse. Compared with the air, there are fewer places on the ground to survive and escape. Every second, small wild beasts are trampled into flesh, and then trampled by behind, and finally even the traces will disappear.

Of course, there are also small, powerful ones, such as the wild beasts that exude nine colors of divine light. As long as they are hit by the huge beasts, it will trigger a direct war disaster without waiting for the world behind to collapse Then, countless wild beasts will be slaughtered by these powerful wild beasts.


They are strong, if in the past, the wild beasts weaker than them must not dare to come close.

But this will panic, all running, who cares about how powerful you are?


At this time, Li Qing and they also escaped.

Because, torrents of countless wild beasts like a tsunami are about to drown them.

The ground was shaking violently, but only by being shaken, people could fly to a height of tens of meters. This is simply a sign of the world's collapse!

The debris is flying, not to mention, this collapsed world will engulf people at any time.

No one dares to carelessly, if you dare to be negligent, maybe a mountain will crush you completely to the next second, or it may be crushed to death by a wild beast, or sit under the big P shares.

"No way! Boss, I can't stand it!"

The Holy Word Divine Book spreads a light to protect everyone, but after being hit by countless wild beasts, it has been riddled with holes and crumbling, Jia Jia shouted anxiously.

"You can't hold it!"

Guo Jia blew his airways.

Li Qing is constantly thinking of ways, and then asks the little thing: "How long will it be, Meow Lord?"

"It's still early!" Meow Lord gave an answer that made everyone almost desperate: "At our speed, it may take two days to get there."

What is the speed of Li Qing now?

It must have broken through the speed of sound, and it just happened to be a little faster than the world collapsed.

But even at this speed, they are still in jeopardy!


Suddenly, a painful mumble came from behind.

It is Dian Wei.

Because his Nine-Colored Divine Soldier can become the largest in area, he has always been at the back, but no, he let a wild beast horn that exudes eight-colored divine light, and gave it a sudden penetration directly through the belly. Sweetheart, a blood-red hole.

If it weren't for Li Qing's discovery, he wouldn't say it.

Finally, Dian Wei stepped back and handed over this position to Ma Chao.

Ma Chao couldn't do it anymore. Soon, he was caught by an angry nine-color divine beast and was almost divided into corpses.

Then, replaced with Zhao Yun...

They are now being chased by the beast tide, or they are flattened, otherwise, the beast tide is whole world is collapsing!

Everyone is running.

The human race has so many nine-color treasures, so embarrassing and dangerous, let alone other aliens!

That is, in this disaster, the death rate of aliens keeps rising, reaching the highest...

They are crying!

They were so scared!

They began to regret why they had to enter this place, even if there were nine colorful treasures, they must not die...

The collapsed world is like darkness, the eternal darkness is about to engulf them in one fell swoop!

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(End of this chapter)

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