My Super God QQ

Chapter 166: Unsold

Xiaohui is a very ordinary otaku who lives by writing novels.

The novels he writes are generally urban, and occasionally he writes fantasy fairy tales.

He thinks that he is not willing to be ordinary, he has always imagined that this world is full of infinite possibilities, there are other lives in the starry sky, and aliens are not without.

Usually, his biggest interest is to watch those science fiction blockbusters and all kinds of novels.

Of course, because of a bit of a house, he likes to shop on Taobao and buy a variety of daily necessities and snacks.

Today, just after finishing the instant noodles, he thought of going to Taobao to see if there were any instant noodles that he hadn’t eaten, preferably those with longer brands and good reputation.

Why buy instant noodles?

no way! There are many people who read the books he wrote, but most of them read pirated copies. He thinks it is good to be able to spend time with instant noodles.

Thanksgiving, thanksgiving...

Thanks to those brothers who subscribe to reward!

Whenever he thinks there is instant noodles to eat, he will say so in his heart, and thanks to him, he skillfully entered the Taobao website.

As soon as I entered the familiar webpage, an ad suddenly appeared on Taobao.

It's an extremely cool, floating motorcycle.

The whole body is made of silver, and the exaggerated zigzag shape tries to be as crazy as possible for young people, especially the boat-shaped design that looks like a little sheep at the back, it is really the finishing touch.

Suspended motorcycles sprayed blue light from the page, flying across like lightning.

"It's impossible, what is the big commercial?"

Xiaohui's thoughts are like this, and the advertisement page that comes out must be turned off.

Unexpectedly, after the suspension motorcycle flew over, it immediately jumped out of an announcement that said it would be on sale after March.


He could not help but screamed loudly.

It is now a little bit in the middle of the night. If he lives not at home but at home, he quarrels with his parents and is afraid that they will be thrown downstairs directly from the window. Fortunately, no one was angry because of his exclamation. He continued to watch with a cry.

"The suspension motorcycle originated from the development of Zifengye. It has the characteristics of being able to charge. It uses an anti-gravity suspension device. At best, it is three meters high, but Zifengye has already applied to the country. If the country passes the safety certification, then its driving height will exceed 20 meters..."

Twenty meters!

Wouldn't it be possible to fly in the sky?

"Wow fuck!"

He shouted in excitement, dancing all over.

As if he had discovered the New World, he immediately opened the QQ group and entered the group that the author specifically entered, and took this screenshot of the advertisement.

This is the rhythm to be compared!

It's a pity that he hasn't waited for him to pretend that there is a ridiculous smile from the author in the QQ group: "You only know! In the past two days, whether it is the new and new Baidu posts, as well as major news network platforms have been this news Blow it up!"

"Yeah, you don't know. I heard that the appearance of this product has aroused great attention from the state, and it is necessary to hold a special meeting for this product!" Another author said.

"Sure, it must be, it must be! You think about it, how great is the suspension technology, if other devices are added to this device, then all of our modern warfare arrangements must be changed again!"

"Oh, everyone is a literati, don't talk about war anymore. According to my opinion, as soon as this product appeared, I was afraid to detonate the global sensation! Now, there are countless people who already know this product. Will explode even more!"

"I'm suspicious that this is a fake advertisement, suspension? Go to hell. Where can we develop suspension technology with our current technology? Due to solving the problems of people's livelihood and houses, our entire society has not developed for decades, okay? "

"If it is false, Taobao will not send this advertisement? I heard that the flagship store of Zifengye has opened, and the collection of this online store alone has reached 50 million!"

"After so many years of development, Taobao's credibility is much better, but the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, who knows whether it is a prank? It is possible that the collection may be fake!"

"Raise your hand! I went to collect it! Haha, whether it is true or false, anyway, as soon as it comes out, I will definitely grab it!"

"Haha, I am also going to grab one, as long as it is within one hundred thousand, I will definitely buy it!"

"I will buy two hundred thousand!"

"Cut, don't even think about it. I'm afraid this suspension motorcycle will come out, I'm afraid it will be very expensive! After all, this is more than a sports car. It is not expensive to sell a half a million!"

"Yeah! Hey, unfortunately I am a street shooter. I have few subscriptions. If it exceeds 20,000, I'm afraid I can't afford it~"

"If I buy it, I will starve to death, and it seems I can only look at the greed, or wait for a used car to come out, and then buy second-hand ones."

Xiaohui watched himself send a picture, which caused the authors of the group to dive out one by one, and he was also a bit stunned. Later, he found that he could not even intervene, silently.

In addition to Taobao, many people also found this advertisement.

There are webpages, naturally there are live broadcasts!

Some live streamers even thought about it.

Shandong Lao Zhang is an adventurous anchor. The adventure-themed programs are broadcast all year round. There are ghost houses, villas and so on. This time, with the advice of all the water friends, he decided to sneak into the purple. Maple Leaf's company checked.

On this day, he just started broadcasting, and immediately millions of people poured into the live broadcast room.

People want to know if this is true or not!

As he came to the door of a plant in Purple Maple Leaf, in the live broadcast room, a screen of 666 flashed!

"Don’t worry, everyone, I have heard that the place where they manufacture suspension motorcycles is in this factory. You see, this factory looks nothing from the outside, but it just fits the low-key principle. Otherwise, if it is too high-key By the way, what if foreign guys come to steal our technology? If nothing else, give them a thumbs up first!"

"It's two o'clock in the morning! It seems that their security guard should be drowsy, and it seems that one of them is still lying on the table from the glass. Hahaha, we slipped in when we found a chance..." he smiled. , Point the phone at the security box.

Wait for a while, see all the water friends are urging, hurried him in.

He thought about it, and if he gritted his teeth, he would enter through the factory walls.

But just after he jumped in, a sound of dog barking sounded, and after a while, he cried with a sad face and was caught.

Those were four physically fit men in military uniforms, even with guns in their hands.

What can he do?

Only squat down holding his head, praying for leniency.


In addition to the opinions of various folk explorations and researches, many companies that call into the Purple Maple Leaf are enough to see that this suspension motorcycle has been on fire and has become very red before the sale of the suspension motorcycle.

Let's not talk about the public relations company of Purple Maple, Xia Mo Can Yue received a lot of calls.

There are friends, some are small, there are former business partners...

There is only one purpose for them to call, that is, whether they can buy a single stock, even if it is only one percent!

The group of Xia Mo Can Yue was taken over from his mother, and he has not been in charge for three or four years. But for the suspension of motorcycles, her mother also personally asked about it, and she had to go out again to help Xia Mocanyue to do a good job in this product.

Looking at her mother's excited and happy look, she seems to be several years younger and going to the mall again. Xia Mo Can Yue is very However, she hasn't been happy for long, her father found her , Saying something to talk to her.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Who researched the technology of this suspension motorcycle? The leaders of the organization want to see you, besides you, and your partner."

"Ah? Why do you see me? I'm just a businessman. I do business legally. What's so good about me? I don't have time, dad..."

"What do you refuse, the leaders mainly want to see your partner, immediately, immediately notify him of this matter."

"But what if he doesn't want to go?"

"No, you say that the leader who is often seen on TV wants to see him, and most people can't refuse it! What a great honor!"


Xia Mo Can Yue realized that he was not the protagonist, that he was too confident, and called Li Qing a little embarrassedly.

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