My Super God QQ

Chapter 183: Crazy ideas

This is mainly to change the upgrade method and mode, so it will prompt to complete.

"Is this all right?" Li Qing looked at this and asked excitedly and expectantly.

"Yes Master!"

Li Qing quickly entered the QQ Book City and ran from the first floor to the second floor. However, here, he did not see a staircase leading to the third floor.

"QQ system, what's going on, you tease me to play? Is that right? Is there a staircase here?" Li Qing was so angry.

"Sorry, master, because you have changed the upgrade method now, but you haven't upgraded yet, so it won't appear."

It turns out that we have to upgrade to another level!

Li Qing was very anxious and quickly said: "What are you waiting for, upgrade quickly!"

"Master, this requires a hundred merit points! You have no merit points now, so you cannot upgrade!"

"Ah? I remember I have done good things before, and killed many wicked people, such as small scars on them. Isn't this a merit?" Li Qing puzzled.

"Sorry, the merits of the system are calculated from this time."


Li Qing was helpless and downcast.

He thought that he could immediately learn the cultivation method, become a man, and fly in the blue sky. However, there is no merit upgrade, which is like a beautiful woman, you can not see it as frustrating.

Li Qing originally wanted to upgrade, just to enter the villa again.

Who knows, he can only give up this abnormal situation.

You can't get a level up. If you enter the villa again, the situation will be very dangerous. But, thinking of the younger sister, he feels that he still has to go in again.

At least, he has to look at the younger sister and ask her if she is okay now? Otherwise, he would be uneasy if he just left.

How to get in?

Li Qing pondered.


"Look over there!"

"You go west, you go south... Scattered to find!"

About ten minutes later, someone came out of the villa, they dispersed, and searched everywhere for Li Qing's trail.

It's just that Li Qing has a QQ search function, but how can they let them know that they have survived this crisis in shock and danger.

Time passed quickly, the sun set, and the sky began to dim.

Looking at the sky, it was already 11 or 12 in the evening, and Li Qing was ready to go in again.

Opening the people near QQ, Li Qing carefully prepared.

But at this time, he found that the young lady's position seemed to move a bit, and then came out of the villa.

"Don't they know that they are looking for the younger sister, so they deliberately get her out and arrange traps to catch themselves?" Li Qing doubted.

But doubt is doubt, he still quietly went to the direction of the villa.

Hiding in a tree, he looked at the door.

Sure enough, after a while, the figure of the young lady appeared at the door and looked around.

A festive red lantern was hanging outside Zhuangmen. When she appeared, Li Qing immediately confirmed that she was the younger sister.

She was wearing a light blue denim jacket and tight jeans underneath. Her figure was still so good, but Li Qing looked closely. Under the light, her face was a little pale and a little unenergized.

"Is it A Qing? Did he find it?"

Standing outside Zhuangmen, she looked very anxious and murmured, looking at the left and right, she didn't know where to look for Li Qing.

Just now, she learned from the drug mother-in-law what happened to Li Qing in Zhuangzhong, and also heard the drug mother-in-law describe the appearance of the teenager. Immediately, her heart was agitated, thinking that it was Li Qing who came, and quickly came out to find him.

The mother-in-law was not allowed, because Li Qing almost killed an old man in Zhuangzhong. In the end, it was Murong Fengrou who promised her a condition before she let her out.

This condition is that when she was married, she could not play with her temper, and she must smile.

One can imagine how difficult it is for a bride who does not want to marry! However, Murong Fengrou couldn't take it anymore. After agreeing casually, he hurried out to find Li Qing's trail.

"Hey, look here first!"

After she was hesitant, she decided to look for it first and left in the direction opposite Li Qing.

Li Qing didn't move!

He was still staring at the door of the villa, and after waiting for about half an hour, he saw no one following the younger sister, and hurried to find the younger sister.


Suddenly patted the shoulder from behind, Murong Fengrou was screaming in fright, and immediately, Cherry's mouth was covered.

"Sister, it's me!"

Li Qing hurried to her ear.

In this way, Murong Fengrou relaxed his stiff whole body, grabbed Li Qing's hand, turned his head to look at him.

Looking at Li Qingguang's upper body, there were traces of blood drying down. What she thought, her eyes were red, and tears appeared silently.

This tear, she immediately hugged Li Qing, and then wept aloud.

"Silly brother, why are you here? You don't know. I almost fainted when I heard that it was you..." She couldn't cry, and she didn't speak clearly, but Li Qing, a habitual listener , Still can hear her meaning.

"Oh, sister, you forgot, I said I will come to you, so I came." Li Qing scratched his head and smirked, and Ren Murong Fengrou's tears dripped warmly on his shoulders.

"I thought you couldn't find this place, so I didn't care. Who knows you, you..." Speaking of this, she forcibly held back the tears and said: "You hurried away, here is very dangerous, if they know you are here If this is the case, you will be dead. What will your mother do then?"

"Sister, I know everything about you. You will be forcibly married to a man you don’t know. Come with me! Don’t stay in this ruthless family, they treat you as a thing, as a cargo. Or... anyway, you leave me, let me protect you and feed you in the future." Li Qing said angrily.

No one in the world is so cruel as to marry her daughter to someone she doesn't know. Now it is not ancient, but also pays attention to the fate of parents, matchmaker's words, for a woman, this is simply the greatest sorrow in life.

"You don't understand~" Murong Fengrou shook his head quietly.

"Why don't I understand? Now, I am no longer the child who would only hide behind you, I am an adult! Follow me!" Li Qing really couldn't imagine Murong Fengrou marrying someone, sadly It seems that, as long as I think about it, I feel like a knife, and I can't breathe.

"No, I can't go!"

"Are you really going to put happiness on someone you have never met? Go!" Li Qing pulled.

She tried hard to resist, and to the end, she seemed unable to resist Li Qing's strength and bit on Li Qing's arm in a hurry.

Li Qing took a breath in pain.

Seeing this, her tears could not stop flowing down again: "A Qing, I'm sorry, I can't go, I really can't go..."

"Then you have a reason!" Li Qing roared angrily.

Murong Fengrou just shook his head, and the tears were raining, and he seemed sad to be speechless.

This turned Li Qing around, but was helpless.

For a long time, she seemed to be crying, so she walked to Li Qing’s body and looked at Li Qing’s face carefully. It seemed that she would always remember him at a glance and said, “A Qing, go quickly, go far. It’s far, you know? Don’t come to find your sister. The fate of her sister is doomed to avoid this disaster. After you go back, you must be filial piety to your mother and find someone who loves you... Girl, live well. , Okay?"

"You don't say it, I won't go! Hum, I just rushed in again and was killed!" Li Qing gambled.

Li Qing said this deliberately, just to be angry with Murong Fengrou.

Sure enough, Murong Fengrou's pretty face was white when he heard this, and nervously grabbed Li Qingdao: "Really, you can't go in anymore, you can only die if you go in. There are a total of eight congenital strongmen in our family , The weakest are those who have been born for two or three years..." Speaking of which, she remembered: "Oh, when did you become so powerful?"

In her impression, Li Qing is a bit powerful, but it can't be so terrible!

It seems like a year ago ~ ~ he is still an ordinary student!

It's really incredible.

"Hey, Sister, you don't know much more! As long as you give me another period of time, soon, then, I will make you even more surprised!" Li Qing is a teenager, after all, in front of Murong Fengrou Show off.

"No, all I know are the eight congenital powerhouses, and I don’t know, how many ancestors of the clan have used to suppress the enemy. Not only that, there are also twenty officials in the Murong family. There are two official officials in Fengjiang. Originally, the original purpose of the family was to restore the country. The help behind the man."

"Restore the country? What a big wolf ambition! Now that Huaxia is so good, they actually think of this!" Li Qing heard this, his eyes widened, and there was an uproar in his heart, unbelievable.


This seems to be a thing often heard in ancient wild history! Unexpectedly, in front of him, he would also encounter such an ambitious force!

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