My Super God QQ

Chapter 160: Split shares, make trouble!

If one or two people die, Li Qing believes that if he finds a relationship, he can definitely suppress it.

However, a person who died in a village is definitely a major event for the entire country.

"Li Shao, you go first!"

Kuyi also heard the sirens and hurriedly called.


"We will solve it here. I have called the company headquarters to inform us that we have related lawyers... Furthermore, we all have gun licenses, which is fine. Also, they should all be internationally renowned robbers... "

He said a lot, but he would solve it better.

Seeing him say this, Li Qing is of course willing to save leisure.

"Can't drive, go up the mountain. Although the road is a bit difficult, but now I am afraid that there will be a policeman outside the canyon!"

"Okay! Then be careful yourself."

Li Qing no longer politely left with him.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Li Qing felt that the whole person was a little collapsed, and it seemed that he used too much force or may have lost too much blood.

Now, both his arms and his chest are covered with blood. Apart from your own, there are others.

Looking at the background of his departure, Cool looked puzzled.

Because he couldn't understand it so far, Li Qing got the time bomb there? So weird, so weird!

What about time bombs?

Li Qing has put it into the storage space of the qq hard drive. What surprised him a little is that as soon as the time bomb enters the space, it will not move anymore. It seems that the time has stopped in the space.

fair enough!

Otherwise, in the event of an explosion, Li Qing's qq hard disk storage space is not afraid, other things can be blown to pieces.

The mountain road is a bit difficult, but fortunately Li Qing's strength is strong, and he has rushed all the way.

By the time I return to Xiamen, it is already seven or eight in the evening!

He first went to the pharmacy and bought white bandages to tie the wounds and wait for him to heal, so as not to scare his mother. Only then did I buy a new set of clothes.

Without paying attention to the meal, Li Qing went straight home.

Zhang Minzheng was waiting for his return with a worried expression, and there were four people in black uniforms guarding his family.

"A Qing!"

Seeing Li Qing coming back, Zhang Min was finally relieved.

Today, if these people were not pulling, she wanted to rush into the village several times to find her son. Now that Li Qing is back, she is delighted with tears in her eyes.

"Mom!" Li Qing was relieved to see her mother, and then asked: "Are you?"

"Hello, Li Shao, isn't it? We are from Lei Ku, and received the above order to protect Li Shao's mother."

"Oh~ who sent it?"

"It's Master Lin from Jie's. Now we are a company of Jie's Group!"

"By the way, also, after Shao Lin asked you to come back, call him."

Li Qing took out the phone and found several missed ones. Apart from Lin Chengxing hitting five, there was one golden sheep fairy and one flute.

First, call Jinyangxian.

Hearing that Jin Yangxian said he went to Jianjiang again, but Li Qing was not there and had to hang up.

Di Di said that she was going to participate in a singing competition in the city recently. She might go to TV to let Li Qing have time to watch. Li Qing readily agreed.

He didn't tell Yan Di that he was in Xiamen because Lin Chengxing's business was not finished yet.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter?" Finally, Li Qingcai called Lin Chengxing.

"You are done? Are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

"It's okay!" Lin Chengxing breathed a sigh of relief: "You have a good night's rest, and if you can, hurry up and come over tomorrow? Our house is almost upset!"

"Ah? What's going on?"

"Just as soon as you left, they all didn't understand the technical aspects, and they stopped like this. Then, the family was a little anxious, but no, they fell down!"

"Uh... about the shares, have you negotiated with your family?"

"It is because of this that it is noisier! Brother, I need your help. Now, I am afraid that only you can solve this matter, because the technology is what you take out, you have the biggest chip in your hand, and of course you speak The loudest and most useful."

"Okay, then I'll pass by tomorrow." Li Qing vaguely heard the noise there, there was sarcasm, there were arguments...

He can only go back as far as possible. He must be at home at night and make arrangements for his mother's safety.

People who listen to Leiku said that his mother will have someone to protect him, but it is recommended to move to a high security area, otherwise it is too dangerous here.

Li Qing thinks too!

Check the Internet all night to see if there is a better house nearby.

Li Qing also thought about letting her mother go to Jianjiang City, but she just didn't go, saying that she was used to this kind of city, even if she refused to leave.

When Li Qing saw her saying this, she seemed a little inexplicable, her attitude was fierce and determined, and she didn't say much.

"Er, you tell me, what is the Jieshi Group? Also, I heard them call you Li Shao, why?"

In the middle of the night, Zhang Min entered his son's room and the two talked.

"Mom, the Jies Group is the company that I took to my elder brother's family. I am now working with them to do some business."

"What kind of business can you do, haha!" Zhang Min certainly didn't believe it and smiled and patted Li Qing's head.

"Mom, have you forgotten my medicine?"

"What do you mean...? No, you honestly told me that you really worshipped a master, what about others?" Zhang Min doubted.

"That's a Taoist who travels all over the world. He passed my medical technique and disappeared. When he was needed, he would appear by himself!" Li Qing lied and opened his mouth, which he had fabricated.

"and then?"

"Then, he gave me a prescription. I used that prescription to make a medicine, which was very popular, and a lot of money was auctioned..."

Zhang Min interrupted: "How much is a lot of money?"

"Uh, billions of dollars!" Li Qing didn't dare to say that he would spend 200 million yuan, otherwise, this prodigal will definitely make her mother faint.

Despite this, Zhang Min was stunned for a long time after hearing about hundreds of millions.

If it weren't for the security guards sent by Jiejia outside, Zhang Min really thought Li Qing was cheating him.

The two men talked for three or four hours before Li Qing passed.

After knowing that Li Qing has hundreds of millions of dollars, Zhang Min couldn't resist moving to a high-level community. So, Li Qing told Zhang Min to go to see the house tomorrow. If possible, move immediately, money is not a problem.

"My son is breathing..."

Zhang Min heard Li Qing said that money is not a smiled softly, and touched Li Qing’s head in spoils: "Originally, I thought you would be able to live peacefully for a lifetime, but I didn't think about it. You broke out of this world without a sound. Mom doesn't drag you down, and will move to those better neighborhoods as soon as possible. You can rest assured to go around, Mom supports you!

"Mom!" Li Qing moved: "That's right, I still have ground lotion!"

After Li Qing took the tonic fluid to Zhang Min, Zhang Min as a whole was as young as five years younger, no longer as haggard as before.

However, she heard that this medicine could sell hundreds of millions, she blamed Li Qing for losing money!

"Hahaha, Mom, only a rare one can sell so expensive, if there is more, how could it be possible!"

"Yes, there is a bottle left for your grandmother?"

"No!" Li Qing took out another bottle.

In this way, Zhang Min took it happily, with a look of joy and pride.

If the son can achieve such great achievements, what can he ask for?

The next day, Jiejia...

"Grandpa, I disagree. Our family has so much money and manpower to account for 30%, and 10% to Lin Chengxing. I absolutely disagree!"

During the meal, Jiecheng took the initiative to stand up again, protesting.

"Yes, Dad, it's not that I help Jiecheng talk, but that our family has so much manpower and financial resources to account for 30%, and it is too little! The other party is too greedy, I think I have to talk to him about everything. , At least it is divided into five or five!" Jie Cheng's mother looked shrewd and authentic.

"Auntie! This technology is epoch-making, and it can affect inventions all over the world. If it is made, let alone human and financial resources, it is impossible to talk on the desktop at all?"

"I don't care, being a person can't be too greedy, not to mention that he is your sworn brother, which still needs you to say!"

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