My Super God QQ

Chapter 310: Complete you!

Seeing the confused expression on their faces, they didn't seem to know what was going on.

Only the woman in the secret star palace spoke, and the voice was still so sweet, as if it were like music, listening to people's hearts, very comfortable.

"It is possible to start the Nether Teleport in a certain realm world! Not only our land, but also other places may happen to open the Nether Teleport at the same time and reach this small world!" Secret Star Palace Women's Road.

All of them showed a sudden look.

"It turns out that there are other places in the cultivation realm, and it is possible to open the lower realm transmission?" Duan Yue scratched his head, really embarrassed, I have not heard of this.

"I've seen it in the records, and thought it was false, but I didn't expect it to be true! Then, this time, not only us, but also other foundation-building monks?" Liu Changqing's eyes slowly dignified stand up.

Originally, they thought that this time, they would seize the highest power of the treasure. In that case, they would have a great advantage. However, if someone else comes down into this small world, it is difficult to explain who will die.

"Actually, the realm of comprehension is so vast and immense, and it is not impossible to come down elsewhere. It is still the same sentence, do your best and listen to the fate of the people! In itself, we can be lucky enough to meet its meeting. As long as you are careful, there will be gains." The old man in Beihai shook the green bamboo fishing rod in his hand, with a deep smile.

"Well, it makes sense. With my fist in, I will not be afraid of anyone!"

Duan Yue clenched his fists, full of confidence.

Duan Yue is the kind of reproduction of the protagonist in that kind of cartoon. It will always be so careless, so **** and courageous.


As they talked about these things, a beautiful and **** woman came again outside the village.

Wearing a small silver sequined vest and a pair of hot pants, inside is wearing a set of mesh silk jumpsuits, which is so charming and sexy.

Driving a Wrangler, after stopping the car, the black high-heeled shoes immediately attracted many people's eyes.

Not to mention young people, even those older monks can't control their eyes and sneaked a peek.

"Hi, beauty!"

At the sight of Long Huang, his eyes were straight, with a fanatical light, staring at her desperately, like a wolf staring at a piece of meat.

Not only is he, many people are also a bit salivating, but they are not as bold as he is.

The beauty has a burgundy head, with a natural undulation on her shoulders. Clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin revealing a faint red powder, thin lips as delicate as rose petals.

Beautiful, **** and incredibly hot! She is like a gift that God wants to give to a man. She is so charming and charming.

"Excuse me, is there a bear village?"

She spoke, and her voice was a bit lazy, as if the Persian cat wanted to be embraced in her arms.

Hearing this voice, Long Huang couldn't help feeling dry, and swallowed a slobber.

"Yes, yes, if you are not familiar, let me introduce you~"

With that, he grabbed the beauty's arm.

"No need, giggles, I can see it myself~" The beauty hides lightly, and with a charming look, she seems to be ashamed.

It may also be that this beauty does not repel herself. Long Huang showed a "silver smile" and was more excited. She put a hand on her shoulder and tried to be precise: "Beauty, let me take you, let me follow you You said, there are a lot of bad guys here, I take you with you, absolutely no problem."

"Go away!"

Finally, the beauty was angry, and a large amount of chill was sprayed in her eyes, as if frosting at Long Huang.

Long Huang stunned, then laughed even more. Because he can feel that the beauty of the beauty in front of him is slightly inadequate compared with him, otherwise the eyes alone, if the strength is worse than her, will be directly captured by the shock.

So he continued to catch the beauty.

The beautiful woman's right hand was slashing with lightning, slashing towards Long Huang's arm, and there was a whistling sound faintly. It is conceivable that the strength and the degree were still terrible. However, there was a trace of disdain in Long Yao's eyes, his big hand was slightly shaking, and he grabbed the beauty easily with a catch.


The beauties struggled hard, both feet, the ground was split. But no matter how she struggled, she couldn't get rid of Long Huang's hand. His hand was like a pair of pliers, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"Beauty, just follow me, ha ha ha..."

She laughed and smiled proudly at the onlookers.

Some of the monks showed a look of indignation, dared not to speak, some envied, but no one dared to export to help the beauty.

"Brother, don't overdo it!"

Long Guo stood up, worried about the authenticity, but he knew that some monks had just come down from the lower realm.

"It's okay, her strength is not as good as mine, ha ha ha... if she were a nether monk, I would have been lying on the ground!" Long Huang laughed wildly.

"Let go, otherwise, you will regret it later!"

The beauty became angry and angry, but the more angry she was, she seemed more attractive in the eyes of everyone, making people want to conquer her completely from above.

"Haha, I won't let go, Ye Di!"


The beauty cried and screamed hard.

There was discomfort and humiliation in her eyes, and she didn't seem to want to do that, but she couldn't help it. She felt that she was careless and met a monk stronger than herself at once.

"You shout, shouting your throat will not come to save you!"

"You will regret it!" The beauty stared at her, her eyes full of anger.

"I will regret it if I don't touch you! It's a crime if you don't touch a beautiful woman! Hahaha, what did that say? Peony flowers are dead, and ghosts are also beautiful!" Long Huang looked at everyone, simply No one dared to come out as a bird, more proud, not worried at all, let her call for help.

"Really!" Suddenly, a cold but full of anger came from a distance: "Then I will complete you, go ghost!"

"Who!" He was about to move his eyes away from the woman's beautiful part, and he heard his brother yelling in horror: "Brother!"

The next second, he turned his eyes in front of him, and then saw his body...


He is dead!

His mind fell into incomparable fear and darkness ~ ~ gradually lost consciousness.

"Little brother……"

Longguo shouted sadly.

Just now, he saw the appearance of Flying Swordsman. As soon as he appeared, Flying Sword had turned into a silver light and cut towards his brother.

He didn't have time to respond at all. Feijian had cut off his brother's head and cut him to the top of the head before landing on the ground.

"Dare to bully my sister, to death!"

Li Qing quickly came to the beautiful woman's side.

He should be alert to Dragon Fruit's counterattack.

"You actually killed my brother?" Long Guo still looked at Li Qing in disbelief.

"Oh, doesn't he want to be a romantic ghost? I'll complete him!" Li Qing sneered, staring at him with vigilance.

"But, is that necessary? Even if she is your sister, she hasn't treated her yet!"

"Huh, as long as he reveals what he dare to think of my sister, even if he moves a bit!"

This overbearing heard Jie Yu's heart shivering, and he couldn't help leaning on his side.

It was at this moment that she felt that this place was so terrible. How powerful and steady Li Qing is around him.

"You are too domineering!"

Longguo shouted frantically, seeming a little crazy!

"How about, you are allowed to bully people, and you are not allowed to kill me? Ridiculous!" Li Qing laughed.

"you you you!"

He was angry with his eyes, but he didn't dare to do it.

But in the next second, he heard a cry of horror around him again.

An extremely terrifying pressure and shadow fell from the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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