My Super God QQ

Chapter 200: Murong's revenge, the beginning

Xiaofei is a little boss leader under Zhang Sangou's hands.

Recently, he has been very moisturizing, and besides looking at the scene every day, mixing some wine, it should not be too happy.

Today, he was sitting outside, basking in the sun, squinting at the road, holding the wine bit by bit, and enjoying the leisure.


Suddenly, the sound of emergency braking pierced from the ear.

His laziness was suddenly dissipated, and he turned to look at the place where the voice came.

Those are eight police riot vehicles and two vans.

"Is it a note?"

He didn't understand what these notes were for, but he quickly got up and prepared to go up and see.

The doors of the anti-riot car were brushed open, and several men in SWAT uniforms rushed down, holding a variety of firearms in their hands, and aggressively arched the entire bar door and encircled it.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Xiao Fei frowned, seeing this splayed atmosphere, feeling a little restless.

But as soon as he approached, a special policeman took up the gun in his hand, and the buttocks came down and knocked on Xiaofei's neck and shoulders.


He screamed with pain, he couldn't help but knelt down because of the huge pain, and then, his arm seemed to be lifted, and he was restrained like a head.

ten minutes later……

The people in the bar, including Zhang Sangou, were all taken out with guns.

Zhang Sangou shouted, looking at the headed police officer with a stunned face, shouting: "Wang team, what are you doing? The night before, we were still drinking and chatting, you, what do you mean!"

A headed, pot-bellied police officer glanced at Zhang Sangou and sneered, "Sorry, that's just socializing and drinking. You're not my friend, so I'm sorry... Who made you offend someone who shouldn't offend? "


Zhang Sangou's entire body was punctured with hair, and an angry questioning sound was emitted from the bottom of the throat.

"Anyway, it's you who can't afford to offend, come and go all in!"

Immediately, Zhang Sangou was really thrown into the car like a dog, plus a whole lot of his men were thrown into it. Eight police cars and two vans were crowded with people and left here.

After half an hour...

Xiaofei endured the pain and was taken into a police station.

When he came here, he found that there were already many people he knew well, which filled the whole police station.

"A Tong, how are you here too?"

This is someone from Zhang Sangou's other place, and he belongs to Zhang Sangou's men.

"I don't know! As soon as these people enter the court, we will all be escorted away. They have guns, and we dare not resist it~" A Tong said with a sad face.

"Be honest, don't whisper!"

A policeman just happened to pass by, whispering when they heard what they said.

Looking at the baton in his hand, the two had to shut up quickly, the hero did not eat the loss in front of him.

"Brother, you must inform the boss quickly!"

Zhang Sangou also stood here, surrounded by a few people in the center, and one of the people beside him whispered.

"Yes, I have asked a female colleague to call, I believe he will know soon! Especially, these people including their heads, I have been filial, and they also agreed to cover me, why all at once Changed! What's the matter, who is going to rectify us? Is it that Huot's gang has made a comeback again?"

"Brother, you guessed it is very likely. There are still people behind the Huote gang. I heard that it is the dog cub on the side of the Taiwan bend. The grass is gone, but how do they know more powerful people!"

"Brother, what are we going to do?" Some people were full of panic.

"Wait for the change! I believe Li Shao can teach us to go out, and we must believe him!" Zhang Sangouqiang calmed himself and said what he thought of. He said this and really calmed down.

Because Li Shao's energy is beyond his imagination, and countless miracles have appeared in him.

Think about how mysterious and miraculous things have evolved from an ordinary student to the present level. Other people can't do it, but Li Shao did it. This is enough to make people blindly trust him, he can do it!

"Yes, the boss can!" Hearing Zhang Sangou's words, a young man's eyes widened: "Did you forget? Last time, our boss Li Shao, he drove a warrior over!"


Suddenly, all people thought about everything, and their courage was full. They were no longer as panic as Fang Cai, but calmed down.

After calming down, they found that it seemed nothing at the police station, so a smile gradually appeared on all faces.

They are not afraid because they have a very powerful boss!

This is enough!


When Li Qing received the call and learned that his place had been taken away, it was just after lunch.

Originally drinking tea, when Jie Jie's two younger brothers wanted to break the casserole and ask Li Qing to teach the secret of cultivation, suddenly, a phone call, Li Qing's face suddenly changed.

It became extremely gloomy, and there were occasional flashes of fire in his eyes.

"What's the matter, brother? Xiaoguoguo, have you finished? Have finished, let Brother Kendo take you, and Atan to play~" Jie Yu said loudly.

In this way, Li Qing was afraid of scaring Xiao Guoguo, and smiled again, letting them play.

After watching Xiaoguo jump up and down to play with them, Li Qing's complexion was angry again.

"What's the matter, my brother?"

"My scene was all taken, it was a sliver."

"Ah? What's the matter? Wouldn't it be the Huotang? Do you want your sister to handle it?"

"No, sister, I'll deal with it now. You are here. I'm afraid it's really the Huotang people. They will find it by any means."

Seeing Jade nodded, Li Qing walked out of the hall and took out his mobile phone to make a phone call. After confirming that his mother in Xiamen was safe and sound, and nothing special happened, she hung up the phone.

In the afternoon, the sun was still shining, but the winter wind blew through, and there was still a bitter chill chilling into the body.

Li Qing's internal strength turned, and all the chills were crushed.

"Is it cold in the sun? No matter who you are, dare to provoke me, everything will be crushed!" He clenched his fists and drove away.

In the car, he started calling.

The first one, he called the captain of the criminal investigation squadron in the bureau, that is, the man who had arrested him in the police station and had violent criminal investigation.

"Hello~ who is it?"

His voice came from the phone, and the buzzing noise seemed to be noisy.

"Did you catch me, the person under Zhang Sangou?"

"you are?"

"Oh, you really are so forgotten by nobles! But surely, do you still remember the deal you made with ghost cards?"

"It's you, Li Qing, what do you want to do!" There was a fierce deep drink in the microphone.

"Yes! If you don't want to send me all this transaction online, you better talk to me!"

There was a silence on the microphone for a while before saying again: "Well, Li Qing, what do you want to do? I will never admit anything about the transaction, but in the scope of my responsibilities, it is not wrong to help you can."

"I want to know, why do you guys take me away this time?"

"I won't be able to help you, and I don't know very well, but I heard the Secretary seems to have vaguely mentioned it. It's an order from the city to fight against pornography. I'm sorry, you seem to have been blacklisted, so , You were the first to be operated on."

"Are you sure it was the mandatory order set out above?"

"It shouldn't be! This time it was awkward. In my experience, it was more like deliberately trying to get you on." He paused and added: "Be careful yourself, I can only help you That’s it, I can’t help you if you want to trouble me.”

When Li Qing heard this, he hung up the phone directly. This kind of person was too lazy to tell him more, as long as he had a handle in his hand, he was not afraid of any moth.

In the second call, Li Qing called Uncle Jin Yangxian, Jin Zhengsheng.

As soon as the phone was connected, Jin Zhengsheng used a very serious and solemn tone, and said to Li Qing: "A Qing, I know your call, but the uncle can't help you. This seems to be the order directly issued above~"


"Okay, uncle, I know!"


After Li Qing made these two calls, he was still not sure who was going to deal with himself.

If before, he really had no choice but to watch Zhang Sangou, they were trapped in the police station, and they might have to be kept in prison for a while. In that case, the scene would all be closed.

But at this time, he invented the suspension technology and still had a way.

That is, Jin Zhengsheng didn't recruit here. He continued to look for superiors, skipping some classes directly, and being the highest.


If he had not invented the suspension technology, he would not have known this person.

Thinking about this, he called directly to "Master Zhu in Kyoto".

This is the phone number that the old man specially left for Li Qing.

After the phone call, the old man didn't know anything about **** and blacklisting, and said that it was a help check, but it took half an hour.

After half an hour...

Li Qing was informed that this was an order issued by the provincial department.

As for this person, it is a large provincial official named "Murong Chu".

Murong Chu?

Li Qing has never heard of this name, or even contacted it, but this surname is very unique and rare. Li Qing still got some information from it all at once.

That's right!

He thought that this time it was Murong's family's effort to come to revenge!

"Sir, can you give me a little effort to solve this problem for me?"

"It's not impossible, but, what reward can your kid give me the old man? Ha ha, although I am a little old and shameless, but for national construction and development, I can only do this old face once."

Li Qing suddenly fell into contemplation.

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