My Super God QQ

Chapter 227: Hot press conference

Congratulations to Suifeng Xiaoxi, the girl who became the first host of this book, with her mighty and domineering beauty! This chapter is congratulations to Jiagen chapter, thank you for your support and food! Li Qing is very grateful, thank you, bow! There is one more late!

"Anchor, can you really sing?"

I was Xiao Xiao who was surprised and had a shy expression.

"Forget it! It's just that I haven't sung in a long time, and I don't know what song to sing, or you guys choose one?" Li Qing scratched his head. He really didn't sing this song for a long time, a little strange feeling.

"Okay, then I'll order the song "Just met you"?" I am Xiao Xiao and a shy expression.

This made Li Qingwan smile, thinking that I am Xiao Xiao really like a shy girl.

"Good! In order to thank you for sending me so many gifts, then I will send you a song back, just to meet you!" Li Qing tuned out the qq system and began to sing.

As soon as the sound started, all the barrage in the live room suddenly stopped.

Far away in Hong Kong, in a mid-level villa...

A little girl sitting quietly in front of the computer, looking at the screen with a cheerful and expectant smile on her face, because she seemed to be expecting something, she also held a pair of small hands on her chest.

She looks very quiet and beautiful!

No, it should be the kind of quiet beauty.

The most beautiful is her pair of bright eyes, clear and clear, bright as stars.

Suddenly, a burst of singing came from the computer.

She was stunned there, feeling shocked by the electric shock.

"Listen well~"

She sighed with admiration, and did not know what she thought of. She smiled excitedly, her eyes bent like a crescent moon, as if the spirit was overflowing. With a smile, the noble look naturally revealed, making people have to marvel at the light of her elegant elegance.

"Miss Xiaoxiao, are you going to use snacks?"

Suddenly, the voice of an old man came from outside the door.

"Uncle Liu, no, I have something to do now, wait a moment." She hurriedly shouted at the door, and then continued to look at the computer screen.

While watching, she laughed, it seemed that she was gradually immersed in the singing voice, and it seemed that she had entered into the dream she had made up, and once again showed a cheerful smile.

Not only her, many people watched Li Qing live broadcast in front of the computer. After hearing his singing, all goose bumps stood up.


It was so nice, even, it was sung by Li Qing, and they felt that the song was more beautiful than the original song.

"Oh, gift!"

She remembered something, stretched out the five fingers that were just white as milk, and clicked the mouse.

Li Qing's live room is also constantly jumping out of the "jumping Buddha wall" gift.

She kept on location, as if she didn't need money at all.

And her big gift also jumped out a big announcement in the live broadcast room of the entire platform, attracting many new people to watch.

The number of Li Qing, relying on this big gift, constantly soared upwards, soaring...

fifty thousand!

One hundred thousand!


After a song was sung, there were already nearly 600,000 viewers in Li Qing's live broadcast room.

This is the treatment that only the big anchors have!

Looking at the barrage that scrolled up, and couldn't see the words at all, Li Qing smiled bitterly. At this moment, he really wanted to talk to Brother Alphabet. However, I can meet tomorrow and don't care about this time.

"Thank you Xiaoxiao Xiaomei!"

He stood up, facing the camera of the phone, and compared a gesture of salute.

In Hong Kong, where the joy is far away, the girl giggled.

"He must remember me!"

The girl murmured.

After live broadcasting for more than half an hour, Li Qing and fans also interacted for a long time, and finally, Xia Mo's remnant month was late.

When she first came, she still couldn't recognize Li Qing!

Wait for a closer look, completely stunning.

The word "amazing" is a bit inappropriate to describe a man, but Xia Mo Can Yue feels that only this word may describe the feeling of seeing Li Qing.


He has become more handsome!

If in the past, he was just a younger brother in Xia Mo's heart, then now he has truly become a man, exuding the temptation that makes women uncontrollable and full of masculinity.

"Little brother……"

She cried a little, still afraid that she would admit the wrong person.

Until Li Qing turned her head, she dared to confirm.

"Is this live broadcast?"

Xia Mo Can Yue looked at Li Qing's cell phone and asked in surprise.

Li Qing introduced the Laner anchor to her knowledge. Xia Mo Can Yue looked at it, and there were 600,000 people in his live broadcast room. He was so scared that he opened his mouth and could not close for a long time.

Even if she didn’t watch the live broadcast, she had heard that how difficult it is for the live broadcast to reach this number!

She really couldn't figure out what else her own brother wouldn't know.

"Or, would you like to talk to the friends in my room?" Li Qing suggested, looking at her with some interest.

"Uh, okay!" Xia Mo Can Yue refused, but the light flashed, thinking of tomorrow's things, he readily agreed.

So, she informed the room of the news that she would develop the cloth meeting tomorrow.

"What! It turns out that the suspension motorcycle is a product jointly developed by the anchor and people? That's amazing!"

"Originally, I thought this technology was fake. Nowadays, how can suspension technology appear in this society? It seems that it is all true!"

"When the time comes, I will definitely buy a business!"

"It's so cool! By then, won't our anchor be the advertising spokesperson? If so, the effect will definitely explode!"

"Handsome, smart and capable, woo, anchor, I'm in love with you. If the boyfriend cannot be found because of higher conditions, you will be responsible!"

"Anchor, I love you!"


The barrage of various water friends appeared constantly and sent out frantically.

"Well, let this kid be a contemporary speaker, really good!" Seeing the response was so enthusiastic, Xia Mo Can Yue brightened.

She had long thought of looking for a spokesperson, preferably a man and a woman, and now Li Qing is fully qualified! Not only has he handsomed all male celebrities, but also saved a lot of endorsement fees.

"No, no... I don't want it!" Li Qing didn't have time to tinker with these things, and quickly refused.

However, Xia Mo's Can Yue and the water friends in the live broadcast room are not happy, just asking Li Qing to speak up.

"It's okay to take a few photos, but I don't have time to run around!" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

After another discussion, Xia Mo Can Yue had to agree to let Li Qing take some pictures.


Today, note that many people will be sleepless.

Those who do business are concerned about suspension motorcycles and want to represent this cross-generation product.

Consumers are all looking at the official website, looking forward to the price.

The official website was made by Xia Mo Can Yue. For a time, too many people entered the official website, and the traffic almost squeezed the server. Fortunately, their company temporarily has spares, which is the only way to survive the crisis.

The "levitation motorcycle" has become the most popular search keyword on the Internet.

Xiaohui is one of the otakus who is constantly searching for keywords.

After writing the novel today, he suddenly saw in the group that the Tianfu Motorcycle was about to be released. First, he was shocked. He was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself. The book was not written.

As an online novel writer, his brain is huge, and he loves fantasy. His favorite is the feeling of flying freely in the sky. Finally, this feeling will be found. He secretly vowed to buy one even if he used up all the money in his bank card.

There are not many people like him.

As a result, the qq group of authors he added was hot again, discussing all the topics of suspension motorcycles.

Some people say that as soon as a product is released, it must be bought if it is sold in a pot.

Some people say that they will go to the press conference tomorrow, and they have already "can't remember" to look at the products.

Many more people talked about who invented the technology and admired this person to the sky.

The major online news media are also getting busy today.

Because, this suspension motorcycle is definitely a major event across the times, we must definitely get first-hand news.

They contacted Xia Mo Can Yue's company, but the phone call was busy, and they couldn't get in. Helpless, they can only let the people in the company start planning, how to grab the best position and news in this press conference.


The product launch event selected by Xia Mo Can Yue is at the Bird's Nest Exhibition Hall in Kyoto.

This kind of exhibition qualification is not something anyone can do. It was specially approved by Mr. Zhu before they were allowed to exhibit here.

However, after all, for one reason, it was because of too many foreign media requests that he had to agree.

Because there are too many people who want to attend the press conference!

There are hundreds of foreign media alone, and journalists are sent from almost every country.

No, within two days, even a hotel in Kyoto was almost booked.

You know, this kind of situation is only in the Olympics! Today, the launch of a product is so troublesome, one can imagine how popular this product is.

In a hotel called "8 Days Hotel"...

A blonde girl is complaining to the front desk because of the poor environment and facilities of the

Before switching, the front desk must explain in detail.

But this girl is really too bullying, because the table is not cleaned, and she wants to ask the hotel to refund the room rate. The girl at the front desk immediately became angry and said that if you live, if you let it out, the room fee will be refunded to you.

As a result, the foreign girl was scolded by her fellow superior before she checked out.

It’s easy to say that the foreigner’s superior kept apologizing so that Xuan didn’t get rid of the hotel.

"Jack, I can't stand it. It's too dirty! Are Huaxia's hotels so dirty?"

"Dear Rotti, it’s just gray, and this hotel is not a six-star hotel. You can barely live! You know, many people can’t even live in a hotel now~"

With that said, he opened the window and looked downstairs in the hotel. He saw that he had to ask if the hotel had any vacancies.

"Oh, mygod! Come and see!" he exclaimed.

The foreign girl came over and looked at it, and she couldn't believe it: "How is it possible!"

"Oh, dear Retty, how is it impossible! In addition to interviewing, these people are also talking about cooperation! Now, let alone this hotel, I think some houses are full! You don’t want to I lose my temper again, otherwise, when we get kicked out, we will live on the streets."

At five in the morning...

Outside the Bird's Nest Exhibition Hall, there were ten military vehicles.

With so many foreign friends coming, of course, there must be certain security measures, but no, Grandpa Zhu sent a large number of soldiers to act as security guards.

At six o'clock, someone is already queuing here, waiting to enter...

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